
时间:2024-03-18 05:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#日记# 导语】寒假是指冬季1-2月期间的假期。在中国,学校通常将每个学年分为上、下两个学期。上学期从秋季九月份开始,到次年农历腊月初十左右,各学校开始放假,至元宵节后寒假结束。©文档大全网准备了《初中生寒假英语日记三篇》,供大家参考!

初一寒假 Saturday
  This week I mostly stayed at home and did some homework.

  Last Saturday HP6 had just come out. And many Harry Potter fans went to buy it. I did’t buy it because it was too expensive, but I downloaded it on the Internet. It was in English. Many people went on translating as soon as the book came out. I also took part in it and became a part of the translating group. From this group, I first realized that my English was so poor. I needed to look up in the dictionary all the time. It was really troublesome. But I withheld and withheld. I had translated many paragraphs. I was the youngest among the translators, but I didn’t feel there was much pressure. This work was hard but I really felt happy. We had already finished nearly 20 chapters.

  Mostly, I went to school to have lessons this week. It was hard but we must experience, wasn’t it?

  But on Saturday I finished my first learning. And the second learning will begin on Aug 1st. I can have a break and do what I want to do.

  On Saturday I went shopping. Indeed I didn’t buy many things. I just wanted to relax.

  And then I played on the computer, sang , watched TV, etc. I just wanted to amuse myself.

  I went to swim on Sunday, although I didn’t swim very well. I felt cool during this hot time. I also played with my mother. She couldn’t swim so I taught her. I sometimes played a trick on her. I had a good time there.
  I went to the Forest Park with my old friend this Thursday. Although it was hot, we had a wonderful time there. We played a lot, such as corsair, bumper cars, Arabian Flying Blanket and so on. We felt excited indeed. That day was also my friend’s birthday. I bought a comic strip for her because she likes cartoon very much. She also invited me to her new flat to play. At last she gave me a heart made of crystal. She really moved me.

  On Sunday afternoon our translating group had finally finished all chapters! I was really excited. Although our translation was not very fluent and nice, even a little abrupt, it was our outcome. It was our effort. When I saw my name on the heroic translator list, I was really proud of myself.

