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【#四年级# 导语】成绩要从点滴做起,写好每一个字,算好每一道题,只要认真仔细,多动脑筋,就一定会考出好成绩,加油啊!©文档大全网小编整理了四年级上册英语中考试试卷【三篇】,希望对你有帮助!

(  ) 1.  A. light     B. blue     C. fan 
(  ) 2.A. ruler        B. pencil         C. shoes 
(  ) 3.A. floor        B. clean          C. help 
(  ) 4.A. cute         B. duck         C. strong
(  ) 5. A. notebook    B. storybook     C. schoolbag
A.nose   B. English book   C. picture     D. glasses   E.computer
1.   2.   3.     4.      5.  
(      )       (     )        (     )     (     )        (     )
(   )1. cake   bag     (  )2. fan   hat    (   )3. big   kite   
(   )4. pink  fish      (   )5. dog  from  (   )6. nose  note
( )1. We have six new________.    A.desk   B.desks   
( )2. Let       clean the window .        A. I     B. me 
( )3. Let's go ________ see .      A.and     B. to  
( )4.  Look ! I have six              .
A. maths book     B. maths books   
( )5. What’s       the classroom?   A. on       B. in      
( )6.  We ________  a new classroom.    A.have    B.has 
( )7. Mike       short hair .    A.have     B.has   
( )8.  My friend _______ strong.    A. is        B. are           
( )9. My classroom is so________!  A.tall    B.big 
( )10 . It’s          English book.     A.  a             B. an 
1. Put your pencil box on the English book .
2. Let me clean the window.
3. She’s my teacher ,she is friendly .
4. We have a big classroom .
1. John is strong. (   )           A. quiet     B. thin 
2. My sister is very short . (   )    A. tall    B. cute 
3. My mother has long hair .  (   )   A. black   B. short 
4. My schoolbag is big . (   )           A. tall   B. small
5. Put your English book under the desk . (   ) A. on   B. near
1. strong , tall , and  , John , is , ( . )                        
2. have , a , notebook , I , ( . )                               
3. Let’s , desks , the , clean , ( . )                            
4. a , classroom , This , is , big , ( . )                           
5. her , What’s , name ,  ( ? )                                
1.(   )我有一个新朋友。       A. My father is tall and strong .
2.(   )他是谁?               B.I have a new friend.
3.(   )我的父亲又高又壮。      C. Who is he ?  
4.(   )她有长头发和一副眼镜 。  D. Let’s clean the classroom .
5.(   )让我们打扫一下教室吧。  E. She has long hair and glasses .
(  )1. 当有人问你“她叫什么名字?”,你回答:________
A.My name is Amy.   B.  Her name is Amy.  
(  )2. 你想询问教室里有什么,你应说:________  
A.What's in the classroom?   B.Where's the classroom?
(  )3.你想询问自己的书包在哪里,你应说:________
A.Where's my schoolbag?  B.What color is my schoolbag?
(  )4. 你想告诉妈妈你的书包太重了,你应说:________
 A. Mum,my schoolbag is small .   B. Mum, my schoolbag is heavy .
(  )5. 你想询问朋友的书包是什么颜色,你应说:________
A.What color is your schoolbag?  B.Where's your schoolbag?
十、阅读理解, 判断下列说法是(T),否(F)正确。(10分)
 I have two good friends .The boy is Bob . The girl is Ann . 
Bob has short black hair and brown glasses. He is tall and strong. 
He has ten story books. Ann is from Canada . She is short and thin .
She’s very friendly . She has long yellow hair and big blue eyes . 
She has  twelve story books .We like reading(读) books very much .
   (   )1. I have three good friends .
(   )2.Bob is from Canada .
(   )3.Bob is tall and strong .
(   )4.Ann is a girl .  
(   )5. Ann has long brown hair and big eyes . 



一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。
(   )1. A. classroom  B. strong     C. schoolbag
(    )2. A. door        B. floor      C. wall
(    )3. A. cat         B. hat        C. cap
(   ) 4. A. big         B. pig        C. bag
(   )5. A. Coke        B. nose       C. Note 
二、 听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符合,相符合的在括号里画“T”,不符合的画“F”。

三、 听录音,选择相应的答语。
(   )1. A. It’s blue.    B. It’s my schoolbag.  C. It’s in the desk.
(   )2. A. It’s new.    B. Many desks and chairs.  C. It’s so big.
(   )3.A. My name’s Lucy. B. His name’s Ben.   C. Her name’s Amy.
(   )4.A. Mr Jones.     B. My friend is Lily.  C. I like maths.  
(   )5. A. It’s in my bag.   B. It’s black.      C. It’s big.
四、 听录音,选择单词补全短文。
A.key     B. schoolbag    C. candies   D. Chinese   E. blue
This is my new ________. It  is big and it is ______. I have an English book and a _______book in my schoolbag. And I have some ______ and a _______in it.
(    ) 1.  A. cake   B. name      
(    ) 2.  A. like    B .kite
(    ) 3.  A. nose   B. not        
(    ) 4.  A. big    B. five
(    ) 5.  A. cat    B. bag
(    )1.A.math book       B Chinese book      C. teacher’s desk
(    )2.A. red            B. yellow           C. door 
(    )3.A.storybook       B. desk            C. math book
(    )4.A.tall            B. short            C. computer
(    )5.A.fan            B. pencil           C. pen  
______        ______         ______        ______     ______
(   )1. We ____ a new classroom.  A. have      B. are    C. has
(   )2. Look, he is tall ____ strong.   A. to      B. and     C. or
(   )3. A boy____a boy? – A boy.   A. or       B. in      C. and
(   )4. Let____ help you.        A. go      B. me         C. I
(   )5.What’s his name?.  -_____name is Zhang Peng.  A. me  B. His  C. her
(    )6. I  have  __English  book.       A . a     B . an    C . two 
(    )7.How  many __do you have?       A.  pencils  B . pencil  C . pen 
(    )8. I  have a sister. __name is  Chenjie .      A . His  B.  She     C.  Her
(    )9. __is she?She is Amy.       A. What    B .Where   C. Who 
(    )10.__colour is it? A. What    B. Where   C. Who 
(   )1.Close the window.
(   )2.Clean the blackboard.
(   )3.Open the door.
(   )4.Turn on the light.
(   )5.Clean the windows.
(   )1.an English book   A. 一本英语书          B. 一本漫画书      
(   )2. A boy or a girl. 男孩还是女孩        B. 又高又壮      
(   )3. some toys     A. 一些糖果             B. 一些玩具     
(   )4.Let me clean the windows.  A. 让我们来擦窗户。B. 让我来擦窗户。
(   )5.Who is he?    A. 他是谁?     B. 你是谁? 


(    )1.He is my friend. He is.__________.

(    )2.We have a new________. It’s very big.

(    )3.This is my grandfather. He has______.

(    )4.I have a______          in my schoolbag.
(    )5.Hui Tailang is not_______.

(    )1.班里新来了以个男生,你想知道他叫什么名,应该问
A. What’s his name?              B. What is he?
(    )2. 你找不到自己的书包了,你应怎样询问别人:
A. We have a new classroom . B. Where is my schoolbag?.
(    )3. 你想告诉妈妈“我有一个好朋友。”你应该说
A. Mum . I have a good friend .     B. A Chinese boy?.
(    )4. 打扫卫生时,你看到同学提不动水桶,你想说
A. Really?  Let’s go and see.       B. Let me help you.
(    )5. 你们有了新教室,你想跟同学一起去看看,你应该说
A. Let’s go and see.              B. Open the door.
(   ) Excuse me.  
(   )I lost my schoolbag.
(   )Here it is.
(   ) OK.
(   )What colour is it?
(   ) What’s in it?
(   )It’s blue and white.
(   )Thank you so much.
(   )An English book, two toys and a notebook.
十、阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T 错的写F 。(10分)
My friend is a boy,  He is fourteen.  He is a Chinese boy.  He has short hair . He is tall and thin. He has big eyes . He is very friendly. His name is Zhang Peng. 
(    )1.My friend is a girl .
(    )2.He is fourteen .
(    )3.He is a Chinese boy
(    )4.He is tall and strong. 
(    )5.His name is John.
十一、作文。(用英语介绍你身边的人,至少五句话,你可能用到的词汇有:I, he,  she, his, her, my, friend, name, is , am, are, tall, short, thin, strong, friendly, has, glasses, shoes, eyes, ears, blue, black, pink, yellow, beautiful, handsome, clever,good…)




  1.We have a new classroom.

  2.It’s a fat panda.


  1. Let me____ the blackboard.

  A.open B.close C.clean

  2.The door is yellow. The ____are blue.

  A. window B. a window C. windows

  3. I have a friend. She is a ____.

  A. boy B. girls C. girl

  4.His father has____ English car.

  A. an B. a C. the

  5.We have a new classroom. Let’s ____and see.

  A .going B. go C. goes


  1.it where is ( ? )

  2.near door it’s the ( . ) .

  3.it colour what is ( ? )

  4.schoolbag in what’s your ( ? )

  5. his is what name ( ? )


  I am Mike. I have a new friend. He is a Chinese boy. His name is Zhang Peng. He has black eyes and short hair. He is tall and strong. He likes painting. He paints well. He is my best friend.

  1.Mike´s best friend is an English boy.

  2.Zhang Peng is tall and strong.

  3.Zhang Peng paints well.

  4.Zhang Peng has black eyes and long hair.

  5.Zhang Peng is a Chinese boy.


