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makes of Butifix furniture and especially of armchairs and tables, were at Number7, in a street of old fashioned houses standing behind ornamental railings. Butifix家具制造商贝尔顿父子工厂坐落在装饰围栏后面的满是老式房子的街区里,工厂以生产手扶椅和桌子出名,它在这条街的牌号是七。 The street was full of traffic, and dust flew into one's eyes from the road. The doorstep of Number7 was the only clean white one on the xiaogushi8.com street. I had imagined I was going to work in a large factory, where hundreds of workers were labouring under a big glass roof, but Belton and Son used only the ground floor of this old house. A number of small businesses-a tailor or two, a lamp manufacturer, and agents for leather goods and shop-fittings worked in single rooms above. There were packing cases stored in the hall. 这条街车辆很多,尘土飞扬迷人眼。 但七号房子的台阶却始终一尘不染。 我本来想象着去一家大工厂去上班,在那里数百名工人在大大的玻璃棚下工作着 。 但贝尔顿父子工厂只使用了这座旧房子的底层。这座房子里还有很多小单位: 一两家裁缝店, 一家电灯生产商,几家皮具经销商,楼上还有几家规模只有一间房子大的装潢店。 大厅里, 还有几个箱子横摆着 。 0n the ground floor, there was a small room, made by glass dividing-walls, where a typist sat. She was a large-boned, round-shouldered girl of seventeen, with fine yellow hair, who worked in a green woolen coat. This office smelled of gas, paint and tea. Next door was the room used by Mr. Thomas Belton and Mr. John Belton, and beyond was the large workroom, from which one could hear the noise of hammering and xiaogushi8.com machinery. Patterns of c1oth and samples of plastic coverings were on a large desk where the two managers sat in their office. And there I waited a1one, listening to the typewriter. It was an old-fashioned one, and it crashed up and down as the typist worked. 底层的一间用玻璃围成的小房子里坐着一个打字员,她年仅 17 岁,长得很高大,肩膀圆润,披着一头金黄的长发,身上穿一件绿色的羊毛外套 。 这间小房子弥漫着汽油、油画和茶叶的味道 。 打字员隔壁是托马斯•贝尔顿先生和约翰•贝尔顿先生的办公室,办公室在一间大车间底下,车间里经常传出捶打和机械的口曹杂声 。西位经理大办公桌上放满了一些碎布和塑料布样品 。 我在房子附近静静地等着,听着打字的声音。 听得出,那是一台老式打字机,打字键随着打字员的手上下跳动着 。

