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【#四六级考试# 导语】准备2020年考试需要一点一滴的积累。坚持刷题,坚持备考!加油!以下为“2020年6月英语四级词汇解析盘点”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  There is every reason to believe the trend will continue through the next fewdecades.


  there is every reason to do sth.意为“有充分的理由做某事”,与have every reason for/to do sth.相近。如:I have every reason to stay in my own house.我有充分的理由待在我自己的房子里。decade意为“十年,十年间”,而表示“数十年”可用其复数形式decades。


  听力考试中类似decade的数词还有:dozen(一打,12个),score ( 20 ) ,这两个词在用法上有相似性。

  ※ dozen和score的前面有数词修饰时,一般不用复数。如:

  1) three dozen eggs三打鸡蛋

  2) They bought two score bottles of the beer.他们买了40瓶啤酒。

  ※ 当dozen和score表示“许多,大量”等数量上的泛指时,要用复数形式,即dozens/scores of。如:

  dozens of times几十次 scores of years ago许多年前

  ※ 与a few, some, several, many等表示不确定数量的词连用时,dozen和scare常用复数形式,且后面要加of。如:

  some dozens of people几十个人 many scores of cattle许多家畜

  ※ 若修饰代词或有the , these , those等限定词时,dozen和Scare之后要加介词of。如:

  a dozen of these oranges一打橙子 four score of them他们中的80个


  Can you give me a hand,Mike? Could you give me a ride?


  can you和could you都是表示请求的句型,意为“你能……吗?”

  ※ give me a hand意为“帮我一个忙”,give me a ride意为“载我一程”。与此类似的说法还有:give me areason“给我一个理由”,give me a chance“给我一次机会”,give me a hug“给我一个拥抱”。

  ※ 此外,还有一个非常口语化的说法give me a break,它的意思更微妙。如:

  1)You really think Jennifer is the prettiest girl in our class?Give me a break!

  There're several girls in our class who are better-looking than she is.(在这句话里,give me abreak是表示不同意对方的意见。)

  2)Look, kid,I'm working on a term paper that's due tomorrow.I promise to play the videogame with you after dinner, OK? Come on,give me a break so I can finish this!(在这句话里,giveme a break表示“你别烦我啦”。)


  If only we'd gone to the school dining hall.


  if only表示假设,意为“要是……就好了”,引导的句子应使用虚拟语气,言外之意就是说现在或者当初并没有那么做。所以考生在听到if only时就要注意,后面所说的情况与实际情况相反。如:

  ※ If only she could have lived a little longer.要是她能活得再长一些,那该多好啊!(事实上她没活那么长)

  ※ if only有时也可以拆开为if…only使用。

  如:If she would only come!但愿她能来!


  与if only形似的表达only if表示“只有……(才);的条件是”,此短语可以拆开使用。

  如:I will only come home if you come with me.(=I will come home only if you come with me.)只有你跟我一起走,我才回家。

