
时间:2021-08-07 03:48:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】时间走的很快,军训即将结束,但是那段悄然远去的时光是多么的令人怀念,尽管过程中有苦有累,但最终收获的喜悦 冲淡了身体上的疲惫,只剩下浓浓的不舍之情。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  After seven days of hard training, we completed our military training task under the supervision of school leaders and teachers. The headmaster and teachers also personally reviewed our team in senior one. We walked in the playground with neat steps, shouting loud slogans, facing the bright sunshine and full of joy of victory. At the moment, how excited and excited each of us is.

  I remember the first day of military training, the students were very lazy and had no intention of military training. Even bored. In military training, they always look left and right, or talk to each other, and they are always absent-minded. Maybe it's not suitable. Gradually, the spirit of the students is concentrated. And he was serious. The instructor taught patiently and the students learned patiently. After each period of learning, the instructor always let them have a rest. But also from time to time to tell a joke or something, the atmosphere is not lively. What impressed me most was that time I learned to sing military songs. Our two company's classmates sat around in a square shape, and the instructor taught us to sing in the middle. The atmosphere was quite warm. Some students even compared the scene to a table of mahjong. And our singing is just like mahjong, one after another, endless, let people have endless aftertaste.

  Seven days passed in such a hurry. It's really time to part. We have had a deep friendship with the instructor. These days we train together and laugh together. Now I'm leaving soon. I really don't feel good.

  Seven days, although it was hard, but now I think back, I feel very happy. At least this is a rare life experience, and it also let me really understand the profound meaning of the sentence "heaven will lower the great responsibility, so people must first work hard and work their muscles and bones".

  We are the rising sun, the hope and future of our motherland, so we must strive for it.


  Listening to the heavy suitcase sliding over the cement floor, a sound of "grunt" came out, and the time seemed to return to the first day of coming here.

  From that day on, we have been tested every day in the sun. I am very pleased to see a group of unfamiliar groups of us unite a little because of this common slogan, common team, common orders and our firm goal. We have never had the idea of time to know how to compete for minutes and seconds, from embracing watermelon and air conditioning to fighting the sun for a long time, from laziness to breathlessness. Every time we improve, we gradually understand the meaning of unity. The strength of a person is always small. No matter how hard we try, we can not withstand a heart tightly tied together.

  In just four days, we learned a lot from military training. The lecture of teacher Yang Qingsong made us cry. We reconsidered the kindness of parents and the love of teachers we had neglected in the music and the hot blood lecture of teacher Yang. In the past 16 years, we have learned from the ignorant and immature children to the independent and mature teenagers. How many people have inspired and cared for our ignorance. Those who we don't know give us help, we always give them gratitude, but why is it that the most intimate people around us care for us are often forgotten? The training of our best efforts by Professor Chen makes us a little better. Although he seldom praises us, we know his confidence and hope for us. He points out our shortcomings over and over again to make us have the goal of correction. Although we always train in the big sun, our instructors are always with us to sweat! The warm dormitory is our small world of knowing each other. We will work together to organize the internal affairs and take care of each other. We know each other soon, but we have words that can not be said. Each of us has a friendly nickname. Thank you for meeting such a good person. Although we are not perfect, everyone has their own small shortcomings, but we are the one that will be the most inclusive. Whenever we come together, it is full of food fragrance, topic joy, warm love and tolerance.

  "Sun is shining, casting King Kong, chopping waves, nine classes!" Although we have not become King Kong, we all have a heart of King Kong. The instructor said that suffering can not be eaten for nothing, sweat cannot flow in vain. We should draw a complete end to our efforts. In the final meeting, we did not let the instructor and teacher down, the most important thing is not to let themselves down, we have achieved a good result of "excellent class of aerobics".

  We are a great group, and in the name of the hot blood of youth, we will do everything to our goal. I like Lu Fei, the hero in the "king of Thieves", because he has a heart of passion and blood that he always pursues to advance and he is willing to go through fire for his companion. He knows the significance of unity.

  The military training life is over in this way, and we have a lot of harvest. In the future of learning - life, also must be full of vitality, a solid life every day, can toward their own goals further!


  Military training is a terrible term in my heart. In my opinion, military training may be full of admonition from instructors, demonic training, and bitter tears... Military training is frightening to me, but after the fierce days, I found that military training taught me to persist. In fact, persistence is also a kind of happiness.

  In August, even the air is filled with a hot breath. In the scorching sun, we stood tall and straight, allowing sweat to slide across our cheeks and our skin to be tanned... We had complaints, helplessness, hesitation, and even wanted to give up, but we all insisted. After this kind of training, wouldn't it be a pleasure to insist?

  The students walked in a neat and uniform pace and straightened their bodies. The loud and majestic slogans echoed over the open training ground for a long time, which all showed our training results. The vigor, vigor and enthusiasm of our youth are fully displayed on the training ground. Military training teaches us not only the military training of standing at attention, but also the baptism of will and spirit!

  The hot weather sometimes suffocated me. I really wanted to give up. Looking at the smiling faces of my classmates in the sun, I insisted. Military training taught me not only a tall and straight body, but also the spirit of sticking to the end.

  In the hot summer, I paid my sweat, but I reaped a lifetime benefit. As the ancients said: "a hard work, a harvest."

  In military training, I worked hard but I was happy. Although I can't enjoy the cool under the air conditioner, I accepted the first lesson of high school in the hot sun, which is also an important lesson in my life.

  Butterfly gets rebirth because of cocoon breaking, and rebirth because of tempering; Because of my training, I learned to insist, like the sand dripping slowly in the hourglass. Persistence is one of the sand. I believe it will accompany me forever.

  During military training, I learned to insist. In fact, persistence is also a kind of happiness.

