
时间:2023-03-08 21:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】阳光普照大地春,妇女节日又来到。春风吹拂送温暖,百花齐放露笑颜。莺歌燕舞乐不停,欢声笑语说不完。祝福声声快送到,一片真情在心间。祝妇女节快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《三八妇女节礼物英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.三八妇女节礼物英语作文 篇一

  Women's Day is coming. I want to give my mother a gift. What should I send? Yes, I had an idea. Usually, my mother helped me cook breakfast. Today I will cook a bowl of noodles for her!

  I turned on the power switch of the induction cooker, poured water into the pot, and then put noodles into it. After a while, a burning smell came into my nose. I opened the lid of the pot and saw that the noodles were burnt. It turned out that I poured cold water and the noodles stuck to the bottom of the pot.

  The noodles have not been cooked, and Mom's gift has not yet arrived. What should I do? I walked around the house. I didn't have any good ideas. I just wanted to go out and try my luck.

  Just when I walked into the street, I saw two flower sellers. They had all kinds of beautiful flowers, but they were too expensive. Finally, a delicate cactus caught my eye. The flowerpot was shaped like a dog. The dog had a red tongue and many brown spots on his body. On the top of the green fairy column, there are all kinds of colored fairy balls grafted by the gardener, including red, yellow and white ones. There are also colorful pebbles on the soil in the flowerpot, which is very beautiful. I'm determined to pay attention to it. After much bargaining, I finally bought it home with 10 yuan.

  Back home, I gave the cactus to my mother and wished her a happy holiday! I saw my mother laughing happily, and my mother also praised me as a sensible child.

2.三八妇女节礼物英语作文 篇二

  Women's Day is coming. My plan is to give my mother 37 lucky stars. Because my mother is 37 years old this year, in addition to these, I am going to use my pocket money to buy chocolate for my mother.

  On the evening of the day before "March 8", after making 37 lucky stars, I took out 20 yuan from my pocket money and asked my father to accompany me to the grocery store to buy gifts. I took a fancy to three chocolates, so I decided to give my mother one in the morning, one in the middle and one in the evening. As the saying goes, "The good always stays at the end." Besides, the three chocolates I bought vary in price, so I decided to send out the chocolates and 37 lucky stars in the evening. In order not to let my mother know my plan, I also bought 2 bags of instant noodles and 3 pieces of chocolate in the same bag to cover it up. When I got home, I found my mother was still cooking dinner in the kitchen, so I slipped into the bedroom and hid the chocolate, and then walked out of the room to relax.

  On the day of "March 8th", my mother was very happy after receiving two chocolates from me one after another. She had been smiling all day, and even smiled and said "It's nice to have a daughter" in her sleep during her nap! I think: Mom, the best is still to come! In the evening, I let my mother sit on the sofa, gave her the chocolate and 37 lucky stars, and took out the "Mother's Love" I wrote to read to her mother, thank you! I would not have come to this beautiful world without you. When I was a child, I couldn't walk or speak. You took the trouble to teach me to take the first step and learn to say the first sentence. After school, I often made mistakes in my homework. It was you who helped me to correct it patiently... How much effort have you paid for me in the past few years! Your love for me is not enough to repay with the 37 lucky stars and chocolates. I condense your deep love into this little heart. Mom, I wish you a happy holiday!

  Mom was shocked. It seemed that I didn't expect such a move. There are tears in my mother's eyes. I know they are happy tears. My mother hugged me tightly: "Thank you, my baby, my mother feels so happy".

3.三八妇女节礼物英语作文 篇三

  Today is the International "March 8" Women's Day. My father and sister celebrate the "March 8" Women's Day at home. We decorated our home beautifully! When I blew balloons, my father hung them on the top of the wall one by one, and my sister prepared gifts for my mother in the room. The balloons on the top of the wall were like big green watermelons.

  In the evening, after dinner, my sister gave the card she made to her amiable mother. My mother opened the card and read it: I wish my mother good health and a long life! Happy Women's Day! What about me? Take the rose I just bought in the afternoon in my hand and come to my mother and say, "Mom, I wish you good health and a long life! Happy Women's Day!" This bright rose is the money I saved in my savings bank. Mother looked at me and smiled happily!

  Mother put the roses I gave her in a flowerpot, filled them with water and placed them on the refrigerator. I decided to save more and more money in the future, so that when I want to buy things, I don't need to take money from my parents, which is much more convenient! Although the rose I gave to my mother is not an expensive gift, it represents my heart to my mother. This flower is an important thing for our mother and son and cannot be lost.

  My family broke all the balls. I'm so happy! This is the real Women's Day, so we should be happy!

  Today is an unforgettable day for our family!

4.三八妇女节礼物英语作文 篇四

  Today is Women's Day and the happiest day for all women.

  After school at noon, I thought to myself: What should I send to my mother? Make a greeting card, then insert a small rose into it, then write the blessing to your mother in the card, and then draw some patterns to decorate it, it must be perfect! By the way, I can also do some housework for my mother to lighten her burden. My mother must be very happy. Action is better than action. You have to finish everything before your mother comes back, and then put the greeting card under your mother's pillow.

  When I got home, I immediately did what I had thought. I first took out a piece of cardboard, cut it into a love shape, then drew some patterns, and then wrote my blessing to my mother in it. Finally, put the small rose in the small hole, and it is finished. After finishing, I quickly picked up the broom and cleaned it up. Start from the room. It seems not dirty at all on the surface, but when the broom sweeps under the cabinet and the bed, a lot of annoying dust comes out. Sweeping, my back was sore, and I knew my mother was so hard at ordinary times. After sweeping the floor, it's time to mop it. I started dragging from my room with a mop. At first, I felt very relaxed. The floor was very clean. However, as soon as I dragged it to the bottom of the cabinet, the bottom of the bed was dirty again, so I dragged it hard, dragged it again and again, and finally pulled it off.

  After a while, my mother came back and saw such a clean house. My mother smiled and said that I was very capable. When I went to bed at night, my mother saw the greeting card under the pillow. Suddenly, his face smiled like a flower.

5.三八妇女节礼物英语作文 篇五

  Today is the "March 8th" International Working Women's Day. The teacher suggested that we do something for our mother or grandmother, sing a song, make a greeting card or buy a gift with New Year's money. I want to buy a gift for my mother with my New Year's money.

  In the afternoon, I accompanied my mother to the small square downstairs to play for a while. I saw that the golden wintersweet in the small garden had not withered, but the pink peach blossoms were in bud. The spring sun shines warmly on us, and the spring wind blows on my face like a mother's hand caressing my cheek.

  At 3 o'clock, my father came to pick us up to buy gifts for my mother at the mall. The queue of cars outside the parking lot of the mall was like a long and winding line. My father and I managed to squeeze into the mall. Whoa! The shopping mall was crowded and bustling, and we had to work hard to get to the cosmetics counter. Unfortunately, the salesperson aunt said that there was no brand needed by her mother, so my father and I left disappointed. Mother decided to buy it on Taobao when she went home.

  It was getting dark and there were more and more vehicles on the street. My father and I invited my mother to Wanda "Huajinpu" to eat Korean barbecue. As a result, at the gate of "Huajinpu", the people queuing for dinner stood on the inner and outer floors. We have no choice but to eat hot pot. There are also many people in the hot pot shop. My parents ordered a large table of dishes. I ate surprisingly much today, either because I hadn't eaten hot pot for a long time or because I was too tired to go shopping. Our family ate the hot pot happily and went home with a round belly. Mother said, "Today is my happiest day!"
