【#英语口语# 导语】遇到喜欢的人,如何鼓足勇气让对方知道?想要和你看星星看月亮,从诗词歌赋谈到人生哲学(琼瑶体附身~),你给个机会不?给单身们的福利,喜欢TA就从约TA出去开始吧~浪漫口语走起!
1.Are you free/available tonight?
2.If you don't have plans on Friday, would you like to go out to dinner?
3.May I ask you out?
4.Would you go on a date with me?
第二步:约会理由你约别人干神马?吃饭好不?看电影咋样?给一个不忍Say No的理由吧~
1.Would you like to go to a show with me?
2.I'd like to invite you to a show.
3.I heard about this movie, 《_______》. What do you think about it?"
4.I was going to check out this art opening on Saturday night. Do you want to go with me?
小贴士:一定要做好被拒绝的准备喔!即使你才华横溢,风流倜傥,也有可能约不到~但不管怎样,即使被拒(无论是因为神马原因),请一定要保持绅士风度,如果对方婉拒,你只需要有礼貌地回复:"No problem! Maybe another time." 就可以了~
1.Look,I have something (important) to tell you.(或者:I have to tell you something.)
2.I wanna talk to you/I'd like to talk with you.
3.Can we talk?
4.What do you think about/of me?
1.Well, actually I have a crush on you.
2.I think I'm in love with you.
3.I'm crazy about/for you.
4.I like you, a lot.
5.You're the one who stole my heart.
6.When we first met, you captured my heart.