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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假里虽然有许多事都不能实现,不能满足,但暑假是多么的自由自在!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Time flies. In a blink of an eye, my beautiful and happy summer vacation is over. However, what happened in the summer vacation will become the best memory in my childhood footprints.

  There are thousands of things that happened in the summer vacation, and there are countless. But there is one thing I will never forget. I remember that night, I was going to take a walk with my mother. However, when I came downstairs, I saw many children gathered around the door of the drugstore. I walked forward curiously and asked, only to know: as long as I bought the handicrafts here, I can come here every night to smear. I thought it was very interesting, so I asked my mother to buy one for me.

  Mom agreed without thinking about it. I'm very happy. I began to choose. There are many handicrafts here: cartoon characters, small animals, houses... All kinds, dazzling. I was dazzled to see them, and I wanted to keep them all for myself. Finally, I chose a picture frame. I want to make a picture frame by myself and put my photos in it.

  At first, I thought it was very simple, but when I picked up the pen, it was not as simple as I thought. I even regret my choice. At this time, I thought of what my father often said to me, "nothing is difficult in the world, just be afraid of those who have a heart." I began to calm down and paint slowly, from color selection to painting, stroke by stroke, seriously. I painted for three consecutive nights, and finally, my work was finished. It took me a lot of effort. I like it very much.

  This is the most interesting and happiest thing in my summer vacation. Through this thing, I learned: no matter what you do, you should do it with your heart. In the days to come, I will face everything in life with my heart. I believe I will do well.


  Things in the summer vacation are like the sea. There are countless small drops of water, some of which are tiny, and some of which are as big as river water. Today I'll tell you something that I can't forget.

  Today, I'm going to ask my mother how to fry poached eggs. At first, I was clumsy and inflexible, splashing the egg liquid on my apron. Later, I turned the egg too slowly, causing one side of the egg to paste, which was not only unsightly, but also affected the taste. Therefore, I was very unhappy and wanted to give up. My mother said to me, "you can't give up! Persistence is victory. Don't be afraid. Practice makes perfect. No one is born. Those celebrities also work hard behind their backs to succeed." My mother's words made me brave and began to fry poached eggs again. If I fail the first time, I can try again. Maybe I have failed ninety-nine times, and the hundredth time is my brilliant success.

  I carefully smashed the eggs and put them into the oil pot, paying special attention to whether the eggs were pasted. When the egg liquid below solidifies, I turn the egg upside down like my mother. Excellent! The egg has no paste, but it is still white protein and clear yolk. I continued to work hard and observed the eggs. After a while, I finished the poached eggs. I took a bowl from the cupboard, put the crisp eggs out and add a little soy sauce, ah! Looking at it makes people fall three feet. It's urgent. I picked up the spoon and sent it to my mouth. Wow, it's delicious! Let you take the first bite and want to take the second. Swallow it in one gulp and take another spoonful. I won't stop until I finish eating. Now I'm drooling when I think of it.

  I think the poached eggs this time are more delicious and delicious than those made by my mother, which I made through my own efforts. I learned to make poached eggs, and I also learned that I have to work hard and sweat before I can get a good return.


  Holidays add fresh colors to our life. During the summer vacation, many unforgettable things happened, one of which made me feel a little ashamed.

  As soon as I had a holiday, I moved to my cousin's house. One day, there was no one at home. My cousin said, "the adults are not at home. Let's go out and play together?"? "Hearing my cousin say this, I was very happy and said to go. We didn't say where to play, so we went to the library. It was too quiet inside, and there was no one shouting. We hurried out. We thought we'd better go home, and adults will worry about us again.

  On the way home, my cousin bought me lemonade, which was sweet and delicious. Lemonade is very cold, which makes me feel that in this hot summer, it has become winter. Suddenly we saw a doll grabbing machine in front of us, and we were involuntarily attracted. My cousin and I looked at each other and wanted to say that we were going home. Adults would be worried. However, we stayed to play. Seeing that the person in front didn't catch anything, we thought in our hearts, hoping to catch one. Several times in a row, we failed. There is only one coin left. We put our last hope on this coin and moved the button carefully. WOW! We succeeded and finally caught it. Just when we were proud, we remembered a serious thing: we had promised to go home, but now we play here and spend all our money. Thinking of this, we all feel a little guilty. We don't know how to tell adults when we get home.

  Although we were scolded and taught a lesson when we got home, I still felt very ashamed. This matter has been kept in my heart.


  Pomegranate flowers are blooming, summer is coming, and the learning life of grade five is over. I plan my summer vacation with a happy mood.

  A few days before the summer vacation, I did my homework at home. After the summer vacation, I wanted to go to my hometown. Because there were many woods in my hometown, I could see cicadas in the trees at night, and there was a stream not far from my hometown. I remember when I was a child, my cousin and I always went there to catch fish and shrimp. So I said to my mother, "Mom, let's go to grandma's house for a few days." Mother said, "well, go and pack your clothes, and then we'll go to grandma's house."

  When I got to grandma's house, I got off the bus first with my things. Grandma was still so kind. I hugged grandma and asked, "grandma, where is my cousin?" Grandma did not answer, only heard the door ring, cousin came out.

  I happily ran over to my cousin and said, "cousin, let's go to the brook to play." My cousin said, "OK." Because it's very hot today, I want to play water with my cousin.

  When we came to the brook, my cousin said, "let's float." "Good!" I said happily, "I'll come first." With that, I picked up a small stone and threw it into the water. The stone was like a shot put, and suddenly there was no trace in the water. My cousin said, "I'll teach you to find a thin stone, and then lean sideways and throw the stone flat." So I found a very small thin stone and threw it sideways into the water like my cousin. Small stone head jumped around like a frog, jumping four or five times in a row. I was so happy that I stamped my feet. The water splashed on my cousin and me, and we all laughed!

  I'm very happy today!


  Time is like water, life is like song. In the gap, we sent off another tense semester and ushered in another summer vacation.

  "It's a holiday from today." As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the students cheered, "it's a holiday! It's a holiday." What else did the teacher say? No one heard it clearly. Everyone is like a flying bird, free from the shackles of books. He rushed out and ran home.

  Walking out of the classroom, I took a deep breath. I feel like a monochromatic hydrogen balloon. On school days, the teacher held me tight. During the holiday, the teacher relaxed the line in his hand and let me fly to the place of my dream.

  It feels good to have a holiday. I didn't open my sleepy eyes until more than ten o'clock in the morning. Dress slowly and don't worry about the urge of your parents. The cool wind from the air conditioner makes me think of my classmates. They must be at home enjoying the coolness brought by the air conditioner like me at this time.

  It feels good to have a holiday. Holding a spare book, I deliberately walked in front of my parents. Their faces hung with a smile, as if the idle book they had opposed was no longer idle at this time.

  After the summer vacation, I have many new activities to do, such as playing badminton and skateboarding, which I like very much.

  Once I played badminton. That morning, my sister came to our house to play. Her badminton skills are so good that I'm not convinced, so I decided to compete with my sister. So we came downstairs with rackets and badminton.

  The air downstairs is so fresh. I did a chest enlargement exercise to take a deep breath, and I could smell the faint fragrance of flowers floating in the distance. I am extremely excited.

  After my sister and I chose the position to play badminton, we stood face to face at both ends. First, my sister serves. I saw my sister throw the ball gently into the air with her left hand, hold the racket firmly with her right hand, and hit the ball on my side at once. My sister played very high, so I had to raise my racket to catch the ball. With a bang, the badminton quickly flew to my sister's side. The ball I played was a little crooked, which caught my sister by surprise. However, my sister made a "sharp turn", cleverly caught the ball and accurately delivered it to me. Sister, the ball flew too fast. I didn't react and didn't catch it. Alas, I lost this game.

  In the next few rounds, I still lost. From time to time, my sister gave me a "flying dragon transfer" or something, which caught me by surprise. I really convinced my sister.

  My sister's badminton skill really deserves its reputation. Today, I finally saw it. Although I lost this game, I was still very happy because I finally knew my sister's "unique skill" in badminton. This is a secret. My badminton skills have also increased greatly under my sister's "giving secrets". This is really an unforgettable morning.

  It feels good to have a holiday.


  During the summer vacation, my father gave me an order: this summer vacation, I must learn to ride a bike, which has become the top priority of our family.

  My mother bought a brand-new bike. I sat on it for an interview, stood on tiptoe to step on the ground, and tried the test bell. The sound of the bell was very pleasant. Early the next morning, my father pushed my bike and told me to go downstairs to learn. Dad held my handle and seat, and I just stepped on the pedal. I thought happily, "riding a bike is just stepping on circles? Haha, it's too easy!" Seeing that it was very easy for me to ride a bike, my father said, "now I only hold the back seat." I sat on the bike again, and he held the back seat. At this time, the bike was like a naughty Mustang, which always shook its body and wanted me to fall. Fortunately, my father held the back seat of the bike, otherwise I would fall heavily to the ground.

  After a few days, I seem to have made a lot of progress. I'm afraid that my feet can't fall on the ground, so my mother borrowed a smaller bike from my neighbor's brother's house. Sitting on this bike, my feet can fall on the ground, and I don't have to be so afraid. I practice every day, and my father is panting after me. Dad is too tired, so I often call grandpa to practice together. Once at dinner, Grandpa happily announced that he could let go of two meters. Mom and dad didn't believe it and said, "it's two centimeters“

  Then came the worst one. That day, Grandpa held the back seat, and I was riding over a puddle. Grandpa let go. I didn't hear grandpa's voice, and the more I thought about it, the more I was afraid. "Bang" fell down. Fortunately, I didn't fall in the puddle, otherwise my pants would get wet. My knee hurt again. I pulled up my pants and found that my knee had turned purple red. I hurried home and told my mother that my mother was very distressed. In the evening, my mother took some photos for me to remember. After a few weeks, the wound has changed from purple to cyan, and then completely faded from cyan, and the bike has also learned.

  Now, the bike is like a obedient little white dragon, which takes me around. I like cycling very much and go to the open space of the community whenever I have time. I should thank my parents and grandpa, as well as my sweat.


  There are many interesting things in the summer vacation, but the most interesting thing is the water war.

  One night, when I was swimming in the swimming pool in the community, I happened to meet my kindergarten classmate Zhong Yuan. After primary school, we seldom met. I felt particularly cordial when I met him in the swimming pool tonight. Zhong Yuan has participated in professional swimming training and swims well. He taught me and my mother to learn the correct posture of swimming, and also played water wars with me.

  In a water battle, I first slapped the water on him. He waved on the water with his feet. I also played like him and hit his feet. When he chased me, I swam forward with the rope that divided shallow water and deep water. I fled to shallow water, but he still chased me. When he was about to catch up with me, he attacked me hard, and I dived into the water at once, and his water couldn't hit me. But when I poked my head out from under the water, he crossed the rope that crossed the boundary and immediately attacked me. He caught me by surprise and covered his face with water. He continued to hit me with water, beating me to pieces. I was really overwhelmed, so I took the opportunity to escape, climbed out of the swimming pool and came to the side of the pool. Zhong Yuan said, "you can't run ashore in a water war." I said, "war is not averse to fraud.". I ran to other places and hit him with the water gun I brought, so that he could only hide in the water. When I jumped into the swimming pool, he forced me into the corner of the swimming pool. I leaned against the side of the pool and found a chance to kick the water with my feet. He couldn't lift his head until he was beaten, and then he gave up.

  Today, I learned that a water war should be like a real war. We should use various methods and strategies to attack each other in order to defeat each other.


  Summer vacation is coming, and the hot summer is also coming. My father took us to dig sweet potatoes, pick mushrooms and go down the river to play.

  As soon as we came to the mountains and forests, we went to pick mushrooms. Few of them were edible, but we climbed over two mountains regardless of difficulties and dangers. Finally, there were less than five edible mushrooms. We had to give up the plan of picking mushrooms and had to dig sweet potatoes. It happened that now it was the time for sweet potatoes to mature, so we dug them up "recklessly" and put them into our pockets one by one. After half an hour of effort, we harvested dozens of sweet potatoes. After tasting them, they were sour and bitter, and only a few were sweet, but we had no regrets, because we were ready to go "fishing in troubled waters". In the river, let alone fish, there was no shrimp, and after more than 20 minutes of effort, there were only two crabs, as if in vain. After touching the "fish", we went swimming in the river. When swimming, I gave my brother a big water bomb, but my brother acted as if nothing had happened. Instead, he gave me a head-on blow. In the five rounds of fierce battle, I often regained my prestige, but "outnumbered", and my father was there to pass on the method to my brother. Finally, I ended up in failure.

  The first day of summer vacation is a happy day for me.


  Summer vacation is a memory, which comes with the heat and sends a wisp of breeze away. In the summer vacation, many things happened, ups and downs, always unforgettable, let's take a look at the interesting things in this summer vacation!

  During the summer vacation, I'm free. Look at the flowers in the yard. Alas, look at these flowers. They all hang their heads and bend over. They all look so boring. They seem to look at me pathetically and say: the sun is too poisonous. We are so fragile. Now we are thirsty and are dying. Give us some water to refresh us and quench our thirst... Alas, these flowers are really troublesome. But seeing these flowers is both beautiful and lovely. It's really good to use them for beauty and greening. My mother used to water the flowers before. Now it's my turn to show my skill.

  Flowers, look at you so hot, is it urgent to have a rain? Come on, I'll give you a good rain! I took the basin, filled it with water, and began to play the "savior" once. It's raining! WOW! What fun! I saw water splashing all around, and there was water all over the sky, everywhere.

  I kept sprinkling water upward. Under the moisture of the rain, the flowers shook their spirits, opened their smiling faces, and danced. I laughed and danced with the flowers in the rain.

  The sky, as if washed blue by my "rain", is as white and clean as if it had just been soaped. It's really beautiful. In this way, in this "rain", I spent a happy afternoon with my flower friends.

  What kind of summer vacation is my summer vacation? See how beautiful and brilliant it is, like a pearl, shining in my heart, which can't disappear for a long time.


  In this summer vacation, I didn't travel, nor did I go far away, except that I went to grandma's house, and I was at home all summer vacation. That day, my father was not at home, and my mother was not at home. They all went to grandma's house.

  I finished my lunch at Grandma's house and went home. I wrote my homework at home for a while, one hour, two hours, and finally finished it. I watched TV for a while and felt hungry. We came to wait for my grandparents to come back and cook for me. Seeing that they are busy, I didn't disturb them. I think I'm so old. I think I can cook by myself. I'm going to add some water to the pot and then light the fire. The first time I didn't open it, I tried it again. As a result, it sounded like an explosion, and I immediately ran out. I didn't care about anything. After a while, I went back and saw that there was fire next to me and the rag was scorched. I scooped some water with water and put out the fire with water. My heart was beating and my hands were shaking. When I saw that the hairs on my hands were gone and burned, I smelled it. It was really bad. I immediately picked up my mother's cosmetics, rubbed them all on my hands, and sprayed a lot of perfume. I went back to the kitchen and cleaned up the mess. The rag next to me was also burnt. I wrapped it in a black cloth bag and hid it in my secret base. The air was still filled with the smell of burning. I sprayed a few times with freshener, and there was no burning smell in the air. There is still a lot of water on the ground. I dragged the ground dry with a mop.

  I didn't tell anyone about it, because I was afraid of what my relatives said, so I didn't tell anyone. After this, I dare not fire any more. There are many dangers in fire. I hope you don't play with fire alone anymore. Cherish life and stay away from fire.
