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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文”由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】甩掉脂肪 Get Rid of Fat

When Spring Festival comes, everybody is happy for the special day. It is not because they can relax for a while, but also can stay more time with families. After the holiday, most people get fatter when they get back to work. The food they eat in the holiday is usually all kinds of meat, which makes them get fat in a short time. It is in need of getting rid of fat. 春节到来的时候,每个人都为这个日子感到高兴,并不仅仅因为他们可以放松一段时间,同时也是因为他们可以有更多的时间陪伴家人。假期过完后,大多数人回去工作的时候都变胖了。他们在节日里所吃的食物通常是各种各样的肉,这使得他们在短时间内变胖。摆脱脂肪刻不容缓。

The first thing they need to do is to balance the food. Meat should be less while vegetable can be more. Fruit is good for the body, which can promote the food to be digested. Some people refuse to have food, which is the wrong way to lose weight. We need to make sure our body is healthy, only this can make lose weight meaningful. 他们需要做的第一件事是均衡饮食。肉应少些而蔬菜可以多些。水果对身体有好处,它可以促进食物消化。有些人拒绝进食,这是减肥的错误方式。我们需要确保我们的身体是健康的,只有这样,减肥才有意义。

The second thing is to get exercise. People always complain about that they sit in the office all the day and don’t have the time to take exercise. Actually, they can do the exercise in the house instead of going out. For example, they can do yoga by seeing the video in front of the computer. If we have the strong will, then we can keep fit. 第二件事就是去锻炼。人们总是抱怨,他们整天坐在办公室里,没有时间锻炼。事实上,他们可以在家里,不用出去外面去运动。例如,他们可以做瑜伽,在电脑前面看视频。如果我们有坚强的意志,我们就能保持健康。

  【篇二】花明天的钱 Spending Tomorrow's Money

With the development of technology, now people’s life has become very convenient. They can just take a smart phone at hand and then all the bills can be paid by it. More young people choose to use credit card and spend money ahead. This act can be advocated to some degree. 随着科技的发展,现在人们的生活变得越来越方便。他们只要把智能手机随身携带,就可以把所有的账单都支付好。越来越多的年轻人选择使用信用卡,提前花费。这个行为在某种程度上是可以主张的。

For the people who have secure job is good for them to spend tomorrow’s money. With money, they can improve their life standard. Such as paying the house every month, or buying some products that make them happy. The meaning of money is to make life better, otherwise it is just the paper. 对于那些有稳定工作的人来说,花明天的钱是好的。有了金钱,他们可以提高他们的生活水平。比如支付每月房租,或买一些让自己开心的商品。金钱的意义是让生活更美好,不然钱也只是一张纸而已。

While for some people who has low income, they need to be careful. Once they spend too much money ahead, it can be a great burden for them to pay off. Some girls lose minds when they see the number that they can pay, then they live hard life in the long time, just to pay off the debt. 然而对一些收入低的人来说,他们则需要谨慎消费。一旦他们提前花费太多,偿还的时候就会压力很大。有些女孩看到卡里可以支付的额度时,容易失去理智,然后为了偿还债务,长时间过着艰苦的生活。

Credit card is convenient. People can live a better life, only if their income supports them to pay off slowly. Spending tomorrow’s money is a good choice sometimes. 信用卡很方便,人们可以过上更好的生活,但是前提是他们的收入支持他们慢慢偿还。有时花明天的钱也是一个很好的选择。

  【篇三】为什么越来越多女孩选择单身 Why More Girls Choose to be Single

It is said that in the future, the population of male will be more than female about 30 million, so girls seem to be chased by many males. While the fact is that more and more girls choose to be single, even they are more than 30. These girls are trend to be the new generation. 据说在未来,男性将超过女性的人口约3000万,所以似乎女孩会被很多男性追求。而事实上是,越来越多的女孩选择单身,即使年龄超过30岁。这些女孩是新一代的女性。

Many parents are worried about their daughters’ marriage. They want their girls find their life partner, so that they can feel easy, because someone takes the job of taking care of their sweet heart. While nowadays, the girls are independent, they chase for equality in the new family, while most Chinese parents are still very traditional. They think once the girl marries their son, it is her duty to do all the house chores. In this way, the girl can’t find the balance between family and work. The smart one will choose the latter. 许多父母都担心他们女儿的婚事,他们希望自己女儿可以找到生活伴侣,这样他们就可以感到轻松,因为有人替他们照顾女儿。而如今,女性是独立的,她们在组建家庭中追求平等,虽然大多数中国父母仍然很传统,认为一旦女孩嫁给他们的儿子,就有职责去做完所有的家务。这样的话,女孩无法在家庭和工作之间找到平衡,聪明的人会选择后者。

The girls’ choice shows that they pay more attention to their rights and realize what they want. In the marriage, male and female share the equal responsibility. When men learn to be considerate, then the girls will choose the marriage. 女孩子们的选择表明了她们更加注重自己的权利,拿到自己想要的东西。在婚姻中,男性和女性有着平等的责任,当男人学会善解人意,那么女孩才会选择婚姻。


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