
时间:2023-09-01 07:19:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我们本是一株株幼苗,是您用书本播种,用汗水浇灌,用粉笔耕耘,用辛勤培育,才使我们茁壮成长。感谢您,敬爱的老师,祝您教师节快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《庆祝教师节的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.庆祝教师节的英语日记 篇一

  Yesterday was Teacher's Day, and our whole class gave our teacher a surprise.

  Yesterday morning, many students in our class bought flowers for the teacher, and the teacher was very happy. Many people forget to buy flowers for their teachers, but they make up for them in the afternoon. Moreover, when sending flowers to their teachers, every teacher's face will show a happy, happy, and happy expression.

  Especially when every student of Teacher Liang sends flowers, Teacher Liang shows a smile that we rarely see. Because in normal times, the teacher's face is almost a serious expression. In addition, there are many classmates who are angry with the teacher. Additionally, in normal times, Teacher Liang always has to grade essays, assignments, and papers, so the teacher's face is only tired and serious. However, Teacher's Day has arrived, and everyone has shown their good side, not for anything, just to let teachers have a happy Teacher's Day. When everyone gave the flowers to the teacher, they excitedly said, "Teacher, happy Teacher's Day." The teacher received the flowers and showed a kind smile on his face, saying, "Thank you

  After the second class in the afternoon, the class began to be noisy again. This time it's not just gossip, we're discussing how to surprise the teacher. Chinese class representatives are organizing our discussion topics on the podium. Of course, some people also go to see if the teacher has come or not. Suddenly, a sharp voice rang out: "The teacher is coming down the stairs." The chaotic classroom suddenly quieted down, and even a needle could be heard falling. It had not been so quiet for a long time, and it felt a bit strange. All the students were ready, only to hear a squeak. The door opened and the whole class shouted loudly, "Teacher Liang, Happy Teacher's Day." The teacher's face showed a happy and happy smile.

  Teacher, happy Teacher's Day.

2.庆祝教师节的英语日记 篇二

  The night before the start of the new semester, I had a dream that the teacher in my dream was so kind and amiable. After the start of school, I realized that dreams had become reality.

  On September 10th, Teacher's Day has arrived, and I know that the most desired holiday gift for teachers is not greeting cards or flowers, but rather that we study hard and achieve good results. So today I was very serious and tried my best to do it. I just waited to see the teacher's satisfied smile, but there was a small incident.

  Yesterday, Teacher Zhao, the homeroom teacher, sent us a "Notice to Parents" and asked us to write it tonight. I handed it in this morning and carefully included the completed "Notice to Parents" in my family record book. However, when the team leader collected the Chinese homework this morning, I handed it in directly. When the teacher asked for the "Notice to Parents", I realized that I accidentally mixed it with my homework and handed it in. I was so anxious that I felt like an ant on a hot pot that I had to bravely report the situation to Teacher Zhao. I thought the teacher would criticize me, but unexpectedly, Teacher Zhao smiled and said to me, "It's okay. You go to my office, Teacher Guo and I are in the same office." When I walked into the office, I found that Teacher Guo was correcting his homework, I whispered, "Teacher Guo, I have included the 'Notice to Parents' in my family notebook, I think..." "It's okay, the homework books are all here, you can find them yourself." Teacher Guo also gave me a smile, I am happy and guilty.

  The incident made my Teacher's Day performance somewhat imperfect, but I saw the smiles of two teachers, and my heart was warm, just like in my dream.

3.庆祝教师节的英语日记 篇三

  Today is Teacher's Day. In the morning, I came to the classroom and saw classmates dressing up the classroom in various colors. Wang Ruiyang wrote on the blackboard wishing the teacher a happy holiday with five big characters. Some students even brought us to spray on her, while others were taught a lesson by her. Spray cans were not allowed, but some students still brought them.

  Suddenly the classroom door opened, and the students fell silent. Squeezing... Squeezing... It turned out that it wasn't the teacher who was on duty, but the Ginger Wisdom from my class. She was so angry because we sprayed it on her, and some students were immediately taught a lesson. At this moment, the teacher came in, and we immediately stood up and said in unison, "Happy Teacher's Day." The teacher was very happy, and we started performing. After the performance, we started giving gifts, The teacher said thank you to each student.

  The teacher took down all the decorations to prevent us from being distracted in class. In the afternoon, teacher, let's exchange all our gifts for us! Happy Teacher's Day!

4.庆祝教师节的英语日记 篇四

  September 10th is the teacher's holiday, and they will receive many sincere blessings today, which all show our gratitude to the teacher. In fact, what the teacher wants to receive is not exquisite greeting cards or bouquets of flowers, but neat homework, excellent discipline, and a reward for the teacher. Let's see how we do it:

  The teacher came to the classroom and saw many greeting cards and flowers on the podium. With a pleased smile on my face, I ran over to offer the teacher a greeting card I had made myself and said, 'Teacher.'. Happy holidays! You worked hard! The teacher smiled and said to me, 'Thank you.',

  Class has started, and unexpected things have happened. When preparing to hand in homework, many students did not complete it, and the Chinese teacher became furious. The teacher said sternly, "Can you make us have a happy holiday like this? As teachers, what we need is not your greeting cards, flowers, and gifts, but rather the hope that you will learn to be grateful from the bottom of your heart. Even an excellent diary or a careful homework are our most satisfying gifts and rewards. We all lowered our heads in shame, with every word of the teacher echoing in our minds.

  I hope you all can live each day to the fullest, and make progress every day. That is the most precious gift for our teacher. The teacher said gently, "I believe you can do it, and the teacher cheers you on! We clapped our hands together, both for the teacher's words and for ourselves. In the applause, we seem to have grown up a lot. Please rest assured, teacher. We will not disappoint you.

  The teacher's eyes are moist, and we have also been infected by the teacher. The teacher knows that their efforts today will definitely be rewarded, and their hard work will not be wasted. Come on! My classmates! I believe we will remember this unforgettable Teacher's Day.

5.庆祝教师节的英语日记 篇五

  On Teacher's Day, many students bought gifts for teachers, but I didn't give them any gifts, not a single flower.

  I think that holidays do not necessarily mean giving gifts to express one's feelings, and giving gifts does not necessarily mean buying them with money. A blessing is a gift; A self made greeting card is also a gift... Although these gifts are insignificant, they are enough to bring joy and warmth to the teacher, so I have decided to give a unique gift.

  Although the gifts bought by those classmates with money are more valuable and exquisite than my unique gift, they may not necessarily be more sincere than the ones I prepared. Because some students only buy things as a gesture and do not truly bless with heart.

  In fact, I just gave the teacher a sentence: "Teacher, happy holidays, wish you always young and happy!" When I said it, the teacher stared at me with an expectant gaze, as if asking, "Where's the gift?" In a moment, the teacher knew what I was giving and showed a sweet smile. But some unidentified classmates remind me, where is the gift? I smiled slightly and walked away. I believe the teacher must know my intentions.

  Everything you give is a gift, but what you prepare with your heart must be more authentic and meaningful!
