
时间:2021-08-20 22:32:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我国自古都有悠久的尊敬教师的传统。《吕氏春秋·尊师》云:“生则谨养,死则敬祭,此尊师之道也。”教师,将自己所知传授于他人,将人类文化得以延续。教师节快到了,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The annual Teacher's Day is coming again. This is the most happy day for teachers. Of course, the teachers in our school are no exception!

  Today, because it was teachers' day, I arrived at school early to see what gifts the students gave to the teacher. When I was approaching the school, I could see many primary school students buying flowers. I looked and left. Before I entered the school gate, I saw several teachers standing at the school gate with many flowers in their hands. I thought to myself: why should everyone spend so much money to buy flowers? Can't you make a small gift for the teacher yourself? It's more sincere. As soon as I entered the school, I heard a song about the teacher on the radio, which made the school atmosphere more lively than usual! Unknowingly, I arrived at the classroom. As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw flowers on the hands of my classmates and on the teacher's desk. I was stunned by this scene. I thought about the greeting card I made myself. I was embarrassed to take it out. Later, I thought: what's embarrassing? It's my own greeting card. I shouldn't be proud of anyone, So when the teacher came, I gave the card to the teacher.

  At the big break, the headmaster talked a lot about teachers' day. These words reminded me of the famous sentence praising the teacher when the spring silkworm dies and the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry. This sentence also made me feel that the teacher has dedicated his youth to our success, and the teacher has more and more wrinkles on his face for us, so we must study hard and make progress every day, Live up to the expectations of our faces. Then the chorus of our school presented a song "I love Milan" to the teachers: there was a basin of Milan in front of the teacher's window. The small yellow flowers were hidden among the green leaves. It didn't bloom for spring, but silently spread the fragrance all over people's hearts.

  The teacher's love for us is selfless. The teacher's love for us is like maternal love. The teacher's love for us is meticulous. I believe that as long as we study hard, make progress every day and live up to the expectations of our teachers, we will be able to add glory to our motherland when we grow up!


  Today is teachers' day on September 10. In the morning, my mother and I went to school. From a distance, we heard the sound of gongs and drums. When we came to the gate, ah, it turned out that our elder brother and sister were welcoming the teacher. Some of them are playing drums, some are beating gongs, and others are blowing trumpets. It's really lively.

  I couldn't wait to go to the classroom. I heard my mother say that they decorated the classroom very beautifully yesterday, because our class will hold a Thanksgiving activity on teacher's day this morning. As soon as you enter the classroom, wow. It's really a new look. Interesting pictures are painted on the blackboard, colorful balloons and flowers are pasted on the window, beautiful flower baskets are hung on the roof, and two eye-catching banners are hung in front of and behind the classroom. The front reads "Happy Teacher's Day" and the back reads "teacher, you're suffering." I talked with my classmates and were very excited.

  Soon, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Yuan, Mr. Liu, Mr. Ma and many of our substitute teachers came to our class. Many parents, including my mother, also came to the scene.

  The ceremony is about to begin. First, Miao Qixiang and Ren Jiahui perform the poetry recitation for the teacher, and then we wear red scarves and flowers for the substitute teacher. I was very excited because I also got a red scarf. We lined up to the podium. I came to Mr. Cao. At first, I was very nervous and didn't look good for a long time. Later, I finally finished wearing it for the teacher. I looked carefully and felt very good. I was really happy. At this time, some other students held bouquets of flowers to the teachers. Other students began to do sign language exercises of "grateful heart" with Yang Bohan's mother. It's very nice. I walked back to my seat and did it together. I can sing loudly.

  After the ceremony, I had dinner and class. In the first class, I couldn't return to God for half a day, because I was still immersed in that beautiful time in the morning. It was so unforgettable.

  I'd like to say to all our teachers, "teacher, you've worked hard. Thank you very much. I love you. Happy Teacher's day. "


  When I got up together, I found that everything today seems so vibrant, the sky is particularly blue, and the sun is particularly gentle. Originally, today is a special day, teacher's day, is the holiday of all teachers. On such a special day, with a heart of gratitude to the teacher, I was lucky to come to Yalin Jiayuan to participate in the activity of visiting Xu Yifan and Sheng Zhijun, two super teachers organized by Yu Dafu College of Arts.

  Facing the two kind and amiable senior teachers, we first hung bright red scarves for the two teachers and sent bright flowers to show our young pioneers' unique respect and blessing to the teachers. The subsequent music performances, including the performance of bamboo flute and saxophone, sent a message of our gratitude to our teachers.

  During the activity, Mr. Xu told us those touching stories in the process of teaching. In particular, I was most impressed by "the story of a salted duck egg": a student criticized by Mr. Xu for doing something wrong gave Mr. Xu the salted duck egg left by his mother during a school trip. This ordinary little thing has always been fresh in teacher Xu's memory. Although the matter is small, it makes the teacher feel happy and worthwhile to be a teacher! Because students are grateful, because students respect teachers! As teachers, they have nurtured and cultivated us with their hard work, without expecting anything in return. But what kind of emotion is it that a salted duck egg can make them remember all their lives as super teachers? Facing such teachers, shouldn't we praise them from the bottom of our heart? Isn't it worth our better achievements to repay their hard work?

  Mr. Sheng also poured out his childhood anecdotes and the changes of nature in spring, summer, autumn and winter, showing us the beautiful rural life in the heart of a teacher. At the same time, it also answered many questions about our study and reading, which benefited us a lot.

  Facing the two kind teachers, I think that the two special education teachers have devoted their lives to the education industry, and there are more ordinary teachers like them behind them. If it weren't for the hard work of their gardeners, how could we grow healthily? Never forget the man who dug the well. Always be grateful and diligent. Maybe this can be worthy of the teachers' pay!

