
时间:2023-02-26 03:09:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

3.Talk about job

3.谈论工作 A:Jane, the meeting is scheduled from 1: 00 this afternoon. Have you made the necessary arrangements? A:简,我们计划在下午1点钟开会,你都安排好了吗? B:Yes.Mr. Miller. We'll use the conference room on the third floor for the meeting. B:安排好了,米勒先生。我们将使用三楼的会议室开会。 A:That's right. The meeting is very important. A:很好,这个会议很重要。 A:Where shall the guests be received before the meeting begins? A:开会前我们在哪里接待来宾? B:In the dining room.It's spacious there. B:在餐厅吧,那里比较宽敞。 A:We'll have several foreign guests to attend the meeting. A:我们还会有几位外宾来参加会议 B:I've arranged for an interpreter to be present. But it is said these foreigners could speak English. B:我已经安排一位口译员,不过我听说这些外宾都会讲英语 A:Really? I'll also try to speak slowly. How would you arrange the guests' seats,Jane? A:是吗?不过,我还是会讲慢一点,你怎么安排来宾就座呢,简? B:We've prepared name cards to be put on the conterence table for guests to sit by.What time would you like refreshments served. B:我们已经准备了姓名卡片放在会议桌上,让来宾按此就座。您希望在什么时候供应点心,米勒先生? A:Well,after my report,there will be an interval for rest and refreshments. A:哦,就在我做完报告后的休息时间供应点心吧, B:All right,I see. B:好的,我明白了

