

时间:2021-08-19 17:52:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】看现如今,中华民族矗立于世界之林,大好河山都焕发出新的生机。再回首看,曾经战士们英勇奋斗的身影还历历在目,伟大的抗战精神昂扬不灭!今年是抗战胜利的76周年,大家有哪些心得感悟呢?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti fascist war, which took place in the 1930s and 1940s, were a desperate struggle between the peace loving and justice loving countries and people of the world and the ferocious enemy of human civilization, fascism. The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan was an important part of the world anti fascist war and the main Eastern battlefield of the world anti fascist war_ The great victory that determined the fate and future of the world years ago was an important turning point for the Chinese nation to stand on its own in the forest of nations in the world and move towards great rejuvenation. It was on the basis of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan that the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to win the new democratic revolution, established the people's Republic of China and realized the greatest and most profound social change in Chinese history.

  Today, we commemorate this great victory by always remembering the innocent compatriots who were killed by the Japanese aggressors; Always remember the martyrs who fought bravely and died for their country in the Anti Japanese War; Always remember the veterans, patriots and anti Japanese generals who participated in the Anti Japanese War; Always remember the Chinese people at home and abroad who made meritorious contributions to the victory of the war of resistance against Japan; Always remember the foreign governments and international friends who supported and helped China in the war of resistance against Japan. Remember this history because its tragic, tragic and unyielding struggle should become the collective memory of the nation, but also hope to draw wisdom and Enlightenment from it and obtain the practical power to create the future.

  The victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan has fully proved that the Communist Party of China is the core force for saving the nation and realizing national liberation. The September 18th Incident in 1931 and the July 7th incident in 1937 pushed the Chinese nation to the brink of subjugation. At the critical moment of national survival, the Communist Party of China sounded the first horn to fight against foreign enemies. In that mighty and majestic war, the Communist Party of China, with its firm will and exemplary action, played a mainstay role in the national war of resistance against Japan. The most fundamental reason why the Chinese people have created the great miracle of a weak country defeating a strong country is that the Communist Party of China, on behalf of the will of the whole Chinese people, led and promoted the great war of resistance against Japan, supported the hope of the whole nation to save the nation and survive with its most sacrificial patriotism and model action not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, and became the national pioneer to win the war of resistance against Japan.


  The unity of the Chinese nation is the foundation of victory. At the beginning, Japan dared to brazenly invade China as a small island country, mainly because it saw that in the difficult process of modernization and modernization, the central government was weak, local forces ruled separately and lacked cohesion. However, facing the desperate situation of death, the Chinese nation did not yield, but awakened, formed a broad Anti Japanese United Front, and fought bloody battles with the Japanese army with the strength of the whole nation until victory. After this victory, the Chinese people will never allow any internal or external force to undermine the unity of the Chinese nation, nor will they allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China.

  Only by constantly striving for self-improvement can we not be beaten passively, and only by peaceful development can we maintain peace. At that time, the reason why Japan dared to wage war against China was also directly related to Japan's far stronger economic and military strength than China. In 1937, Japan's industrial output value was US $6.1 billion and China's was US $1.6 billion; Japan's annual output of steel is 5.8 million tons, while China's annual output of steel is only 40000 tons. Backwardness will be beaten, self-esteem must be strengthened first, and development needs stability.

  Only by learning from history can we prevent the blood of our predecessors from flowing in vain. We commemorate this victory today by facing history with a sober and rational attitude. We not only face the humiliation, but also remember the sacrifices made by our predecessors, but also cherish the hard won victory. The purpose is to face the future and create the future. There are also many people of insight in Japan who face this history rationally. However, some right-wing forces in Japan have repeatedly reversed black and white and denied the crime of aggression. Therefore, to take the road of peaceful development, we must correctly understand and treat history. The history of Japanese militarist aggression against China cannot be forgotten, let alone tampered with. The Japanese government should face up to history, draw lessons and win the trust of the Chinese people and the people of Asian countries with practical actions.

  Reviewing the historical facts of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression and the whole modern and contemporary history of China, and looking at the reality of today's world, we are more deeply aware that only with the unity of the country, the unity of the people, social stability, economic development and the enhancement of national strength can China have dignity, the Chinese nation can stand tall among the nations of the world and contribute to world peace and common development. In the great journey of building a well-off society in an all-round way in the new century, carrying forward the national spirit and condensing the national strength is a reliable guarantee for achieving our development goals and commemorating the victory of the war of resistance against Japan__ The fundamental significance of the anniversary.


  Today is the XX anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti fascist war. It is also the first anniversary after the NPC Standing Committee established the anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan in the form of legislation.

  On September 18, 1931, the Japanese invaders instigated the September 18 Incident. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese attacked Lugou Bridge and launched an all-round war of aggression against China. The Chinese people bravely resisted and waged 14 years of arduous Anti Japanese struggle.

  On September 2, 1945, the Japanese government officially signed a letter of surrender, and the plenipotentiaries of the United States, China, Britain, France and other countries accepted Japan's surrender. On September 3, the whole country celebrated the victory of the war of resistance against Japan. So far, the Chinese people have won a great victory in the war of resistance against Japan, which also marks the complete victory of the world anti fascist war.

  The victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan has become a major turning point for the Chinese nation from decline to revitalization, laid the foundation for the realization of national independence, people's Liberation and the establishment of new China, and made great contributions to the great cause of the people of all countries in the world to win the victory of the anti fascist war and strive for world peace.

  On February 27 this year, the National People's Congress designated September 3 as the anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan. On August 15, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced that the Chinese government would hold a commemoration of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan on September 3, bearing in mind the Chinese people's hard struggle against Japanese aggression, deeply remembering the martyrs and compatriots who died, and demonstrating the Chinese people's firm determination to oppose aggression and maintain peace.

  The establishment of the anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan is not only a reminder to the Chinese people not to forget their roots, but also to let the Japanese people and the people of the world know more about this history. For the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation, the revolutionary martyrs did not hesitate to throw their heads and shed their blood. Without their sacrifice, there would be no victory in the revolution and no happy life today. Martyrs, rest in peace! The Chinese people in the 21st century will remember your great achievements, inherit your legacy, never forget national humiliation and cherish peace. For the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we will study hard and serve our great motherland.

  Students: let's always remember the humiliated yesterday, cherish everything today and strive for a better tomorrow!

