

时间:2022-05-06 00:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

331. Excuse me, sir. Can you give me some information? 对不起,先生,请问一件事好吗?

332. Can you tell me the way to the railway station? 你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗?

333. You can take a No. 3 Bus to there. 你可以坐3路公共汽车到那里。

334. Which direction is it to the bookstore? 到书店去朝哪个方向?

335. Turn left at the third crossing. 到第三个交叉口往左拐。

336. How far is it from your home to the airport? 从你家到机场有多远?

337. It's about fifteen miles. 大约有15英里。

338. The zoo is just around the corner. 动物园就在拐角处附近。

339. The hotel is just next to the restaurant. 旅馆就紧挨在饭店旁边。

340. You can't miss it. 你不会找不到的。

341. Do you happen to know Miss Green's address? 你知道格林小姐的地址吗?

342. Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? 你能告诉我离这里最近的汽车站在哪里吗?

343. Which way should I go, this one or that? 我应该走哪边,这边还是那边?

344. Go along this way for three blocks, then turn right.往这边走,过三个街区,然后往右拐。

345. I beg your pardon. Is this seat taken? 请问,这个座位有人吗?

英语900句 Getting information and directions.doc
