Talking about neighbors and friends 谈论邻居和朋友
361. Where did you grow up? 你是在哪儿长大的?
362. I grew up in this beautiful little city. 我在这座美丽的小城长大。
363. My grandfather spent his childhood in Mississippi. 我的祖父在密西西比度过了他的童年。
364. I lived in Florida until I went to college. 在我读大学以前,我一直住在佛罗里达州。
365. Great changes have taken place in China in the last twenty years. 在过去的20年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。
366. There used to be a bookstore at the end of the street. 以前在街尾有一家书店。
367. Two new bridges have been built in our city last year. 去年我们城市新建了两座桥。
368. They are building a new cinema up the street from me. 他们正在我住的这条大街的那一头建一座新的电*。
369. If you rent that apartment, will you stay there for a long time? 如果你租了那个套间,你会在那里住很长时间吗?
370. How are you getting along with your new neighbors? 你和你的新邻居相处得怎样?
371. They are all very friendly to me. 他们对我都很友善。
372. They all know each other pretty well. 他们彼此都相当了解。
373. A young married couple bought the new house down the street from you. 一对年轻夫妇买了你们大街那头的那栋新房子。
374. Do you know where I can rent a room near the university? 请问我可以在哪里租到学校附近的空房间?
375. What a comfortable house! 这房子真舒服啊。
英语900句 Talking about neighbors and friends.doc