

时间:2021-08-22 05:48:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】 中秋佳节月团圆,良辰美景月饼香;桂花香气飘四方,嫦娥撒福照万年;花好月圆祝福你,好梦圆圆好事连;生活美满事业高,阖家欢乐人团圆!中秋快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The 15th day of the lunar calendar is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August is the second month of autumn. Therefore, it is called the mid autumn festival among the people. It is also called autumn Eve, moon Eve and August Festival. Because the moon is very round on this day, it symbolizes reunion. It is also called reunion festival. Folk Mid Autumn Festival has the customs of eating moon cakes, appreciating the moon, guessing lantern riddles and so on. The Mid Autumn Festival originated in China and is a traditional festival in East Asia. The Mid Autumn Festival is not only a Chinese festival, but also a traditional festival in Japan, Vietnam and other places.

  Today, I got up early in the morning. I didn't know what to eat this morning. After a while, it was time for dinner. I came to the table and saw that it was a fragrant and delicious moon cake! When I was ready to eat, I saw a moon cake bigger than this, so I put the small moon cake in the box and took the big moon cake. I saw that the moon cake was really big and must be delicious. I picked up the moon cake and ate it greedily.

  In the evening, we began to enjoy the moon. My parents and I came to the balcony and sat on the stool to enjoy the moon. I looked at the moon. It was like a big disc and a big moon cake. It makes people drool when I think of it.

  How happy the Mid Autumn Festival is today!


  August 15 of the lunar calendar is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on August 15 is rounder and brighter than the full moon in previous months, so it is also called "lunar Eve" and "August Festival". On this night, people look up to the bright moon like jade in the sky and naturally look forward to family reunion. Wanderers who are far away from home also take this opportunity to place their thoughts on their hometown and relatives. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called "reunion festival".

  The Mid Autumn Festival is a day for people to get together. Whenever it comes to this day, people will get together to eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. Wandering children abroad will think of such poems during this festival: "being a stranger in a foreign land alone, they miss their relatives twice during the festival", "the spring grass will be green next year, and the king and grandchildren will not return", "the free flying flowers are as light as a dream, and the boundless silk rain is as thin as sorrow". They will always cry and think of their hometown and their relatives.

  On the day of this year's Mid Autumn Festival, the weather was not very good. The sky was covered with dark clouds and it was raining cats and dogs. Unfortunately, we couldn't enjoy the round and big moon as usual. Our family had to get together. My mother prepared a rich banquet for us. We were together, talking and laughing while eating, eating moon cakes and sharing the happy time of life, Bless each other, pass happiness and have a happy mid autumn festival.


  Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival, which is called "mid autumn" and "reunion day".

  On this day of the Mid Autumn Festival, there are many customs, one of which is to worship the moon god. Our family is no exception. When the moon rises slowly at night, my mother and I take a bath, put on clean clothes, put on a small altar, put apples, moon bottles, etc. I piously insert three lit sandalwood in the incense stove. In the curling sandalwood, our family taste tea and enjoy the moon, I saw the big and round moon hanging in the sky like a silver plate. I couldn't help taking out my telescope and watching the bright moon. Is there really a osmanthus tree in the moon? At this time, my mother told me about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival to worship the moon god: it is said that in the ancient state of Qi, ugly women worshipped the moon without salt. When they grew up, they entered the palace with superior morality. They enjoyed the moon on August 15 of a year. They were enveloped in the moon without salt and were outstanding in beauty. They were awarded the queen by the son of heaven. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival worshipped the moon. In the middle of the month, Chang'e is famous for her beauty, so the girl worships the moon and wishes to "look like Chang'e and look like the bright moon". Later, my father taught me another song of Su Shi's "water melody song", in which the most impressive sentence was "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy, clear and round, which is difficult to complete in ancient times. I hope people will last for a long time and have a beautiful moon for thousands of miles." at this time, I couldn't help thinking whether the children in Sichuan disaster areas are also enjoying a bright moon?

  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I pray to the goddess of the moon to let the victims in Sichuan rebuild their homes as soon as possible and keep the life of the earth away from the disaster.

