

时间:2021-08-24 06:45:46 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】中秋之夜,赏月光皎洁灿烂;中秋之灯,红红火火最璀璨;中秋之酒,快乐温暖甜心头;中秋之愿,团团圆圆最美满。祝中秋合家团圆,幸福平安总相伴!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar every year, the earth will not block the sun. On that day, the moon broke the children's reverie. It was no longer like a curved boat or a yellow banana, but like a round plate. This is the full moon festival, also known as the Mid Autumn Festival.

  October 3, 20XX - the Mid Autumn Festival in 20XX, after dinner, our party took the newly equipped telescope and camera to a small bridge on the Bank of Qiantang River to watch the moon. Looking from a distance, the bright moon is hanging high in the sky. There are few clouds in the sky, and the rising Kongming lights are shining, like the deputy of the moon. With the colorful lights, we seem to have come to a fairy tale dream world.

  On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, it brings us endless fun and light together with the moon. The Kongming lamp "flying" in the sky and the street lamp guiding us on the land make me feel that I live in a magnificent building and a magnificent world. Kongming lights flickered in the sky, fast and slow, high and low, as if they were moving stars in the sky.

  Looking at the bright moon, we thought of the beautiful poems and idioms we had learned and the myths and legends that have been spread from ancient times to the present. I seem to see the white rabbit making medicine, Chang'e who regretted that he should not leave Hou Yi and Wu Gang who cut down osmanthus trees. I can't help singing poems: I don't know the moon when I am young, call it a white jade plate, and doubt the Yaotai mirror, flying in the blue clouds, The immortal hangs his feet, the laurel tree he Tuan Tuan, the white rabbit makes medicine, and asks who to eat with Also, the moon is round on the Mid Autumn Festival, and the moon cakes are round. Our family should be round on the Mid Autumn Festival! This is what we do on the Mid Autumn Festival. The family share dinner and taste delicious moon cakes at home.

  The moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is so beautiful and the lights are so bright. We taste sweet moon cakes and wish everyone a reunion on the Mid Autumn Festival.


  At the end of autumn, looking around, there are still some golden shadows in the fields. Two months ago, there was a sea of wheat here. Now the wheat has been harvested. Some of the wheat has been piled in farmers' homes, and some have been loaded into trucks and transported elsewhere. "What are those wheat used for? Most of them are used to grind flour" "what's the purpose of grinding flour?"? "Of course it's used to make moon cakes!"

  My father and I looked at the field and asked and answered. The Mid Autumn Festival is one of China's traditional festivals. It is said that the custom of eating moon cakes in the Mid Autumn Festival first appeared in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, most of the moon cakes were white and had different shapes. Triangular, round and even dumpling shaped. Although they have different shapes, they all have the same meaning - reunion. On this day, some places also have customs such as worshipping the moon and offering sacrifices to rabbit's son. In short, all these activities are inseparable from the moon. This day is a day for children to enjoy delicious food and have fun, a rare reunion for the elderly, and a fetter caused by homesickness for wanderers in a foreign land... Everyone's Mid Autumn Festival is different. Different people have different Mid Autumn Festival. Let me talk about my mid autumn festival!

  August 15, the bright moon in the sky. In the evening, there were several floating clouds near the moon, as if they had put a flower coat on the moon. Look, this flower dress seems to be blown by the wind, making you want to see a little more beautiful moon skin. At this time, Grandma had arranged the fruit and moon cakes, waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon, mom and Dad arrived. They rushed like children. Cousins and cousins also came. We sat down to eat moon cakes and enjoy the bright moon. Dad looked at the moon and sang a poem, "people are especially happy when they have happy events. It is particularly bright from the moon to the Mid Autumn Festival." I am not willing to be outdone, "the dew is white from tonight, and the moon is the hometown of Ming". Yes, the moon is the hometown of Ming. Although almost all our family came tonight, my uncle hasn't come back. Is the moon there as bright and bright as ours?

  May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..


  Looking forward to, looking forward to, the Mid Autumn Festival has finally come.

  On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, I was doing my homework in my room. Suddenly, my mother asked me to eat. I went downstairs and looked at the table. My saliva couldn't help flowing down. There are all kinds of fresh fruits and fragrant moon cakes on the table. When we eat, we let others eat first, and the whole family is happy.

  We talked and laughed while eating. After dinner, my father said, "let's enjoy the moon on the roof!" my brother and I couldn't wait to move a small stool to enjoy the moon on the roof. At this time, the moon had not yet risen. My father told me and my brother stories about the moon, including Chang'e running to the moon, Wu Gang cutting GUI, and jade rabbit tamping medicine. Later, I improvised and recited Su Shi's "I hope people will be long and beautiful together for thousands of miles." my father took the lead in clapping his hands.

  "The moon is rising!" my brother suddenly shouted. We all looked to the East. We saw the round moon hanging on the opposite tall building. It was so round and bright, like a round jade plate, and so crystal clear, like a transparent crystal ball. The sky is blue, and the moonlight is scattered from the crystal ball. The moonlight is melting, soft, and in the night. It seems that you can see the palace in the sky. The moonlight diffuses and penetrates from around the moon. The farther away from the moon, the thicker the night is. In this moonlit night, there are few stars. Those few stars seem to inlay several gemstones into the velvet like night sky, which makes the night sky more beautiful. The bright full moon hangs in the sky like a mirror. How beautiful it is! Looking around, the ground seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of silver dust, and everything was bathed in the hazy moonlight. The buildings in the distance are immersed in the moonlight like water. Against the light of colorful neon lights, everything becomes so ethereal, so magical and makes people have infinite reverie

  I looked at the bright moon, looked, looked, as if I had grown wings and flew to the magical night sky


  Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner early, my father and I went to our campus to enjoy the moon, because the campus is quiet and open, and we can see it clearly. When the moon rises slowly from the horizon, the light of the moon shines on the green lawn, making the lawn covered with a layer of silver "clothes". The color around the moon is white with a little red, giving people a mysterious feeling.

  In the campus, we see the moon as white as jade through the dense branches and leaves; If the shadow is present, people's mood becomes very comfortable. My father looked at the moon and said: every year is "the moon of 15 is 16 circles", but this year is not like this. After such an opportunity, I have to wait another eight years to see the moon of 15. It's 15 circles, ah! I stared at my father in surprise. Dad then said: if you can stand on the top of Zijin Mountain, you will see the moon very big and round, and you will see it more clearly. Dad then took out his camera and took some pictures of the big moon hanging in the air. One even lit the street lamp. When I compared the moon with the street lamp, I saw that the moon was brighter than the street lamp. The moon gradually climbed up, and the white moon gradually became brighter. I looked at the white moon and said: the moon on August 15 this year is really big and round! This reminds me of a poem in ancient times, Gu Lang Yue Xing: I don't know the moon when I am young, call it a white jade plate, and doubt the remote mirror; Flying in the blue clouds. In this bright moonlight, I seem to hear the tune of "water melody singing head", which reminds me of the great poet Su Shi hundreds of years ago. It's a pity that he can't go home and reunite with his family on such a day once a year because he has obtained fame and became an official in a different place.

  Looking at the students who come and go away from home to study on campus, I can't help thinking of people who can't go back on this full moon night. It's a pity. I hurried forward, hugged my father's waist and walked to the community where we lived, urging him to go home as soon as possible.


  This evening, my parents and I went to visit my grandmother. My aunt cooked us a big table of delicious food. Our whole family got together and had a rich reunion dinner happily. After dinner, I wanted to go downstairs with moon cakes and eat moon cakes while watching the moon. Everyone agreed with my proposal. At this time, my father suggested that we go to Seoul lake to enjoy the moon together. I was more happy after listening to it. Unfortunately, grandma is not in good health. She doesn't want to go. So I went to Seoul lake with my father, mother, aunt and cousin.

  Along the way, there were far fewer vehicles than usual, and there were not many people on the street. Maybe everyone was reunited with their relatives at home at this time! The moon tonight is very round and bright, like a big jade plate hanging in the sky. When we came to Seoul lake, we heard beautiful music and songs. The streets outside were cold, but the crowd here was bustling and bustling, with all kinds of colored lights flashing, a festive atmosphere! Beside the square fountain, there are many children playing with water, some children slide through the water mist of the fountain on shining roller skates, and a group of people are listening to songs around a large speaker. My cousin and I happily ran to the square in front. There were more people here. Many people formed a generous array. They were dancing with the music, surrounded by many spectators, and some children were running around in the dancing team. At this time, I suddenly saw a colorful fountain in the distance. We all hurried towards the fountain. It was in the middle of Seoul lake. With the music, the fountain opened like a lotus, swayed like a fan, looked like a rainbow, looked green, purple, colored, and rushed to the sky more than ten meters high. What's more, there was sometimes a fire in the middle of the fountain. When I was happy, the beautiful music stopped and the fountain stopped, People reluctantly left the lake.

  At this time, I looked up at the moon. The moon seemed to be more round and brighter. I could see the dark shadow in the moon. It seemed that sister Chang'e and her jade rabbit were also enjoying the beautiful color fountain. I asked my mother to take out the moon cakes quickly. I divided a moon cake for everyone. We stood by the railing by the lake and ate moon cakes while watching the moon happily. Everyone thought today's Mid Autumn Festival was very interesting!

