
时间:2023-02-27 22:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】春天来了,一眼望去,地上都是一片绿油油的草地,春风轻抚而来,整个人的心里都仿佛变得暖暖的了。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《春天来了英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.春天来了英语作文范文 篇一

  The cold winter is about to pass, and the beautiful and warm spring will meet us. After a deep sleep in the winter, spring is coming to us step by step. We seem to smell the breath of spring, which is so familiar and exciting.

  The ice in the river has melted quietly, and is opening its mind to welcome the arrival of spring. The clear river is calm like a mirror, and you can see the beautiful posture of small fish and shrimp swimming in the water at a glance. Occasionally, a naughty fish leaped out of the water, making the calm river open a colorful spray.

  Looking around, the field is a busy scene of spring ploughing. The uncle farmers are busy plowing, transplanting seedlings and turning the soil. In the park, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, competing with each other, attracting flocks of small bees to gather honey, and butterflies in colorful clothes are also unwilling to be outdone in chasing and playing in the fragrant flowers, immersed in the sea of flowers.

  Spring is coming, and children are running around in the garden, chasing butterflies. Spring is a season of awakening. Spring is a season that makes people feel warm. I like spring.

2.春天来了英语作文范文 篇二

  Spring is coming, the golden dandelion is shining on the roadside, the deep purple buckwheat Lulu flowers are sending love under the peach trees, the bees are singing among the pink apricot flowers, the butterflies are dancing in the light blue sky, the golden winged birds are whispering on the newly green willow trees, the tender yellow elm money is trembling in the spring breeze, and the pheasants are laughing on the awakened hills.

  When I came outside, I saw all the flowers and trees sprouting and growing leaves, and looked green from a distance. All kinds of flowers are in bud, very beautiful; The hibernating animals also began to come out, the birds sang in the branches, and the small fish in the river also played in the green waves. The arrival of spring brings a new scene to nature, and is full of vitality and hope everywhere.

  The soil in the ground thawed and became loose. It was soft to step on, like stepping on a thick carpet. The wheat seedlings woke up and stretched their green leaves. There is not even a piece of thin ice in the river. The water flows slowly. When the breeze blows, the water surface ripples like scales. Several ducks jumped into the water and swam happily. On the bank of the river, the willow trees sprouted, the soft branches swayed gently with the breeze, and a frog emerged from the hole and crawled slowly along the river.

  How beautiful spring is!

3.春天来了英语作文范文 篇三

  With a magic wand in her hand and a smile on her face, Spring came to us with light steps. Spring made the world that had been sleeping all winter lively.

  You see, Miss Spring came to Miss Willow and gently shook her with her beautiful magic wand. The branches of Miss Willow were suddenly covered with green buds. A breeze blew, and the long hair of Miss Willow danced and danced with the wind. Beautiful!

  You see, the grass is yawning and stretching, as if it had just woken up. The thousands of green grass have knitted a green sweater for their mother, Mother Earth.

  Some of the peach blossom girls in the distance have already opened their smiling faces, and some are in bud. When a breeze blows, the peach blossom girls dance with the wind, just like a pale pink butterfly.

  As soon as I turned around, clusters of forsythia flowers, orange and orange had already covered the branches, like clusters of small golden bells. Under the bright sunshine, it is so charming and eye-catching. One by one, the forsythia suspensa stands tall and graceful, as if to show people her vigorous vitality. I smelled it close, and a faint fragrance came to me.

  Ah! Spring! I love this vibrant and colorful spring.

4.春天来了英语作文范文 篇四

  Spring is coming! On the land in spring, the colors begin to enrich, and no longer only show the cold tranquility. The light green color renders a strong vitality, and the light fragrance decorates a strong poetic and picturesque flavor.

  How light the pace of Spring Girl is! She came quietly to the field. You see: patches of rape are competing to bloom yellow flowers. Under the spring breeze, layers of waves are surging up, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

  Spring girl came to the grass again, woke up the closed flowers and let the grass break out of the ground.

  Spring girl came to the river again, she blew a breath, thawed the river, and ran with a crash. The willows on the river bank are like green waterfalls, which are very beautiful.

  Spring girl came to my yard again, kissed my face, and flew to another place.

  Spring comes to every corner of the world and everyone's heart.

5.春天来了英语作文范文 篇五

  In this season, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. It walks towards the world with light steps.

  I found that when spring came, the willow grew green buds, just like the willow grew green hair. She danced and danced, showing off the gentle touch of spring.

  I found that spring was coming, and when I looked across the fields, a large area of golden rape flowers looked like a group of golden butterflies! They are performing graceful dances for spring.

  I find that spring is coming, and peach blossoms are like a shy girl, with beige in the powder. When the wind blows, she walks around and leaves the fragrance on your nose. The fragrance is intoxicating and refreshing, as if immersed in a bottle of thick perfume.

  I found that spring was coming, the grass was green, and the children were playing in the distance. Some fly colorful kites, some jump rope in competitions, and others paint the beautiful scenery of spring with paintbrush in their hands.
