from monday until friday most people ar e busy working or studying , but in the evenings and on weekends they a re f ree to relax and enjoy themselves . some wa tch television or go to the movies ; othe rs pa r ticipate in sports . it depends on individual inte rests . there ar e many dif fe rent ways to spend our spar e time .
almost everyone has some kind of hobby . it may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes . some hobbies a re wor th a lot of money; othe rs ar e valuable only to their owners .
i know a man who has a coin collection wor th several thou sand yuan . a short time ago he bought a r are ten-yuan piece wor th 250 yuan . he was very happy about the purchase and thought the price was reasonable . on the other hand , my son collects match boxes . he has almost 600 of them but i doubt if they are wor th any money . however , to my son they a re ext remely valuable . nothing makes him happier than to find a new match-box for his collection .
that’s what a hobby means , i guess . it is something we like to do in our spa re time simply for the fun of it . the valuein money is not import ant , but the pleasure it gives us is .
本文是一篇简单的议论文, 全文的主题可以说是“爱好和兴趣之我见”。本文文字简单, 比较容易写, 很适合于四级水平的学生。
busy + . . . ing 忙于⋯⋯
be f ree to + v . 随意⋯⋯
pa rticipate in 参加
be worth . . . (money) 值⋯⋯钱
coin collection 收藏钱币
purchase n . 所购之物
ma tch box 火柴匣
nothing makes him happier than . . . 没 有⋯⋯比⋯⋯使他更高兴