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Lesson 109 A good idea


idea n. 主意

a little 少许

teaspoonful n. 一满茶匙的

less adj. 较少的,更少的

a few 几个

pity n. 遗憾

instead adv. 代替

advice n. 建议,忠告

idea 含义较广

opinion 对某事具体的看法

thought 成系统的思想

view 侧重个人意见

a good idea

in one's opinion

in my opinion

in his opinion

viewpoint 观察视点

I have a good idea.

a little 修饰不可数名词,表示肯定含义

little 修饰不可数名词,表示否定含义

a few 修饰可数名词,表示肯定含义

few 修饰可数名词,表示否定含义

I have a little milk.

I have little milk.

She has a few friends.

She has few friends.

good,well -> better -> best

bad,ill -> worse -> worst

old -> older -> oldest 老,年龄大

-> elder -> eldest 排行比较

far -> farther -> farthest 指距离

-> further -> furthest 表示程度

many,much -> more -> most

little -> less -> least

elder sister 姐姐

further study 进修学习

further explanation 进一步的解释

She is a beautiful girl.

How beautiful she is!

How beautiful the girl is!

What a beautiful girl she is!

What a beautiful girl!

It is a pity.

What a pity it is!

What a pity!

instead of

She didn't go there yesterday.

I went there instead.

There is no Coffee.

Let's drink a cup of tea instead.

Let's watch TV instead of playing cards.

I went there instead of her.

drink -> drank -> drunk

I drank a cup of Coffee instead of tea.

advice n. 建议,忠告(不可数名词)

advise v.

a piece of advice 一条建议

take one's advice 听众某人的建议

follow one's advice

had better do sth.

You'd better take my advice next time.

advise sb. to do sth.

Lesson 110 How do they compare?


most adj. 最多的(many, much的级)

least adj. 最小的,最少的(little的级)

best adj. 的(good的级)

worse adj. 更坏的(bad的比较级)

worst adj. 最坏的(bad的级)

Written exercises 书面练习 A page 224

much 修饰不可数名词

many 修饰可数名词

less 修饰不可数名词

fewer 修饰可数名词

1 many

2 less

3 much

4 fewer

Written exercises 书面练习 A page 224

Have you got any Coffee?

I haven't got much Coffee. I've got very little.

Have you got any biscuits?

I haven't got many biscuits. I've got very few.

1 Have you got any jam?

I haven't got much jam. I've got very little.

2 Have you got any potatoes?

I haven't got many potatoes. I've got very few.

3 Have you got any oranges?

I haven't got many oranges. I've got very few.

4 Have you got any vegetables?

I haven't got many vegetables. I've got very few.

5 Have you got any meat?

I haven't got much meat. I've got very little.

6 Have you got any money?

I haven't got much money. I've got very little.

Written exercises 书面练习 C page 224

I've got some Coffee.

I've got more Coffee than you have.

1 I've got some soap. I've got more soap than you have.

2 I've got some fruit. I've got more fruit than you have.

3 I've got some books. I've got more books than you have.

4 I've got some presents. I've got more presents than you have.

5 I've got some eggs. I've got more eggs than you have.

6 I've got some stationery. I've got more stationery than you have.

Written exercises 书面练习 D page 224

I've got some Coffee.

I've got less Coffee than you have. I've got the least.

I've got some biscuits.

I've got fewer biscuits than you have. I've got the fewest.

1 I've got some jam.

I've got less jam than you have. I've got the least.

2 I've got some potatoes.

I've got fewer potatoes than you have. I've got the fewest.

4 I've got some oranges.

I've got fewer oranges than you have. I've got the fewest.

5 I've got some meat.

I've got less meat than you have. I've got the least.

6 I've got some money.

I've got less money than you have. I've got the least.

Have you got any chocolate?

I haven't got much.

I've got more than you have.

I've got the most.

Have you got any chocolate?

I've got very little.

I've got less than you have.

I've got the least.

Have you made any mistakes?

I haven't made many.

I've made more than you have.

I've made the most.

Have you made any mistakes?

I've made very few.

I've made fewer than you have.

I've made the fewest.

You must see my new car.

It's very good.

This one's better.

This one's the best I've ever seen.

You mustn't go to that restaurant.

It's very bad.

This one's worse.

This one's the worst I've ever seen.

Lesson 109 A good idea




Charlotte wants to make some Coffee for Jane.

Charlotte is making some Coffee for Jane.

Charlotte has made some Coffee for Jane.

Charlotte made some Coffee for Jane yesterday.

Charlotte will make some Coffee for Jane.

I will make some Coffee for you.

I shall make some Coffee for you.

Shall I make some Coffee, Jane?

That's a good idea.

prepare v. 准备

ready adj.

The dinner is ready.

The Coffee is ready.

Are you ready?

I want some milk.

I don't want any milk.

Do you want any milk?

Does Jane want any milk?

Just a little.

Jane wants just a little milk in her Coffee.

What about you?

What about some sugar?

Two teaspoonfuls.

Less than that.

One and a half teaspoonfuls.

That's enough for me.

The Coffee is very nice.

It was very nice.

That was very nice.

Would you like sth.?

Would you like to do sth.?

I would like some milk.

Would you like some milk?

I would like to go to Shanghai tomorrow.

I would like to play football with you.

Would you like to play football with us?

Would you like to drink a cup of Coffee?

Yes, please.

I would like a cigarette.

Jane would like a cigarette.

May I have one?

Of course./ Certainly.

I think there are a few in that box.

I am afraid It's empty.

What a pity!

Have a biscuit instead.

That's very good advice!

It doesn't matter.

Eat more and smoke less!


Shall I make some Coffee, Jane?

That's a good idea, Charlotte.

It's ready.

Do you want any milk?

Just a little, please.

What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls?

No, less than that.

One and a half teaspoonfuls, please.

That's enough for me.

That was very nice.

Would you like some more?

Yes, please.

I'd like a cigarette, too.

May I have one?

Of course.

I think there are a few in that box.

I'm afraid it's empty.

What a pity!

It doesn't matter.

Have a biscuit instead.

Eat more and smoke less.

That's very good advice!

I'd like = I would like

It matters.

Does it matter?

Would you like some more?

