【#英语口语# 导语】英语口语的学习是一个日积月累的过程,每天进步一点点,虽然短时间内效果不显著,但长期坚持下来语言水平却能得到大幅度的提升。一起来看看吧!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
I've decided to move. --Really?
I've come to a decision.
What should we do tonight?
It's up to you. 取决于
It depends on you.
It's completely up to you.
It's all up to you.
Do you want to go out or stay home?
You decide.
This is the important point.
This is the main point.
This is crucial.
Let me help you.
This is my personal problem.
This is my private affair.
It's a matter of life and death. 生死攸关
It's extremely important.
You're free to go or stay.
You're free to leave anytime.
I'm not keeping you here.
Are you going to patch things up?
No, there's no turning back. 无可挽回
We can't turn back now.
Should we go to the party tonight?
I don't know. Let's play it by ear. 走一步看一步、再说吧
Let's leave everything to chance.
Let's just see what happens. 看情况吧。
Are you sure you can do it?
Yes, I'm sure I can do it. /I certainly can do it. /I believe I can do it.
I'm still unable to decide what to do.
What are you going to do?
I'm still unable to decide what to do.
I'm still undecided.
I still can't decide what to do.
I'm still unsure. 我仍然没有把握。
I'll follow her. /I'll go after her.
Let's all get together and act as one.
Let's work together as a team.
I have to do it anyhow. *反正、无论如何
I must do it anyway.
Should I go to college?
Yeah, it's now or never.机不可失,时不再来
No time like the present.
Seize the day. 把握今天
When should I go?
The sooner, the better.
Can you jump over the river?
I'll take a chance. 碰碰运气看、试一试
I'll take a gamble.
I'll go for it. 我大胆试一试
I'll give it a try.
Have more guts! 再拿出点勇气来
It's getting late.
Let's finish it somehow. 想方设法、不管怎样
Let's try our best to finish it.
Let's get it over with.
I don't think I can beat him.
Well, it's worth a try.
We must function as one mind and one body.
We have to work together.
We must be a team.
We have to cooperate with each other.
You just wait. 等着瞧吧
We're betting all of our money.
Yeah, it's all or nothing. 豁出去了