
时间:2023-03-07 01:21:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是自然节气点,也是传统节日,扫墓祭祖与踏青郊游是清明节的两大礼俗主题,这两大传统礼俗主题在中国自古传承,至今不辍。以下是©文档大全网整理的《有关清明踏青英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.有关清明踏青英语日记 篇一

  When the Qingming Festival arrived, my mother said that she would take me to Yanziji to play. All the way, flowers blossomed and the trees sprouted. We saw that the scenery in the Lovers' Park was good, so we wanted to go in and stroll.

  As soon as you enter the door, you can see a sea of flowers. Because it has just rained, the air is particularly fresh, like entering a natural oxygen bar. We walked along the road and saw a colorful flower at the front door of the church. When we walked in, we saw that it was tulips. My mother said that tulips are the national flower of the Netherlands, which symbolizes beauty, solemnity and luxury. We continued to move forward. When we came to the "peony island", the fragrance came in bursts. We looked forward in the face of the fragrance, and saw that the peonies were blooming in full bloom. No wonder people used "national beauty and natural fragrance" to describe the beauty of peonies. After a circle in the Lovers Park, it's time to go to Yanziji.

  After a few minutes' drive, we finally arrived at our destination - Yanziji. Just after getting off the bus, there are many people here. Some of them are flying kites, some are exercising, and some are taking pictures. When I walk along the river, I always see some people floating in the water. It's very interesting. I also find some stones to play with. Although the number of stones jumping on the water is not many, I have a good time. So it's too late for us to go back.

  Although tired after playing all day, I am very happy. Spring is really a beautiful season.

2.有关清明踏青英语日记 篇二

  Qingming Festival is a sad holiday. The rain on Qingming Festival seems to be the tears of those lonely people in heaven. On this day, we will not, and cannot forget, the people who have passed away. Worship them is a comfort to the living.

  The sky of Qingming Festival is gloomy, and the air of Qingming Festival is dead and silent. This morning. I step on every inch of the land, in order to find the missing of biochemical relatives in the distance, leaving footprints. "The Qingming Festival is full of rain", let us feel this sentimental festival, let us use it to express our memory of our ancestors.

  However, Qingming Festival is also a good day for hiking. Walking on the road, I saw the beautiful scenery in the distance, the golden rape flower, the peach flower like a fairy, and the colorful winter jasmine. The warm spring breeze woke up the earth, made the grass greener, the peach blossoms redder, and the ice in the river, making the spring water ripple. The heart shrouded in blue is open and happy. All these are so full of vitality, indicating the beginning of a new life for those who have passed away.

  We are still growing up. We must cherish life and don't say no to ourselves easily. Because you are not only yourself, but also have the expectations of your parents, teachers and classmates on you, so we should make our life more colorful. Don't waste this life. Life is really valuable!

  The Qingming Festival is a festival for us to express our sadness, but it is also a good day for hiking and a good view of nature!

3.有关清明踏青英语日记 篇三

  The Tomb Sweeping Day comes every season. On that day, some people go to sweep graves, some go for an outing, and some go to plant trees. My father and I go to Mount Huangshan for tourism. After breakfast, my father and I set foot on the road to Mount Huangshan Mountain.

  Along the way, the birds chirped as if greeting us. The small flower blooms its beautiful petals, as if to show off its beauty to us. Of course, we also saw all kinds of beautiful scenery along the way.

  When I arrived at Mount Huangshan, the first thing I saw was the towering peaks, especially Tiandu Peak, which was almost straight up and down from the ground. I also saw the strange stones in Mount Huangshan, some like Zhu Bajie eating watermelons, some like a dog watching the moon, and some like Wu Song fighting a tiger... These stones seemed to be real. But when I was about to be fascinated by these strange stones, I suddenly heard a voice, my heart was touched, and went with my father with curiosity to hear the sound, and arrived at the place. It was a clear and visible hot spring, and it was still steaming. It would be very comfortable to jump inside and take a bath; There is also the sea of clouds in Mount Huangshan Mountain, which is even more beautiful. Looking down from the mountain, the sea of clouds looks like butterflies, sheep, or a beautiful girl, dancing on the clouds.

  The sunrise of Mount Huangshan Mountain is very gorgeous. When you sit on the top of the mountain and look at the east, a little while later the east appears the same color as the white fish belly. After a while, the white fish belly turns pink and pink turns orange. I don't know how long it took for the edge of the sun to appear in the east. After a while, the sun jumps out from the sea of clouds. Suddenly, the sky is full of rays, extremely gorgeous, and extremely bright, Like a child breaking away from his mother's arms.

  Ah! This is Mount Huangshan, the beautiful Mount Huangshan, the pride of our Anhui people.

4.有关清明踏青英语日记 篇四

  Another year's Tomb-sweeping Day, my mother and I went to Luorong Town to do Tomb-sweeping.

  On the outskirts of Luorong Town, we went up the mountain to worship our ancestors. After a while, we arrived at the ancestral cemetery. We first uprooted the weeds on the cemetery, lit incense and candles, placed offerings and worshipped. As I worshipped my ancestors, I said, "Bless our family and I will improve my study." After the worship, we went home from the mountain. After lunch at home, he went to another mountain to worship his ancestors.

  This time we will go by grandpa's car. Because today is Qingming Festival, there are many cars on the road. After about half an hour, the car stopped because the road ahead was too small to drive. We had to get off and walk. We walked a little way and saw mountains. I said, "Mom, are we going up those mountains?" Yes! "Mom said. Well, the mountain is so high. When can we climb it? When we see many beautiful flowers and green grass, I immediately have the spirit. Unconsciously, we climbed to the mountainside, found the ancestral cemetery, or worship the ancestors as in the morning.

  On the Tomb-sweeping Day, we can climb mountains, exercise and worship our ancestors. It's good!

5.有关清明踏青英语日记 篇五

  Qingming Festival is a good time for spring outings. On this day, people will go out of their homes to feel the smell of spring.

  My mother and I came to Tianwai Village Square, where there were many people, some were flying kites, some were taking photos, some were appreciating flowers... The west side of the square was full of flowers, and the winter jasmine seemed to know that spring was coming, and yellow flowers were blooming one after another, adding several vitality to spring. Cherry blossoms also opened their smiling faces, and clusters of cherry blossoms dyed the whole hillside pink. The whole square is as gorgeous as a sea of flowers.

  We walked along the mountain road. Not far away, several tall willows have sprouted bright green branches. They take the lake water beside them as a mirror for dressing, and gently swing with the warm spring breeze. The lake is green and clear, and the fish swim in groups, as if they were also attracted by the spring scenery.

  We were attracted by the scenery along the way, and unconsciously came to the Black Dragon Pool. The rippling stream flows to the distance, and the peach blossoms on both banks are blooming in spring. In the distance, in the towering mountains, the water seems to come from the sky and fall into the bottomless Black Dragon Pond, where the water ripples in layers. How can we not be intoxicated with this idyllic scenery?

  I don't know how long we walked, and we came to Changshou Bridge. Standing on the bridge, looking down the mountain, the trees were green and green. The distant peaks are jagged and the magnificent mountains and rivers can be seen at a glance.

  Qingming outing let me enjoy the scenery of spring, let me feel the taste of spring. Spring is the season for all things to recover. Let's enjoy the wonderful spring!
