

时间:2024-07-16 02:16:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章;是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型。英语作文也可以说是整张试卷中最难的板块,因为作文就是对所有知识的综合考察,所以难度大一些。对于写作能力差的同学来说,可以多看看背范文的运用加以学习。下面是®文档大全网整理发布的大学英语作文:一个目击交通故障者的描述,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

            Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident. You should write at least 120 words, according to the outline given below in Chinese. 假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书须包括以下几点:1.车祸发生的时间及地点;2.你所见到的车祸情况;3.你对车祸原因的分析。An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident The car accident happened at about 7:30 on the morning of April 6th, 2003 when I was on my way to school.
            It was raining heavily, and the road was very slippery. Three little boys were going in front of me, each riding on a bike, talking loudly with each other while they rode. One of the boys didn't weara raincoat; instead he was holding an umbrella in one hand, and the handle of the bike in another. As he turned left to Hongqiao Road, a car came out at a high speed from behind a truck parked on the corner. Both the boy and the driver acted quickly, but it was too late. I heard a big noise and saw the boy falling down and an umbrella thrown away. I was completely shocked.
            I think three factors attributed to this tragedy. The first factor is the boy's absent mindedness. He was talking all the way, dangerously holding an umbrella while riding the bike. The second factor is the bad weather and the slippery road, which makes it hard for the driver to bring the car to a full stop abruptly. The last factor was the improperly parked truck, which was big enough to make the road conditions invisible to the driver and students who were going to make a turn.
击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书须包括以下几点:1。车祸发生的时间及地点; 2。你所见到的车祸情况3。你对车祸原因的分析。一名

