【#英语资源# 导语】以下是®文档大全网整理的《如何用英语描述面容?》,一起来看看吧!
1.Visage 面容 Visage refers to the proportions of someone's face or the expression on someone's face. Visage指人的面部比例或者面部比例。 His face has very sharp angular visage. 他的脸棱角分明。 Face can also refers to the outward appearance or expression shown on someone’s face. This definition isn’t about the physical face, it also just refers to how someone or something looks. Face也可以指某人的表情和面容。这一定义并不是指面容的样子,而是指某人或者某事看起来怎么样。 I love seeing you with such a happy face. 我喜欢看到你这样一张快乐的脸。 Her face always has a mean look on it. 她的脸上总是带着刻薄的表情。 2. Appearance 外貌 Appearance refers to how someone or something looks. Appearance can refer to a person or an object. Appearance指某事或者某人的样子。Appearance可以指人也可以指物。 I’m not happy with my appearance today. 我对今天自己的样子不满意。 We are painting the lobby to give the building a more upbeat appearance. 我们正在粉刷大厅使得这栋建筑更加具有活力。 3. Aspect 外貌 Aspect can refer to a quality that something has or a particular feature of that thing or person. Aspect可以指某事的特质或者某人的特征。 There was a sinister aspect to the way that he was behaving. 他的行为举止有险恶的一面。 There’s always such a fun aspect to her class. 她的课总是有这样有趣的一面。 4. Image 肖像,形象 Image refers to a representation of an external form of a person or thing. The word image is often used when speaking about art or pictures. Image指人或者事物的外在表现形式。Image这个词常用于谈论艺术或者图片。 Did you see their image placed on the billboard? 你看到广告牌上他们的照片了吗? They put up a happy image, but there were deep issues within the family. 他们表现出快乐的样子,但是家庭内部存在着深层次的问题。 Face can also mean the surface of something, especially the surface that is within view. It can refer to a person or an object. When it refers to an object it’s usually a flat surface, like the sides of a cube. When it refers to a person, it often refers to someone being the person who the public associates with a company. Face也可以指物体的表面,尤其指视野范围内物体的表面。指物体时,它通常指一个平面,比如立方体的侧面。指人时,通常指某人与某公司之间的联系人。 They are looking for someone to be the new face of the company. 他们正在寻找一个新人成为公司的代言人。 A cube has 6 faces. 立方体有六个面。 This definition of face has many synonyms. Here are some of the most popular. Face作为这种含义通常也有很多同义词。这里是一些欢迎的。 5. Side 方面,侧面 Side has many definitions, as a synonym to face, it is the flat surface of an object. Objects have more than one side. For example a piece of paper has two sides. Side有很多含义,作为face的同义词,它表示一个物体的表面。物体有多个表面,例如纸有两面。 Let’s paint this side of the room first. 让我们先把房间的这一面刷一下。 6. Aspect 方面 Aspect can also refer to a particular part of something. When one is speaking about an aspect of something they aren’t talking about the whole thing, they are only talking about one part. Aspect can, at times, also be used in place of the word “thing”. Aspect也可以指事物的某一特定部分。当一个人在谈论某件事物的某个方面时,他们并不是在谈论事物的整体,他们只是在谈论其中的一部分。有时,aspect也可以用来代替单词“thing”. What was your favorite aspect of the movie? 你最喜欢这部电影的哪些方面? There’s one aspect of the speech that I think you should revisit. 我认为你应该重新审视你演讲的这个方面。 7. Flank 侧面 Flank refers to the left or the right of someone. Flank 指某人的侧面。 My team always protects my flank. 我的队伍总是保护我的侧翼。 Post guards to make sure that the enemy does not flank our position. 警卫人员要保证敌人不侧翼我们的位置。 8. Surface 表面 Surface refers to the outside or uppermost part of something. Surface是指事物的外部或者最上面的部分。 It would be so cool to walk on the surface of the moon. 在月球表面行走会很酷。 There’s a scratch on the surface of the table. 桌子表面有一个划痕。 9. Plane 平面 Plane is a flat surface that where two straight lines connect to two other points. Plane是指两条直线连接两个点所组成的平面。 Make sure the planets in you model are on the same plane. 确保你模型中的行星都在一个平面上。 All of the apartments that are on the same floor are also on the same plane. 同一层所有的公寓都在一个平面上。 10. Facet 面,方面 Facet refers to one side of something that has many sides. It can refer to an object or a person. Facet指事物多面性的一面。它可以指一个物体也可以指一个人。 I have seen so many different facets of her personality that I don’t know who she really is. 我在她的性格里看到很多不同的方面,我不知道她到底是谁。 A diamond has any facets. 钻石有很多切面。 Face can also mean to confront someone or something. Face也可以指面对某人或者某物。 It’s important to face your fears. 面对恐惧很重要。 The two fighters face each other before the fight. 在开始战斗之前,这两名战士直面彼此。 Here are some synonyms for this definition of face. Face作为此层含义有一些其他的同义词。 11. Encounter 偶遇 Encounter means to be faced with something in an unexpected way. Encounter是指以一种意想不到的方式来面对某事。 We encountered a bear while we were on vacation. 我们在度假时遇到了一只熊。 Did you encounter anything interesting in the meeting? 你在会议上遇到了什么有趣的事情了吗? 12. Experience 经历 Experience refers to practical contact with or observations of events, facts, or people. Experience是指事件,事实或者人之间的实际联系或者观察。 Going through the haunted house was a terrifying experience. 穿过闹鬼的屋子是一种可怕的经历。 What the craziest experience that you’ve ever had? 你最疯狂的经历是什么?