Such good students we have never seen.像这样好的学生,我们还从来没有见过。(直接按照英语顺序翻译)
Not a word did she say the whole two hours.整整两个小时她一句话也没有说。(把宾语还原到谓语动词后面翻译)
At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use or menace to use nuclear weapons.在任何时候和任何情况下,中国都不会首先使用或威胁使用核武器。(直接按照英语的顺序翻译)
Never will they give up the struggle for freedom and peace.他们绝对不会放弃为自由和和平而斗争。(把状语还原到谓语动词前面翻译)
Electronic computers make possible the fast complicated calculation.电子计算机使快速进行复杂计算成为可能。(把possible还原为到宾语后面)
A scandal people call the whole matter.人们把这件事称为丑闻。(把a scandal还原为到宾语后面)
She did accomplish the task in time.她的确准时完成了任务。
We do have sufficient food and drink.我们确实有足够的事物和饮料。
三、英语中,如果在what, where, who ,why, how等疑问词后面加上the devil,the hell, on earth, in(或under)heaven等词组用来加强语气,有时在某些否定词或级后面也可以加上on earth以增强语气。翻译成汉语时,可以增加“究竟,到底”等词来处理。
Who the devil is that woman?那个女人究竟是谁?
What on earth is the matter over there?那里到底发生了什么事情?
How on earth can one accomplish such a feat?一个人怎么能够完成如此伟大的工作呢?
四、It is +被强调部分+that…强调句型。
It was Professor Wu that (who) sent me the letter.给我寄信的正是吴教授。(强调主语)
It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.昨天晚上在实验室做实验的正是我父亲。(强调主语)
It was I myself who opened the window.是我自己打开的窗户。(强调主语及其同位语)
It was your mother-in-law that (whom) I met in the park the day before yesterday.前天我在公园里碰到的正是你的岳母。(强调宾语)
It is this novel they talked about last week. 他们上周讨论的就是这本小说。(强调宾语)
It was at an evening party that I first saw her.我是在一次晚会上第一次见到她的。(强调状语)
It was when Hemingway lived in Cuba that he wrote The Old Man and the Sea.海明威是生活在古巴的时候写的《老人与海》。(强调状语)
It is only when one is ill that one realizes the importance of health.只有在人们生病了才知道健康的重要性。(强调状语)
It was not until recently that scientists know much about lung cancer.直到最近,科学家才对肺癌有较多的了解。(强调状语)
You are the very man I am looking for.你正是我要寻找的人。
Who ever said so?到底是谁说的?
The pear is rotten right through.这只梨子完全烂了。
Put it right in the middle.把它就放在正中间吧。
This is much the best.这是最的。
That article was simply ridiculous.那篇文章简直是荒谬极了。
More serious was the problem of environmental pollution.更为严重的是环境污染问题。(直接按照英语顺序翻译)
Very strange the thing seemed.这件事情好像很奇怪。(把表语还原到系动词后面翻译)