· 空间社会科学
· 空间数据科学
· 生态系统理论与应用
· 一般聘期为两年,到期根据双方意愿可以续聘
· 起始日期:2017年7月1日(可以商量)
· 申请表
· 申请信
· 附近照的个人简历
· 论文样本
· 研究计划
· 三位推荐人联系方式
The Open Postdoctoral Positions
Jointly by
Henan University and the University of Michigan
The School of Economics, School of Environment and Planning, and the Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development of Henan University has several open positions for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, sponsored by the joint postdoc training program of Henan University and the University of Michigan. Those recruited postdocs will be hosted by the China Data Center of the University of Michigan for their postdoc research.
Research Fields:
· Spatial Social Sciences
· Spatial Data Science
· Ecological System Theories and Applications
Ph.D. or Ph.D. candidate in Economics, Statistics, Sociology, Computer, Geography, GIS, Environment, Ecology, Health or other related disciplines.
Desired Skills:
Solid background in programming and statistics. Good verbal/written communication in English. Strong research interests in spatial social sciences, spatial data sciences and ecological system theories and applications.
Henan University will offer competitive compensation packages that include salary, research funds, and housing subsidies.
Additional Information:
· Two year term-limited position with a possibility of extension
· Preferred starting date is July. 1, 2017 (negotiable)
To apply, please email the following to cdc-henan@umich.edu with the title of “The application for Henan-UM postdoc” + your name:
1. Cover letter stating the applicant’s career goals and interests in the position
2. Application form
3. CV with a recent photo
4. Sample papers
5. Research plan
6. Contact information for three references