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【#新概念英语# 导语】《新概念英语》是1997年由外语教学与研究出版社和培生教育出版中国有限公司联合出版的一套英语教材。作为一套世界闻名的英语教程,以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。进入中国以后,《新概念英语》历经数次重印,以大限度地满足不同层次、不同类型英语学习者的需求。®文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注®文档大全网!


    1 At what point did the tradesmen start trying to sell their merchandise?

  a.Once it had been brought to them by the small boats.

  b.While they were laying it out on the decks.

  c.As soon as the liner had anchored in the harbour.

  d.Once the tourists had arrived on board.

  2 What happened once the writer got on shore?

  a.A man who had followed him off the ship tried to sell him a diamond.

  b.He was made to look at some diamonds against his will.

  c.A man started pestering12 him to buy a diamond.

  d.On his way to a shop, he met a man who was selling diamonds.

  3 What made the writer finally buy the pen?

  a.He had been unable to make the man understand he did not want it.

  b.The man eventually agreed to his original offer.

  c.He decided13 it was the only way to get rid of the man.

  d.He was afraid the man might otherwise become violent.

  Structure 结构

  4 But I decided to disembark ______ anything. (11. 7-8)

  a.before I would buy

  b.until I was buying

  c.until I had bought

  d.before buying

  5 I was assailed by a man who wanted ______ a diamond ring. (1. 9)

  a.that I bought

  b.for me to buy

  c.me to buy

  d.my buying

  6 ---- of buying one, but the man ______ that I was impressed … (1. 10)

  a.must have noticed

  b.had to notice

  c.must notice

  d.could notice

  7 The man said that although the pen was worth £50, as a special favour, ______ for £30. (11. 16-17)

  a.he would let it to me

  b.he could have let me have it

  c.it would have been mine

  d.he might give me

  Vocabulary 词汇

  8 It was difficult to ______ temptation. (11. 5-6)





  9 ______ I was approached by a man who was selling … (1. 14)

  a.The later

  b.On the next time



  10 ---- and held up five fingers indicating I ______ to pay five pounds. (1. 17)


  b.was ready to



  11 The man acted as if he found my offer ______ … (1. 18)





  12 ______ hard I tried, it was impossible to fill the pen. (11. 21-22)




  d.So ever


    1>B merchandise n.商品, 货物(= goods)

  -- lay out 摆开, 展示

  2>C pester(vt.使烦恼, 纠缠)= assail(vt.攻击, 困扰)

  3>B 4>D 5>C 6>A 7>D


  resist vt.抵抗, 反抗

  -- resist aggression 抵抗侵略 / resist heat 耐热

  -- resist temptation 抵制引诱

  -- I was unable to resist laughing. 我忍不住笑了。


  afterwards adv.然后, 后来地(可以单独使用)

  -- soon afterwards, shortly afterwards

  after adv.在后, 后来(不能单独使用)

  -- two days after

  later adv.后来, 过后

  -- I will see you later. 等会儿再见。

  -- But some time later it began to rain. 但过了些时候开始下雨了。

  The later 后者

  10>B intend to do 打算做某事


  irritating adj.使愤怒的, 使人不愉快的

  outrageous adj.无耻的, 可恶的, 令人不可容忍的(= preposterous)

  preposterous adj.荒谬的, 可笑的

  -- That‘s a preposterous excuse! 那是一个荒谬的藉口!

  -- What a preposterous idea! 多么荒谬的想法!

  -- a preposterous old woman 一位可笑的老妇人

  hilarious adj.热闹的, 高兴的, 狂欢的

  unspeakable adj.无法形容的,不能以言语表达的,可怕的,坏透了的

  = terrible adj.很糟的, 极坏的

  12>A No matter how = however

新概念英语第三册:Lesson28 课后多项选择题及答案解析.doc
