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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的英文学习教材,《新概念英语》在中国经久不衰,影响了好几代学习者。即使以今天的角度来看,这套出版于几十年前的教材无论是在编排体系,题材和题材,词汇还是语法上都有出彩之处,值得各个层次的人学习。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!

     【篇一】Lesson 23 

      1 In a country where snails are eaten, you would expect ______ .

  a.to find a great many snails in people's gardens

  b.to find that people cooked them in wine

  c.snails to be so popular that they are a luxury only the rich can afford

  d.people to be amazed by anyone who refused to eat them

  2 The idea of collecting snails never appealed to the writer very much until ______ .

  a.the sight of the snails made him think of Robert

  b.a heavy shower of rain led him to look for them in his garden

  c.a sudden impulse made him decide to visit the country where Robert lived

  d.he felt obliged to remove them from his prize plants

  3 When the writer arrived at Robert's flat ______ .

  a.Robert welcomed him warmly because of the snails he had brought

  b.Robert immediately invited him to dinner in order to eat the snails

  c.he forgot about giving Robert the snails until two hours later

  d.he gave Robert the snails, little thinking Robert would propose a dinner with snails as the main dish

  Structure 结构

  4 People are quite illogical when ______ deciding what … (11. 1-2)

  a.it comes to

  b.they come to

  c.they come

  d.coming to

  5 Most of us have been brought up to eat certain kinds ______ . (1. 7)


  b.of food

  c.of the foods


  6 No creature ______ abused more often than … (1. 9)

  a.is being praised and

  b.is praised nor

  c.has been praised or

  d.has been praised and

  7 Having left the bag in the hall, ______ into the living room. (11. 16-17)

  a.I accompanied Robert

  b.Robert took me

  c.we went

  d.I and Robert went

  8 We saw the snails ______ from the paper bag … (11. 19-20)



  c.had escaped

  d.to escape


  9 On the other hand, you would ______ at the idea … (11. 5-6)

  a.be sick



  d.feel sick

  10 Snails would, of course, be the main ______ . (11. 18-19)





  11 ----I went into the living room where we talked for ______ . (1. 17)

  a.round the clock

  b.two hours or so

  c.a second hour

  d.some hours

  12 There are ______ people, who … (11. 10-11)






       1> D

  2> A

  3> D propose vt.计划, 建议, 向...提议 vi.打算

  4> A

  5> B kinds和介词of连用 / foods各种各样的食物

  -- certain kinds of food = certain foods

  6> C and和or的用法:


  在否定句中, 两个对等的谓语、宾语、状语或从句的连接用or, 把两个成分都否定掉。 -- He doesn’t smoke or drink.

  -- She couldn’t remember who she was or where she left. 她不知她自己是谁以及从哪来的。

  在否定句中出现了and, 表示语义的转折, 相当于but。

  -- The room is not big and comfortable. 这房子不大但很舒服。

  -- The room is not big or comfortable. 这房子不大也不舒服。

  7>A having left„的逻辑主语是主句的主句 accompany vt.陪伴

  -- She accompanied me to the doctor’s. 她陪我去看了医生。

  8> C saw后面省略了that

  9> D

  be sick 表示一种状态, feel sick表示突然的一种感觉。

  feel sick = sicken(vt.使患病, 使恶心或昏晕 vi.得病, 变厌腻)

  -- He began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.

  10> D

  meal n.一餐, 一顿饭

  dish(n.一道菜, 盘, 餐盘, 碟)= course(n.一道菜)

  11> B

  a couple of hours = tow hours or so 一两个小时的时间

  round the clock 昼夜不停, 连续一整天, 毫不疲倦地, 不松劲地

  12> B

  numerous(adj.众多的, 许多的, 无数的)= countless(adj.无数的, 数不尽的)

  -- There are numerous people waiting for you. numerable adj.可数的, 可计算的(= able to be counted)

  numerical adj.数字的, 用数表示的(多用作前置形容词)

  -- in numerical order 按照数字顺序 / numerical ability 使用数字的能力

  numbered adj.有限的, 时日无多的 adj.已编号的(numbered card已编号的卡)

新概念英语第三册:Lesson23 课后多项选择题及答案解析.doc
