
时间:2023-04-16 01:16:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】《长津湖之水门桥》将在美陆战一师撤退路线上的水门桥阻击敌军,任务会更加艰巨,战斗场面会更加激烈,为赢得胜利付出的巨大牺牲也会令人更加动容!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  This battle gained military and national prestige and laid an important position for new China in Asian and international affairs.

  At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, it was faced with a riddled mess and extremely serious difficulties in all aspects caused by the long war. When the national security was threatened, the territorial sovereignty was violated and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was in a critical situation and requested China to send troops for support, the CPC Central Committee with Mao Zedong as the core resolutely made the strategic decision of "resisting US aggression and aiding Korea and protecting the country", formed the Chinese people's Volunteer Army and joined the Korean people's army, Fighting with the US Army, the army of the world's major capitalist countries, fully reflects the determination and strength of the Chinese people to resist aggression and the awe inspiring integrity of the Chinese nation. It can be said that the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea changed China's image in the world, established China's status as a great power in the world, and further established the strong core leadership of the Communist Party of China in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. The Chinese people of all ethnic groups firmly believe that there is hope if they follow the party and that they can win if they listen to the party's command.


  For 72 years, the soul of a strong hero.

  The mountains and rivers are all right. Please comfort the martyrs.

  Today marks the 72nd anniversary of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army's war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. In the magnificent war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the heroic Chinese people's Volunteer Army forged a great spirit to resist US aggression and aid Korea. In those days, the Chinese and Korean troops, with extremely poor environment and extremely backward equipment, defeated their opponents armed to the teeth and broke the myth that the US military was invincible. In order to defend peace, protect the motherland, smash hegemony and repel evil neighbors, the soul of 190000 volunteers lies in a foreign country. Finally, we have a chance to work hard, a moment of national peace and security, and a tomorrow that can be expected in the future!

  The great war to resist US aggression and aid Korea carried forward and magnified the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China and the people's army. The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea not only played a song after song, but also forged a great spirit of resisting US aggression and aid Korea, which will always be a precious asset of the Chinese people.


  "72 years ago, the Chinese people's Volunteer Army, composed of outstanding sons and daughters of China, shouldered the great trust of the people and the expectations of the nation, held high the just banner of safeguarding peace and resisting aggression, bravely and in high spirits, crossed the Yalu River, carried forward the great spirit of patriotism and revolutionary heroes, and fought hard and bloody battles with the Korean people and army for two years and nine months , won a great victory in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. " ***

  The reason why the Chinese nation can live forever and have a long history is precisely because, like the vast number of people's volunteers, after putting the national righteousness into personal safety and keeping the feelings of family and country in mind, they have created the brilliance of Chinese culture and the rejuvenation of China.

  China is a peace loving country. In the long history of the past, we have been bullied and persecuted by great powers. Our people are well aware of the cruelty of war. We should be vigilant in times of peace and lose our illusions. The recent Taiwan issue and the China US issue have forced us to rethink our position and recall that humiliating history, Never allow to be bullied or humiliated as before.

  Reviewing the general secretary's speech can always impress me, understand China's strength, understand its own status, make continuous progress and efforts.


  On the evening of February 8, 2022, the shuimen bridge of Changjin lake was shown in Jinan Railway Culture Palace. I grabbed a ticket from "culture and economy Railway" and came to watch it. Although I have seen the film "Changjin Lake" and have been prepared for the war, the tragic degree of the battle of "shuimen bridge" is still beyond my imagination.

  The shuimen bridge of Changjin lake is the only way for the US Army to retreat. Our army paid a heavy price in order to intercept the US Army. War is not a confrontation of equal strength. We have no aircraft, artillery or tanks. We can only seize weapons from the battlefield and attack the enemy. The 157 soldiers interspersed with seven companies are all good. They fight on the Korean battlefield. Where they need them, they rush to them, and even block guns with flesh and blood. Finally, the mission of blowing up the shuimen bridge was successfully completed, which caused heavy losses to the enemy and drove the US imperialism out of the Korean Peninsula.

  The Chinese people's Volunteer Army has suffered countless deaths and injuries, suffered from cold and hunger and shed blood. When Wu Wanli was entrusted by my brother Wu Qianli, I couldn't control my emotions and my tears couldn't stop falling.

  The eldest brother Wu Baili had died in the previous battle, and the second brother Wu Qianli also died at the Watergate bridge for carrying out the bridge bombing mission. His younger brother Wu Wanli froze on the snow with his body, and was finally awakened by the enemy's incendiary bombs. When he opened his eyes, the second brother Wu Qianli had been burned to ashes. This is a cruel war. One three brothers, two died in the battlefield and gave their young lives.

  The soldiers of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army defended the honor of the motherland with their blood. All but 50000 li of the seven companies were sacrificed. The only remaining 50000 Li asked for the restoration of the seven company system. These are the heroic soldiers of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army, and these are the good children of my great motherland!

  Our happy life now is really hard won. The martyrs have defended the dignity of the motherland with their flesh and blood in exchange for the good situation now. How can we not sigh! I just want to shout to heaven: martyrs, what you hope is happening, and the grand blueprint for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is unfolding. Rest in peace, sweetest man!


  "Crossing the Yalu River bravely and in high spirits; safeguarding peace for the motherland is safeguarding hometown". This is the military song of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. After watching the documentary, I felt the passion and fighting spirit of the people to defend the country at that time.

  The Chinese volunteers defeated the enemy with their indomitable and fearless spirit, and also deterred those who had invaded us. This is an unprecedented war; It is a war in which poor countries defeat rich countries and weak countries defeat powerful countries to create historical miracles; It is a war in which the Chinese Army exerts national prestige, military prestige, backbone and elation; The Chinese Volunteer Army has written a glorious page of the Chinese national war. They are worthy of being our most lovely people.

  Let's remember the most lovely and respectable people - the volunteers who rushed to the front line recklessly.

