
时间:2023-02-20 01:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】观后感,就是看了一部影片,连续剧或参观展览等后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  My mother and I watched the war history film "shuimen bridge in Changjin Lake", which made me deeply feel the hardships of the Chinese people in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea.

  The fierce battle brought down countless unsung heroes. The volunteers ate hard frozen potatoes and wore thin cotton padded clothes. They could not eat enough and wear warm clothes. Under such bad conditions, our soldiers were not afraid. And our enemy - American soldiers, they drink coffee, eat canned beef, bite chocolate, wear warm cotton padded clothes and use advanced weapons to deal with us. They arrogantly plan to eradicate us. Unexpectedly, our soldiers are so brave, powerful and invincible. Our soldiers lost all the fighting spirit of the American soldiers with their amazing perseverance and the fighting spirit of fearing no sacrifice, no difficulties and the courage to struggle. Finally, we won.

  Now, we live in an era of peace, with sufficient sources of livelihood and a good living environment. We must cherish this hard won life. History has passed, but we must remember history and not forget shame. We should study hard, work hard when we grow up, and make our due contribution to building a modern and harmonious society.


  My mother took me and my brother to the Grand Theater to watch the film "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake".

  After watching this movie, my heart can't calm down for a long time. This is a story of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. In October 1950, the United States sent troops to North Korea. Chairman Mao guided the volunteers to cross the Yalu River and the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea began. In the film, the soldiers fight the enemy in the cold weather of minus 40 degrees. They have no cotton padded clothes. They eat frozen potatoes when they are hungry and snow when they are thirsty, but they fight the enemy who is full, warm and driving tanks and planes. The most unforgettable thing for me is the ice sculpture company. They always maintain the same posture in the cold snow, lying motionless in the snow of minus 40 degrees? When the enemy found them, they had been frozen to death. U.S. commander Smith took off his hat to pay tribute to them. Smith said: "with such a spiritual enemy, we can never defeat it."

  Through this film, I understand that our happy life now is bought by soldiers with their lives and blood. We should learn our skills well and serve our motherland in the future.


  On February 4, my mother and I watched a patriotic blockbuster "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake". Before watching, my mother reminded me: "bring paper towels and don't cry!"

  "I won't!" I replied stubbornly. However, during watching, I was always moved by the characters in the film, and tears flowed from the beginning to the end of the film.

  I was moved by the ordinary people in the film. Wu Baili, Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli brothers resolutely embarked on the Korean battlefield and participated in the battle of Changjin Lake in order to protect their homes and defend their country. Because they know that North Korea is equivalent to China's northeast gate. If North Korea is defeated, China's northeast will not be preserved; To help North Korea fight the United States is to defend its own country.

  I was moved by the great man in the film. In order to resist US aggression and aid Korea, Mao anying also participated in the war. As soon as they got off the train, they happened to be bombed by American planes. At that time, flesh and blood were flying, and the scene scared me to cover my eyes. Later, I learned from my mother that Mao anying had died, and I burst into tears. I still remember what he said: "the children of hundreds of thousands of people went to the battlefield with one order. Why don't I Mao anying go?"

  I was moved by the spirit of the volunteer army. At that time, on the battlefield, the weather was very cold and white. Americans ate and drank, while our soldiers' clothes were frozen. There was only one potato to eat every day, but they still stood their ground. Even if they were frozen to death, they were all fighting. Even the Americans were moved by their unyielding will to fight and gave them a solemn salute.

  I was moved and full of respect for them. Because I understand that now our beautiful life is bought with their blood. In their words: "I hope the next generation can grow up in an era without gunpowder smoke." Now their wish has come true.

  Salute, volunteer soldier!

  Salute, my most lovely person!


  After watching the recently released film "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake", as a party member and cadre, I was filled with emotion. More than 70 years ago, the heroic Chinese people's Volunteer Army "bravely crossed the Yalu River" to fight a war to protect justice. They are the most lovely people, the bravest people and the most respectable people. They built a wall with their own lives to block the aggression of American imperialism and protect the peace and tranquility of China and North Korea.

  Yes, war is undoubtedly cruel. In "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake", the Chinese people's volunteers made great sacrifices. They didn't have enough to eat and wear, but they still insisted on the front line of the war of resistance, just because of their determination to protect their homes and defend their country. There is a scene in the film where a train passes the Great Wall, and they are the Great Wall. They build the Great Wall with their lives in exchange for peace.

  In "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake", I couldn't help crying when I saw American planes bombing our most lovely people, seeing our most lovely people don't give up until the end, and seeing them use all their strength to resist the US Army. I wonder what we would be like without them. So we should always remember them and remember them.

  The history written by our ancestors with blood and the peace gained with youth and life will not be forgotten, let alone forgotten. The release of "Changjin Lake" makes people know more about the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and makes people cherish this hard won peace more.

  I wish the smoke of gunpowder would not diffuse and peace would not disappear.


  "Shuimen bridge in Changjin Lake" makes people excited and tearful. The film "shuimen bridge in Changjin Lake" truly restores the exciting history of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

  The most shocking thing is that the "ice carving company" was seriously short of cotton clothes due to the emergency of the war. Under the condition of lack of clothes and less food, the ninth regiment ran long distances to fight in the coldest areas. Under the condition of starvation and cold, under the condition of more than minus 40, the soldiers ate frozen potatoes, climbed on the ice with snow, lay on the snow with thin clothes, and ambushed in the ice and snow for ten days and nights, The coldness of Changjin lake is beyond your imagination. In order to block the escaping enemy, the company hid in the snow and froze to death on the position. Until the last moment of life, the hero still kept the war posture of holding his weapons tightly.

  Now the mountains and rivers are safe and sound, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe; The most lovely people; We can live a happy life today only by leaving our life in that ice and snow. As we in the new era, we should remember history, never forget heroes, strive for the motherland and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation.

  Look, we can have a long National Day holiday and live happily every day. It is built by our martyrs' own flesh and blood. Their efforts have made our happy life today.

  "May our future generations live in peace!" Their wishes have come true. We can live a happy life because of their heavy load! As they wish, we were born in a peaceful country. Our happy life was given by the older generation of revolutionary martyrs with their blood and life. Thank those martyrs for giving us a happy and great country with their blood and life!

