
时间:2023-03-05 22:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】开学了,和寒假说声再见,和懒散说声拜拜;和学校说声回归,和学习说声重逢;和知识说声你好,和自己说声加油。愿你开学心情好,成绩步步高!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On the first day of school, the red flag fluttered in the campus, and the brilliant sunshine brought us a good mood and a good omen. The diary also indicates that our school will continue to develop healthily, stably and orderly.

  However, unfortunately, there are still some phenomena inconsistent with our school in our campus and some students. For example: some students have conflicts, not running for mutual care and coordination, but looking for someone to retaliate, and then for serious fights. At the beginning of the new term, I would like to remind every student to re-examine themselves.

  Students, if you want to get good grades, you have to study. At first, it was a crawling caterpillar. In order to fly, it first made a cocoon, confined itself, turned into a pupa and completely deformed. After hard work, it will break free from the cocoon and fly freely in the air.

  Students, let's learn from butterfly. We accept all this calmly, accept the warmth, richness and enrichment of high school life, and make it carry forward and unforgettable all our lives.


  The time of vacation is always fleeting, and the opening day of school is absolutely sudden.

  Now, I have been sitting in the classroom of class 3, senior one. There are several old classmates I know, but we just say hello and smile. Time is a thief. When we find it, time has stolen our endless words.

  Everything in the new class is new, the students are new, the teachers are new, and I have also been updated. In the past, I read novels in class, slept in class, picked up the teacher's words, found trouble for the teacher, didn't go home after school, and went to fight and sing with my "brothers". At that time, I was a jerk, but I realized that there was no end and no way out. I gradually realized that learning, going to high school and college were the due goals of a student! So I changed. On the day of school, I changed with time.

  Now I'm in the classroom of senior one. The students don't know and the teachers are not familiar with it. It doesn't matter. Time will tell those who want to know the answer they want!


  Unconsciously, I have been studying in high school for a week. I feel that time passes too fast.

  Although I am already a high school student, I still don't believe it. Think about how eager I was to enter high school in Junior 3. It is precisely because of the goal of high school that I studied harder. Now, I am a little afraid when I am admitted here.

  I had expected that there were many top students in high school, but I was afraid when I really came here to study. Take the first Chinese lesson for example! As soon as the teacher arranged it, I was at a loss. I couldn't write prose and poetry at all. Later, I racked my brains to write it, but it was very poor. The students in the class wrote very well. After looking at their poetry, I couldn't compare with them. In fact, my language and literature achievements had been good in the past, but when I came here, I felt that there were hermits and people outside the mountain, Chinese is better than I can't count. The pressure is really great, but I've been in mourning all day and I'm constantly reflecting.

  It is often said that pressure is the driving force. Right? But there's a lot of pressure here. I've been bad in science. When I came here, even my only good Chinese and English have changed. I'm at a loss! I feel very distressed and uncomfortable.

  But I insist on this sentence: "even if I fall 100 times, I will stand up for the 101st time." There may be many days like this in the future. You can't be unhappy every day, can you? may not. I really know that I should be strong and face everything bravely.

  Before I came to high school, I asked my mother, "what if I was the last in my class?" But my mother said to me, "there's no way to be the last one. You just have to study hard now. Don't think so much about the number one!" Reprimand ~ I have long been prepared to be the last one, but even in the end, I will not give up. I will study with all my strength and make my own efforts. Because I said, "even if you are the last, you should be the last with a clear conscience."

  It's not easy to give up. I'll do my best if I'm competitive!


  High school career began, we also began our new challenges, a person's life record is constantly updated. In other words, there are many starts and ends in a person's life. Every year is a new beginning, every day is a new beginning, and even every minute and every second is a new beginning. In the face of this rapidly changing world, we are destined to adapt to it with a new face.

  I also ushered in my new beginning, because the new semester is about to begin. A few days before school, I tossed and turned every night. Is it because of excitement? Maybe, I will meet many friends after school, and there will be more interesting stories than holidays. Is it because of worries after school? Maybe, it's the second day of junior high school after the beginning of school. The pressure and competition will certainly increase. Can you stand it?. Is it because of the memory of the holiday? Maybe, life after school is certainly not as easy as that in the holiday. How can we deal with everything that will come.

  After spending a few days like this, the opening day of school finally disappeared like water. After knowing this, the friend said, "why do you need it? If you come, you will be at ease!" However, in the face of a new beginning, how can my heart calm down? With a new beginning, you will naturally want to make some preparations and come with a new face.

  With a new start, there will naturally be some changes. The original classroom no longer belongs to our class. We are in senior one. So he willingly moved to class 17, grade 1, senior high school on the third floor of Qinxue building. The blackboard is different, from traditional black to dark green; The classroom is brighter than before. There are two windows in the four walls; There are no more awards and learning sections on the wall that we used to be familiar with.

  Of course, these are not the only changes. There are three main subjects, two of which have changed teachers. Teachers Yao and Ding replace teachers Feng and Qian. This means that we will start to adapt to the teacher's teaching method again, and all the original habits will change.

  Students have also changed a lot. Of course, this does not just mean that the students have grown much taller. More because of the pressure and the increase of psychological age and other reasons, everyone no longer likes to play as much as in the first day of junior high school. But the problem of talkative still hasn't changed. Everyone chatters constantly, like a good friend I haven't seen for many years. Some say where they went during the holiday, some complain that they are too busy during the holiday, and some ask about their homework. I finally heard my voice again It seems that although the old problems have not changed, everyone is ready to welcome the new semester with a new look.

  The new semester began and the life record was updated again. Everything has become a thing of the past, why worry about it again? They're just old files. At the beginning of the new semester, we should face everything that is about to start with a new look, leave no regrets, and challenge the old record is what we should and will do. Come on, let's show a new self together!


  Unconsciously, the happy winter vacation life has really ended. Accordingly, we ushered in the beginning of a new season.

  That morning, I woke up early from my sleep. Instead of using the alarm clock, I opened my eyes before the alarm clock rang, as if I had realized the beginning of school in my deep sleep.

  It seems that I immediately kept up with the pace of the beginning of school. I quickly completed my "daily tasks" and set off for school. On the way, I recalled my holiday life. Although I didn't make rational use of the whole holiday, I successfully completed the holiday learning task, at least I won't bring the regret of the holiday at the beginning of school.

  After arriving at the school, I came to my own class. The scene in front of me has not appeared in my vision for a long time: the students are quietly carrying out their own learning tasks in their own positions, while the teacher arranged class representatives on the podium to check the students' holiday homework. This harmonious and quiet environment is like idealization. The students really matured after the holiday.

  I also took my seat and started my study plan today. Under the influence of the learning atmosphere in our class, I seem to adapt to the beginning of school very quickly.

  In the evening, I meditated alone before going to bed: originally, I have started school. This is my new semester, and my efforts should surpass that of last semester. Facing the new semester, I can't spare my sweat. I want to create a "leader" to pave the way for future study.


  Today is the first day of school. I am very happy. The new semester is coming. Although I want to leave my former teachers and classmates, I also welcome new teachers and classmates. I must study hard this semester and make a good impression on my teachers. In any case, I must do well in the exam this semester.

  I also want to know more about my classmates, and I specially prepared my homework for this new semester. I also finished practicing the calligraphy. I also wrote all the new words in units 1 to 8. The words are also previewed. I hope I can make a good impression on the teacher this semester, because I seem to be a little lazy in the first few semesters. Since it is a new semester, I will never be lazy again. I want to be in this semester. Getting better and better.

  The first day of school passed very quickly for me. It didn't take long for the day to pass. However, it is said that the school will not arrange courses this week. But I'm more looking forward to whether I can learn when there are courses. If I can't learn it, I think I may ask the teacher. In a word, in a word, this semester I must change my laziness and become better and better.


  Today is the first day of school. My mother called me up early in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I ate the breakfast cooked by my grandmother and came to school happily.

  As soon as I got to the school gate, I saw a lot of people. Later, the school gate opened and I was finally crowded into the campus. WOW! Everything is familiar, familiar students, familiar campus, familiar teachers, this feeling is good! But unfortunately, I changed my Chinese teacher when I was promoted to the fourth grade. I thought it might take some time to adapt! Finally, the new Chinese teacher came to the class and said to us, "students, I'm your new teacher, surnamed CAI. I'll be strict with you this semester, and you should study hard. I believe that strict teachers make excellent students." After listening to the teacher's words, the students can be serious one by one.

  This is my first day of school. In the future, I will study hard and make progress every day.


  Today I am very happy, because I can see teachers and classmates. When I walk into a familiar classroom, it is still so noisy.

  I saw the math teacher holding a mobile phone and was very happy. I looked carefully. It turned out that the math teacher was taking pictures and videos.

  Maybe the math teacher is a little reluctant, and we may have more possibilities. Next, the teacher starts to call the roll. After counting the roll, I begin to read our class. I came to the new class and saw new teachers and new students. Miraculously, the third grade Chinese teacher is still my fourth grade Chinese teacher. The teacher didn't give a lecture in the morning. In the second Chinese class in the afternoon, the teacher let us ourselves. Write what you want to be on a piece of paper, and then the teacher chooses who is the cadre on duty. I became the representative and platoon leader of Chinese class. I'm very happy.

  This is my first day of school. I'm so happy!


  Today, school begins!

  Early in the morning, I rushed to the school, lined up, measured the temperature, and ran all the way into the campus.

  From today on, I am a senior primary school student. I have to climb one more floor than last year. When I came to the classroom, I saw our new Chinese teacher. WOW! He is a male teacher. He is so young and handsome! And the English teacher I think about day and night, ha ha. However, it's a little frustrating that the teacher wants to test the daily word recitation and dictation arranged during the summer vacation. Wow, a lot, I have to review quickly!

  The math teacher has also changed. She is still a female teacher. Make a smooth transition!

  On the first day, there was no danger. Without the leisure of the holiday, a tense atmosphere shrouded in the classroom.


  School has begun. I'm very happy to get together with my classmates. I couldn't sleep that night because I was so happy. On the first day of school, I put on my new clothes and jumped happily towards the school. As soon as I entered the classroom, my classmates were talking. Every time I saw them for a long time, there must be a lot of things to talk to my classmates. I also put down my schoolbag, handed in my homework and talked with my classmates. There were more and more people in the classroom. The classroom was boiling up.

  After a while, I walked into three strange classmates. I was all right and was thinking; Who are they? Will they go to the wrong class? My mind is full of doubts. I think the teacher will be able to solve these problems when he comes. After a while, the teacher came in. Although I felt a little strange, I became familiar with it gradually. The teacher walked into the classroom and smiled at us Another thing, the teacher has a good memory and can remember our names.

