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【#英语资源# 导语】懂得感恩,幸福就会不请自来。感恩是爱的根源,为生活中的每一份拥有而感恩,能让我们知足常乐。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  When I was a child, I was a naughty child. I often fought with other children, but I always deserved the help of others. I never knew how to thank them. Therefore, my reputation in the school is not good. Students and teachers hate me very much. I am like a street mouse. Whenever I appear everywhere, "everyone yells at me", saying that I am a bad guy and a naughty child.

  Time stayed in that afternoon, that beautiful moment. The first class in the afternoon is physical education. In the warm sun, we first run three laps around the playground, and then jump pommel horse. In fact, I have a plan for this sport, because I often turn over the school wall and have done many dangerous actions. I always think I can do it and I will succeed. But the final fact was beyond everyone's expectation. I was the only one who failed in the final test. Moreover, when I was jumping, I accidentally tripped over the classmate's leg. I stumbled and broke my teeth, and red blood flowed from the corners of my mouth.

  At that time, my classmates were laughing at me and saying that I was "a stupid pig". I was very sad. I originally wanted several students to send me to the infirmary, but no one came to help, because my usual performance had broken their hearts. At this time, she, my classmate Xiaoli, ran over from a distance. "Xiaobo, Xiaobo, how are your teeth? Let me take you to the infirmary!" after he came, he first checked my teeth and looked very distressed. Then he hurried to get a glass of water and let me go to the school toilet to gargle. Finally, he took my hand and hurriedly took me to the infirmary. Soon my tooth was sorted out, but the broken tooth could no longer be implanted. After coming out of the infirmary, she gave me a sweet smile. I looked at her smiling face in the sun and felt a burst of sweetness and warmth in my heart.

  Since then, I have learned to be grateful, grateful to the world, and grateful to everyone who has helped me. I gradually become mature, considerate and understand everyone's hard work. I also won the favor of my classmates and teachers. When I graduated from primary school, I was rated as three good students in class and five good students on campus. I, trying to find the root of the change, saw her - Xiaoli reading there, I couldn't help walking over: Thank you, let me know how to be grateful!


  Learn to be grateful for what you have and what life has given you, so that you can have a positive outlook on life and a peaceful state of mind. Love is a kind of giving. Although most of love does not need to be returned, how can we not be "grateful" to the people who give us love?

  The music of falling leaves is the reward of trees for nourishing the earth; The clear sky with silk strands is the reward of white clouds for feeding the blue sky; Falling red is the reward of falling Red's concern for roots; Love extends to others and things, and so does gratitude. Sheep have the grace of kneeling milk, crows have the meaning of back feeding, and so do animals, not to mention ordinary people like us?

  Looking at China's five thousand years of cultural history, the waves of reward are emerging in the long river of history all the time: the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return. In ancient times, Kong Ming was grateful for his kindness, took orders in the face of danger, assisted the young master, worked hard and worked hard to repay Liu Bei's kindness; If you receive a favor from others, you should report it to them from the spring. You will die for five feet and be worthy of it. Your gratitude is praised by the world; Today, there is a world of kindness, leading the Chinese people to a well-off society. The spring breeze of reform and opening up is blowing all over China. His kindness is admired by the Chinese people. He will live forever in the sea.

  Pregnant in October, once delivered, our parents give us life, raise us without complaint and regret, and give us care and warmth. The sky of our left behind children is as blue as everyone else. If our parents are kites, then we are the other end of the thin line. We cut constantly, reason is chaotic, distance, not happiness in our hearts. This is eternal love. They are always paying attention to us for fear that we will be hit by wind and rain, but they are far away from their hometown and go through hardships, We do not know how many times we have seen them shed hard-working sweat in our dreams, and countless times we have dreamed of their sad sighs, and countless times we have dreamed of their looking forward eyes. What is this for? For us to meet the sun and make ourselves brilliant with our dreams; To meet the stars and make yourself bright; To meet the ocean and make yourself profound; Welcome a better tomorrow, ah! Today I want to shout "parents" again. You will always be my home. Wrinkles have climbed up your forehead, but sweetness has filled your heart. The people who help us are also kind teachers and enthusiastic students... Thank them for giving bright sunshine to the left behind children. We will keep it in mind, exhaust everything and repay forever.

  Thanksgiving doesn't need earth shaking. Even if it's beating your parents' backs, washing your feet, even a look, a smile, even a hug, a comfort, even a simple return is the embodiment of true feelings. As long as you use your heart, the return is easy, so you can't be stingy with every small Thanksgiving.


  A friend once asked me to fill in the student record. In the column of my favorite festival, I wrote down "thanksgiving" without hesitation. The friend was very surprised and asked, "what kind of kindness do you feel? Who will be kind to you in this era?" I smiled and said: "you let me fill in the classmate record for you and treat me as a friend. In fact, it is a favor to me. Shouldn't I thank you." the classmate looked at me vaguely and continued to fill in it.

  I like Thanksgiving. First of all, I like the warm dinner of Thanksgiving. So many families, few of them get together to share the brownish red Turkey and the warm candlelight... The soft moonlight has also changed the cold and gorgeous of the past and become hot. They are also grateful for the light given to her by the sun, so that people can feel her existence? Or grateful to the universe for giving her a place? No matter what family, we can't forget to be grateful on this day. We thank God for giving us the earth to take care of human beings and the year of good weather and abundant grain. Not only on this once-a-year Thursday, I thank the distinguished people who have helped us all the time. This festival was originally set by the British immigrants to America to thank the Indians for teaching them to grow local grain. It is an ancient festival created by the American people. Over the past 300 years, Thanksgiving has been respected by more and more people in the world.

  When my friend asked me what I was grateful for, I was a little shocked! Yes, now many people live too long under secular entertainment and forget people's most instinctive - thanks. In their opinion, the help and even the life given by others are taken for granted. "No one is kind to me" has become the most common excuse for many people to hide their ugliness. Is there really no grace? It's impossible. Aren't your parents kind to you? Even if you are an orphan, your parents give you life and let you come to this world is also grateful! There are also teachers. Teachers teach groups of ignorant children one after another into knowledgeable teenagers. Is there no grace of cultivation? You don't want to give other rewards to the teacher. Are you still stingy with a sincere thank you? We should thank everything and ordinary things; Don't say that the revolutionary predecessors threw their heads and shed blood to lay down this red river and mountain for us and create this happy life for us. We should make a deep bow and sincerely say "thank you"; Even when we are sweating, the cool wind is worth thanking. Only when you know how to be grateful will you know how to cherish more.

  A well-known "grateful heart" awakens the young hearts of a generation. I remember one day when I came downstairs after eating in a hotel, I suddenly heard a childish voice: "Why are you so ungrateful!" I was curious. Looking back, I saw a boy who was only four or five years old, looking up at his mother. The little black bean's eyes were full of doubt and anger. He only listened to the mother's head down and explained: "let's eat. He packed. His mother paid for the service. What else do you say to him?" the little boy still refused to follow. I secretly marveled that such a young child knows how to be grateful! What a wonderful thing. People, wake up, isn't a thank you from a young child enough to wake up your grateful heart?!

  I look forward to the coming of the next Thanksgiving. I hope that by Thanksgiving, people's frozen gratitude has been melted and the world has been warmed by the voice of gratitude.


  Chinese festival culture, a bright and wonderful flower, contains rich and colorful material culture. The charm of thousands of festivals let us wander among them, the sad Qingming Festival, the happy Dragon Boat Festival, and the national day to express the strength of the country... And I have a special preference for the extraordinary day of Thanksgiving.

  My memory goes back to last year, which was the happiest day in my memory.

  In the morning, I came to grandma's bed and put a rose beside her. Grandma, I'm afraid I woke up from my dream, right? I opened my bleary eyes and looked at me in surprise. I snuggled up on Grandma's shoulder, gently kissed grandma's cheek and talked and laughed with grandma.

  In the morning, with the gratitude in my heart, I came to my aunt's house. You know, when I was lonely and helpless, my aunt gave me a hard shoulder to rest and let me find a warm habitat for this homeless bird. I hugged my aunt with both hands, and the endless gratitude in my heart had turned into tears. We hugged each other relatively speechless. My aunt has worked hard for me in recent years. At that time, I vowed in my heart: when I grow up, I must make a lot of money and report back to my aunt.

  At night, I came to Mr. Zhang's window. I saw him in the light of the window. Mr. Zhang was wearing glasses to correct students' homework under the desk lamp, and red hooks and forks jumped on the paper. I think this is the portrayal of Mr. Zhang's silent dedication, tireless teaching and painstaking efforts for the teaching cause. Suddenly looking back, Mr. Zhang's teaching in the past appeared in my mind like a film. Thanks to Mr. Zhang, he gave me endless instructions, making me from a reckless girl to a calm and quiet girl. So, gently, I stuffed a greeting card into the window, which was filled with my endless gratitude.

  Crows feed back, antelopes kneel and milk, not to mention people? As a thoughtful and emotional person, we should know how to appreciate and repay kindness. This is the real sense of gratitude.

  In my sleep, I saw again: a girl came to grandma's bed with a bunch of roses... Warmly hugged her aunt... Quietly stuffed a greeting card for the teacher


  "Life needs a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish." the writer Wang Fu's sentence tells the true meaning of life. Life needs us to be grateful. Gratitude makes life colorful, so we should take action to make the flowers of gratitude bloom all over the earth.

  Hugo once said, "a kind heart is the sun." and laroshfoko also said, "sincerity is an opening of the heart." I think the words kindness and sincerity are very suitable to describe my mother. My mother is 38 years old. She is 1.62 meters tall. She has short black hair and clear black and white eyes. Sometimes she emits severe light and sometimes she flashes a look of joy. She talks with her colleagues and my classmates in sincere language and appears amiable.

  Although my mother's education is not high, she never relaxes her requirements for my study and is always nagging. I remember once, my father was busy. I had to recite the handouts, so I had to ask my mother to recite them. When I recited a word, my mother frowned and said, "no, No." I thought hard and couldn't remember it, so I wondered, "which word is that?" when I heard my mother's answer, I was surprised and shouted, "these two words clearly have the same meaning! How can I recite every word with almost the same meaning." After listening to me, my mother immediately pulled down her face and seriously criticized me: "how can you relax yourself? It's not good for you at all!" "hum! I'll go to my father to recite!" I left angrily, and my mother shook her head helplessly. As I walked, I thought: you didn't like learning when you were a child and asked me to memorize every word. Mom really did.

  But maternal love is like a long line, no matter where you go, it will care about you; Maternal love is a big tree, which can protect you from the wind and rain on the road of life; When you are tired, it is your warm dependence. In my impression, my mother got up very early every day to cook for me and my brother since the first grade, but I don't know how to cherish it. It's always not delicious. Until some time ago, when I was at school, I met Miss Lin. she told me, "my mother used to cook for us, but now I have to cook for her when I grow up; I was busy feeding my daughter this morning, but I haven't eaten yet!" after listening to this sentence, I suddenly realized: how happy I am. A hardworking mother always worries about me when she washes and cooks for me every day. Gorky said, "all the glory and pride in the world come from mother." yes, without mother's selfless and self sacrificing love, how can a seedling just sprout grow into a big tree in the sky? I now understand that my mother is right. She is for my good. I also understand that my mother doesn't want me to learn the main subject well like her. I regret it when I grow up. This is really: "if parents love their children, it is far-reaching."

  Mom, you nag me and worry about me, but I don't know how to say some chilling words. I feel guilty and say sorry to you. Now that I have grown up, I finally understand how happy I am. You always accompany me to grow and progress; I love you forever, and your love will accompany me all the way.


  "Grateful heart, grateful to have you with me all my life, let me have the courage to sit on my own. Grateful heart, grateful to fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish..."

  Whenever I hear this touching song, I can't help thinking of my parents who raised me for ten years. In these ten years, they took care of me, taught me knowledge, taught me the truth of life, and trained me from a born baby to a clever and sensible girl. The years are long and the waves are clear. Only my parents' love is still as old. My parents' love is as deep as the sea and as heavy as Mount Tai. It often echoes in my mind one by one.

  Thank my parents for encouraging me, comforting me and giving me courage when I am frustrated, so that I can establish self-confidence and face difficulties bravely. I remember a math test. I only got 85 points. I came home dejected. I couldn't do my homework well and didn't eat well. Mother saw my abnormality, sat beside me and kindly asked me why. I told my mother the truth about the exam. What surprised me was that my mother not only didn't criticize me, but comforted me and said, "good boy, one failure doesn't mean you're not good. You should analyze the reasons well and know where the mistakes are. This is progress." after listening to my mother's words, my mood was much easier.

  Father's love is not as sweet as mother's love. Father's love is as selfless and great as mother's love. I thank my father for his strict and unknown love, although sometimes I can't understand it. I will never forget that time. The teacher assigned an assignment to check the data. There were a lot of assignments that day. It was more than 9 p.m., but I haven't finished my homework yet. I wanted my father to help check the data. Anyway, this assignment is not important. But when I told Dad, dad didn't seem to hear me. At that time, I was very angry and thought that my father was really a cheapskate and refused to help me. With the passage of time, I gradually understand my father's intention. My father wants to tell me what I want to do by myself.

  Sweet kisses, fragrant hot milk, encouraging eyes, encouraging words... The silent love of parents is countless.


  The kindness in the world is the kindness of parents. It is worth cherishing with our life, appreciating with our sincere heart and repaying kindness with practical actions.

  "Sheep have the feeling of kneeling and sucking, and crows have the meaning of back feeding". And people should also have the idea of filial piety. Don't wait until you want to be filial and your parents are gone, which will eventually leave a great legacy of life. If you don't regret in the future, you should thank your parents and repay your parents from the small things around you now. The return is not necessarily material, but more spiritual and emotional. Even if we travel across the ocean and study abroad, we should always have a grateful heart. As Ba Jin, a century old man, said, "I am a spring silkworm, and the mulberry leaves I eat will spin silk." spring silkworm has paid and won, but what it has received is people's praise and admiration.

  Parents are the first teachers in our life. From the moment a child is born, his life has been filled with endless love and blessings from his parents. Perhaps, parents can't give us a luxurious life, but they give an irreplaceable life in one's life.

  Parents hold up a sky of love for their children. When you are injured, crying, depressed and sad, you can come back here at any time and enjoy your parents' love. Thanksgiving to parents, even a trivial thing, can make them feel gratified. I remember a public service advertisement broadcast by CCTV: a little boy, struggling with a basin of water, naively said to his mother, "Mom, wash your feet!" it is such an advertisement that is still popular today. Its feelings are moving and I don't know how many people it has infected. Many people shed tears, not only for the lovely boy, but also for the deepest love and heartfelt gratitude to their mother.

  Students, let's learn to be grateful to our parents! Treat your parents with a grateful heart and communicate with your parents with a sincere heart. Don't take your parents for granted to help us do anything. It's enough for them to bring us to this beautiful world. Great, and bring us up without asking for repayment and pay for us silently. We don't ask for their pay again and learn to be grateful, With a grateful heart, thank your parents!


  From the day of birth, love is like sunshine, shining on us all the time. The mother who gave birth to us raised us day by day with sweet milk. The father held us high with broad shoulders to let us see the outside world and shelter us from the wind and rain like a big tree. Father's love is like a mountain and mother's love is like a sea. In the process of our growth, you give us the most. Your love is selfless, fearless, sincere, great and does not ask for return. Therefore, we should be grateful to you; Thank you for giving us life. Thank you for giving us the strongest family affection and deepest concern in the world.

  I remember when I was at primary school, I was ill at home again, and my mother took good care of me. When it's time to eat, he brings delicious food in front of me. You will blow the hot food first and feed me one mouthful at a time. After eating, you have carefully cleaned up everything. Looking at your busy figure, I can't help but be moved. Later, a sugarcane seller passed by downstairs. I heard his voice and wanted to eat sugarcane. I told my mother I wanted to eat sugarcane, so she went downstairs to buy sugarcane without saying a word. I was moved again when I saw my mother carefully selecting sugarcane for me from the window. When his mother came back from buying sugarcane, he was sweating all over and his clothes had been soaked with sweat. My eyes turned red and tears fell down as they rustled.

  Life is rough, but you taught me to learn to overcome difficulties, move forward bravely, and strive to be a realistic self. This has benefited me all my life!

  No matter what my parents do, they all do it for me. They hope I can read good books and become a useful person with culture, knowledge and talent when I grow up. I will live up to my parents' expectations. I must study hard and repay my parents' upbringing when I grow up. The love between my parents and I is tacit and clear. I must read good books to repay my parents for their upbringing, because you will always be the brightest light in my heart.

  I wish you:

  good health!

  Everything goes well!


  For more than ten years, your care and care for me have made me grateful. You have given me everything. Here, I say to you, mom and Dad, you have worked hard, and I love you!

  Now I have grown up, and time has carved wrinkles on your face, and a few silver filaments have been added to your dark hair. I will remember your care for me. I will repay you one day.

  I am grateful for your love for me over the years, which makes me feel warm. I am grateful that you have given me a happy home. When I am ill, you are desperate to carry me to the hospital; It is you who comfort me when I cry; It was you who held up the flower umbrella for me when it rained. Everything you did for me has already touched my young heart. Your love is like rain and dew, moistening the drought seedlings, and your love is like a big tree, supporting the green grass for me; Your love is like a light, illuminating my way forward; Your love is like sunshine, which makes me feel warm.

  I miss the moment when I fell on my father's back in my childhood, the moment when I was in my mother's arms when I was a child, and the sweet kisses my mother gave me when I was a child. Now, those thoughts have become history, memories and gone away from me.

  I am eager to return to my childhood, to return to my father's back again, to return to my mother's warm arms again, and to give my mother a kiss. I long for my parents to accompany me at home for a few more days when they come back from work, so that I can be accompanied by my parents like other children.

  Mom and Dad, I will never forget your care, care and help to me. I will cherish everything you have given me. Mom and Dad, I love you forever! May you live happily and work smoothly outside!


  Under the shining neon lights, people are busy walking. Who can see the full moon? Who understands whose joys and sorrows? Long life, are you on your way with gratitude?

  Be grateful, content and cherish blessings.

  Unfold a piece of paper called emotion, use the grateful heart as the background, let the passion write and write about the parents who give us life. Family affection accompanied me to grow up healthily, and my parents gave me meticulous care. Some people say that family affection is the Big Dipper in the night. Once we pursued the goal and ignored its existence, until one day we didn't know the direction and looked up slightly. A beam of soft light from the Big Dipper guided us to take firm steps. How appropriate this metaphor is! Just think, who calls the school every once in a while? Who cooks delicious meals for us every day? Parental love is the most ordinary, but it is the greatest.

  Unfold a piece of paper called emotion, use a grateful heart as the background, let passion write and write about the teachers who give us knowledge. Dear teacher, it is you who let us understand every sunrise, every sunset glow, every flower and every fallen leaf... Because of you, there will be a guiding light in confusion. It is you who make us feel the charm of knowledge! teacher! Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are not your kindness!

  Start a piece of paper called emotion, use the grateful heart as the background, let the passion write, write about the students who accompany us to grow up, write about the warm collective that gives us, and write about the opponents that make us forge ahead

  Around us, there are things that move us every day. Let's make the background of life with a grateful heart. Let's take gratitude on the road!

