
时间:2023-09-01 06:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】开学了,卯足学习的劲,刻苦用功;收敛懒散的心,积极进取;绷紧努力的弦,奋发向上;打开知识的门,不断汲取。愿你学习进步,宏图大展!©文档大全网为大家准备了《开学第一天英语日记》,供大家参考阅读。

1.开学第一天英语日记 篇一

  In the blink of an eye, the happy summer vacation has passed, and we have ushered in a new semester. Today is the first day of school. Clouds pass through the sky, and the warm sun shines on my heart. I am walking on the road to school, feeling very happy because I can play games and learn together with my classmates!

  Look! The grass is green and the flowers are red and bright. Under the sunlight, the fragrance occasionally wafts in, making people feel relaxed and happy; Brother Pine is like a straight sentry guarding us day and night, with birds chirping and singing sweet songs on the branches, as if welcoming my arrival.

  When I arrived at the classroom, I saw everyone gathered in groups of three and five, discussing their summer experiences with great interest. I quickly put down my backpack and actively started chatting with everyone.

  After a while, a gray haired and amiable teacher walked towards us with a smile. It turned out that he was our new homeroom teacher - Mr. Huang! Next, Teacher Huang led us to attend the opening ceremony of homework inspection.

  After the ceremony, Teacher Huang arranged seats for us, checked our homework, and distributed new books.

  I saw all of this and thought to myself: I will start studying hard from this day, heading towards a perfect semester, and creating new grades.

2.开学第一天英语日记 篇二

  Today is the first day of school, and I am very happy. Because today is the beginning of a new semester and also the beginning of second grade.

  We have classes in the new school. The new school is very beautiful, with a tall teaching building and a large playground. The classroom is much wider, and there are also many small cabinets and other new things... The most fresh thing is that our class's computer is still a touch screen computer, basically half the size of our blackboard, hidden behind the blackboard. Otherwise, Teacher Luo would open the computer in class, and we really haven't noticed it yet.

  The first class of Chinese is arranging seats. Everyone has grown and grown taller during a holiday, so we need to row seats. We girls will first line up according to size, then boys will line up according to size, and then one male and one female will enter. The teacher will point out the seats for these two people, adjust the seats, and they will be booked. I am arranged in the sixth row of a group, and my desk mate is Dou Yuxuan. I am very happy.

  How fast the first day of school passed! It's like an hour has passed!

3.开学第一天英语日记 篇三

  Today is September 1st, and a new semester is starting again. Early in the morning, I took my father and went to school to register. The weather today is really nice, with a crisp autumn and white clouds floating in the sky.

  Along the way, my father and I talked and laughed, and we were very happy because we were going to see my lovely campus, my teachers, and classmates again. When my father and I arrived on campus, it was only one past eight. But many classmates and parents have already arrived, and from the smiling faces of those classmates, I can see how happy they are to see the lovely campus, teachers, and classmates, just like me. They piled up here and there, greeting each other and telling each other about their summer life. My father and I quickly registered with the teacher. Because my father had to rush to work, I went home on my own first.

  Along the way, I thought about entering second grade and was very excited in my heart. I secretly made up my mind to strive for self-improvement and self-reliance, and study hard in the new academic year.

4.开学第一天英语日记 篇四

  Today is the first day of school. The teacher asked Xu Yujia and I to take a few classmates to the library to collect books from our class. As soon as we heard of holding books, several students who had arrived early followed us and ran towards the library.

  When we arrived at the library, we saw students walking out holding books, but we couldn't find the books in our class. Just as we were panicking, Teacher Yang came and quickly found the books in our class and assigned them to everyone. We happily carried the book back, then bounced back and hugged it again, and we quickly finished holding it.

  Returning to the classroom, I was surprised to find that the stack of moral character, art, reading, speaking, writing, and music was the shortest, while the Chinese language, Chinese exercise books, and math exercise books were not high or low. I think: Chinese books are so tall, will they hold too many books, and music books are so short, will they hold a few fewer books. Teacher Yang has returned and is preparing to distribute the book. At this moment, I suddenly realized that Chinese books are thick, but of course they are stacked high, while moral and music books are thin, and of course they are stacked low.

  After school, passing by the small shop at the school gate, I bought a book cover. Although the things to buy in first and second grade are the same, it feels like they are completely different.

5.开学第一天英语日记 篇五

  Today is the first day of school. I carried my backpack on my back and happily walked towards the school. As soon as I walked in, some of my classmates were so tall, while others remained unchanged. Who is calling me "Chen Xin"? I looked around and it turned out to be my good friend Xuan Er. I remember last semester we often had arguments, but within three minutes we were laughing and laughing together. I am very popular. Good friends came in one after another. The teacher is here, telling us to go to the playground and hold the opening ceremony. Director Xiong finished speaking and said that a new principal has arrived at our school. After the opening ceremony, the teacher quietly told us to pay attention to the strictness of the new principal. When I first arrived, I caught a few classmates and secretly wanted to pay attention.

  Go home at noon and report today's event to your mother. She said it's good to study! I took a nap at noon and woke up after taking a nap. I went to buy a laptop and started classes as soon as I entered the campus.

  In the afternoon, I go to physical education class, and the teacher has indoor classes. After discussing the matter, the teacher allowed me to move freely. In the second music class, the new music teacher has a sweet voice. Accompanied by the teacher's piano, we sang a song and unknowingly finished class, so we had to endure the pain and let the teacher go.

  On the first day of school, I was really happy.
