
时间:2023-02-08 21:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】逍遥的假期即将退场,新学期的钟声已经敲响。背起久违的书包,整理无限的向往,同学和老师亲切得令人难忘。开学日到了,为了美好的明天,加油!©文档大全网为大家准备了《开学第一天英语日记》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.开学第一天英语日记 篇一

  Today is the first day of school. Our school held an opening ceremony. At the ceremony, the headmaster made a speech. My brothers and sisters raised the national flag. My brothers and sisters also played musical instruments, and they played very well. I hope I can play musical instruments like them. The headmaster also praised several brothers and sisters and presented them with prizes.

  They are all excellent. I want to learn from them and become an excellent student!

2.开学第一天英语日记 篇二

  Today, the school held a school opening ceremony. Our first grade new students showed up on the playground. The band composed of the school's eldest brothers and sisters played the national anthem and raised the five-star red flag in the national anthem. The school gave awards to many big brothers and sisters, and they all saluted the Young Pioneers.

  When I came home, I told my mother about the interesting flag-raising ceremony in our school.

3.开学第一天英语日记 篇三

  In the morning, I woke up early before dawn, because today is the first day of school.

  As soon as Father Sun came out, my aunt took me and my brother to school. As soon as we entered the classroom, I found that some of the students were reading seriously, some were laughing and waiting for the teacher to come to class. As soon as the bell rang, Mr. Xu came in and the students slowly quieted down.

  How happy we were when we got the new book with fragrance!

4.开学第一天英语日记 篇四

  Today, we officially started school. I came to school with a happy mood. I saw the school full of colors and I saw the students in our class again. I couldn't wait to pick them up immediately. I was very happy to see my kind and gentle teacher again. I sat on my desk.

  At noon, I ate the food from my school again. It was really delicious. I wanted to eat ten bowls and slept on my desk at noon. I felt very good. When I came home from school in the afternoon, I said to my mother: "Mom's school is really fun, and can learn, and can play after class, and it is really good to go to school."

5.开学第一天英语日记 篇五

  Today is the first day of school. I am very happy. My father saw me off in the morning, and when I arrived at the school gate, there were many people and many cars. A brother took me by the hand and led me to the class gate.

  When I entered the classroom, I first said hello to the teacher. The teacher asked me to find a seat and sit down by myself. I thought it was a table for one person. It turned out to be a table for two students. When the students arrived, the teacher told us the rules of eating. When drinking water, we should first receive cold water and then hot water to avoid scalding. After breakfast, the teacher lined up for us and arranged seats.

  Finally, the math teacher gave us a math lesson, first let us understand the word "math" and then let us count from one to fifty-four. From the end of math class to lunch time, after lunch, school was over. The students lined up and walked out of the classroom, waiting for our parents to pick us up.

  The first day of school is happy. I don't know what interesting things will happen on the second day of school. I'm looking forward to it!
