
时间:2023-08-30 07:46:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】把懒散收回,将自信揣好,把玩闹收起,将努力装好,背上书包,冲向求知的学堂,开学了,在知识的海洋里,寻找你梦想的岛屿,加油,同学!下面是©文档大全网整理的《开学典礼英语日记》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.开学典礼英语日记 篇一

  This afternoon, we held an exciting opening ceremony. I really envy those classmates who brought big red flowers. Soon after, the opening ceremony began. Three "Sheep" Bringing Auspiciousness to Thailand - The opening dance, suddenly saw three little sheep accompanied by cheers and applause, came out. The beginning of Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf played, and the lower grades were so happy. As the little sheep danced, a wolf ran into me in an instant, startled me, and the wolf in turn "clapped" with the three little sheep! Some students curiously said, "Take out the sheep and wolf headbands!" In order to make the students achieve their wish, the host mysteriously said, "We can count one, two, and three to have them take off the headbands." We both nervously and eagerly shouted, "Three, two, one! They took off their headsets at the same time, but it was all the principal, as well as Principal Song, our homeroom teacher. This result surprised me.

  Who will be the most nervous classmates at the award ceremony? The first prize is the "scholarship" that everyone hopes to receive in their hearts. The first prize is 1000 yuan, and there are only three classmates. Watching their smiles bloom on their faces, their parents must be very proud. The second prize is 500 yuan, and the third prize is 200 yuan... The opening ceremony is about to end.

  Watching my classmates holding a heavy trophy - Art Star, although I love art, I still need to learn from others in my drawing skills. Watching my classmates' scholarships of 500, 200, and 1000 all in my hands, I feel free to buy any stationery I want! Looking at my classmates' awards, I feel a bit itchy in my heart. If it were mine, that would be great!

  Today's opening ceremony is really happy! The students who received scholarships and prizes were all happy in their hearts, as if they had eaten honey. Of course, we also need to be happy for them!

2.开学典礼英语日记 篇二

  Today is the first day of the official class for the second day of junior high school. Returning to the long lost place, the students were all in high spirits.

  The teacher told everyone that the school opening ceremony will be held today. Upon hearing this news, we were extremely excited and couldn't be quiet inside anymore. As soon as we heard the gathering bell, we immediately left the classroom and lined up in the corridor.

  Today's campus is completely new, filled with a festive atmosphere. The first thing that catches our eyes is the tall comprehensive building dressed in "colorful clothes", which bears the beautiful expectations of all the teachers in the school, hoping that we can study hard and make progress. The playground, which serves as the venue, is also exceptionally clean, setting off the lush and tall cedar trees next to it. The podium in the center of the campus is also covered with a bright red carpet. Looking at the classmates again, they all stood straight in the neat line, with happy expressions on their faces.

  After Principal Pi announced the official start of the school opening ceremony, the deafening sound of firecrackers began, and smoke filled the campus. At this moment, Principal Pi announced the ceremony of raising the national flag and playing the national anthem. Suddenly, the students saluted the team in unison, and the high melody of the love prose national anthem also jumped out of everyone's mouth. Next, there was an exciting speech by Principal Chang. As soon as Principal Chang finished speaking, there was a thunderous applause in the venue. The principal's words are deeply imprinted in my heart: start all over again and study more. Only by reading good books and being a good person can one succeed and strive hard to win. Finally, representatives of teachers and students also made statements.

  The new semester has begun. In the new semester, I will use actions to interpret Principal Chang's four sentences, work hard to learn, and be a good student with comprehensive development of "morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty, and labor".

3.开学典礼英语日记 篇三

  The heat of the holiday has not completely dissipated, and a new semester has quietly arrived. Once again, and for the last time, I have entered this campus filled with many memories and participated in my last opening ceremony at this school.

  Entering the auditorium, a rock climbing wall was built on the innermost wall. Once and now, we have been refining our climbing spirit on the rock climbing wall. At the top of the rock climbing wall, there are sixteen big characters engraved, "One's integrity, lofty aspirations, classmates in the world, together supporting the divine state." The handwriting is vigorous, powerful, and beautiful, which is the principal's handwriting and our school motto. Now, I silently say goodbye to the climbing wall.

  After entering the arena, Honorary Principal Pando took the stage to give a speech. This time, I listened very attentively, and ordinary words were so precious to me;

  Confidence, cooperation, and competition "are the words that the principal often says. Now, I want to firmly remember them in my heart and never forget them. Because there are many figures passing by you in a hurry, some falling behind, some surpassing you, but you cannot give up easily. Remember that our teacher often talks about this sentence, ups and downs are nothing, setbacks and losses are small hardships.

  You are never satisfied with small scores, you will not be complacent about taking one or two exams, with hills in your chest and lofty aspirations reaching the blue clouds. You have to wave powerful fists in your heart, and you are cheering for yourself in the bottom of your heart, doing your best, and achieving success!

  When I left, I turned my head and looked back at the rock climbing, witnessing the final opening ceremony, which was both my last time at this school and my entire junior high school career. Therefore, this opening ceremony will never be forgotten by me.

4.开学典礼英语日记 篇四

  Today is our most solemn day, as we are holding our annual opening ceremony this morning.

  After we finished breakfast, everyone arrived at the playground, quietly waiting for the start of the school opening ceremony.

  Firstly, the older brothers and sisters from sixth grade led the younger brothers and sisters from first grade through the gate of wisdom. When they walked through the gate of wisdom, they would greet us, and we in grades two to five would also wave to them. Although this process was long, I felt it was very meaningful.

  Then we officially started. First, let's stand and raise the national flag and sing the national anthem. After singing, Principal Tang of our school and Teacher Tian, our homeroom teacher, spoke on the podium.

  After speaking, we arrived at the opening ceremony prepared by our school for first-year students. There are three stages in this process: enlightening wisdom with vermilion sand, writing the character "human", and beating drums to express one's aspirations.

  Zhu Sha Qi Zhi is to have the first grade grade teacher and class teacher nod a red dot on the forehead of each first grade student, which is also to wish the first grade students good study. To write the character "person", our teacher leads our first grade classmates to write the character "person". Drumming with clear aspirations means that every representative of a first grade class comes to the drum, shouts out their dreams, and beats the drum three times.

  What I admire the most is the third part of the ceremonial opening ceremony, where representatives from each class shout louder and knock louder. And their only thoughts are different. There are many who want to become scientists, quite engineers, doctors, astronauts... many, many. Anyway, their only aspirations are very ambitious.

  Finally, our school opening ceremony came to an end, and we reluctantly left the playground.

5.开学典礼英语日记 篇五

  Today is an exciting day; Today is an exciting day, and it is worth remembering for a lifetime.

  Today is the opening ceremony of the school year, with many classmates and teachers coming. They all walked to the audience with smiles on their faces and a regular pattern. Of course, our actors were also prepared, and everyone was popular throughout the audience. This is the opening ceremony we are looking forward to.

  At this moment, four dazzling hosts appeared on stage. They are really eloquent, you tell me the opening words one by one. At this point, the first program begins! Wow, it's dance. The students are as beautiful as dancing butterflies. We watched the program with a smile on our face. At the opening ceremony, there were many enjoyable programs, such as dance, recitation, and sketches, but the ones that left the deepest impression on me were the sketches "Psychological Clinic" and recitation. When I finished reading the sketch, I thought that although it was funny, it also told us that as a doctor, one should have the responsibility of knowing and not knowing. We should not deceive people, just like nurses do. Each position has its own responsibility. Like the story the teacher told us, a girl who didn't learn anything almost killed a heart attack patient when she took the wrong medicine to the hospital. A wrong decision could lose a life or delay your life.

  Life is long. When encountering difficulties, we should face and solve them, not avoid them. As long as we are strong, hardworking, and believe in ourselves, we can definitely solve the difficulties. Go to the next intersection in life. This opening ceremony left a deep impression on me.
