
时间:2023-09-01 06:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】金秋时节清风爽,送来开学钟声扬。同学情意绕身旁,老师笑容满心房。又是一年来报到,快乐学习欢声笑。今朝努力学海航,明日成功题金榜。开学日到了,愿你开心入学。以下是©文档大全网整理的《开学典礼英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.开学典礼英语日记 篇一

  Accompanied by the scorching autumn sun, we arrived at the high school headquarters and experienced a rich and colorful life in the first year of junior high school. The beautiful second year of junior high school slowly began. The opening ceremony of the school year was ushered in amidst endless fantasies and expectations.

  The most unforgettable thing for me was the speeches of my fellow students. Their true feelings and hopes for us all gathered at that moment, hitting the hearts of all classmates, giving us the strength to move forward, and making us brave, fearless of setbacks, and steadily moving forward.

  The speakers were all excellent students, which made me envious and also strengthened my confidence. There is dawn ahead, there is hope not far away! Looking at them, I really wish I could be so outstanding, but as Bing Xin said, "The flower of success, people only admire its current brightness, but its buds were soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice." We can only see the beauty of others' success, but we cannot see their "scars". In my opinion, sparkling trophies are exchanged for endless effort and sweat. How can success be achieved without falling? As the saying goes, hard work may not necessarily lead to success, but without hard work, one will definitely not succeed!

  Principal Mao's wonderful speech is also memorable, and she once again made me realize how excellent my school is. And since there are such good conditions and such a good teacher, why not work hard? We cannot be afraid of setbacks and obstacles, because they are the most stable stepping stones to success. By studying and utilizing them, we can cultivate success from failure!

  Looking at the outstanding classmates and classmates who proudly walked onto the podium, I suddenly became enlightened. The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step, and I don't want to climb to the sky in one step. I just want to be steady and steady, step by step.

  Action is better than heart racing. From now on, from this second on, for a hopeful tomorrow and for our dreams to come true soon, let's take action!

  Where there is a thing, there is a way; Breaking through the fire and sinking the ship, the hundred and two Qin Pass will eventually return to Chu; A diligent person, heaven never fails; Sleeping on hardships and tasting courage, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu! Now that we have just started our journey, we may be a bit behind others, but don't lose heart, we can still catch up!

  There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, hanging clouds and sailing straight to the sea!

2.开学典礼英语日记 篇二

  Today is September 1st, the first day of school. I left home early and walked happily on the road, as if Grandpa Sun was also greeting me: "You should study hard and take it to the next level when school starts

  I came to the school, entered the classroom, and waited for the class teacher to teach. After we finished two classes, the school speaker announced the opening ceremony. We were extremely happy to hear it and pushed open the classroom door, queuing up for the playground.

  As soon as we entered the playground, it had been cleaned clean and spotless. We quickly stood in our seats and lined up. The principal has arrived, standing high on the podium with an inviolable dignity. The principal began his speech, "All teachers and students, the opening ceremony is now beginning." As soon as the words were finished, the classmates of the drum band played the national anthem. Accompanied by the beautiful national anthem, the bright five star red flag began to rise slowly. At this moment, I felt as if I had gone to the battlefield, and a sense of patriotism welled up.

  After raising the national flag, the principal delivered the opening speech: "In the new semester, we need to have a new beginning. We need to study hard, abide by laws and regulations, and be a civilized and studious child

  After the principal finished speaking, the award ceremony began, and Director Gao was responsible for the awards. She spoke in a loud and crisp voice, "Gao Yicheng was the one who won the Three Good Students award." I listened anxiously, as more than a dozen classmates had already called their names, but before I could hear my own name, the director suddenly said, "Hou Zebin!" I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I quickly ran to the podium, holding a yellow certificate of commendation, not to mention how happy I was in my heart. What makes me even more happy is that our class is also rated as a "Civilized Class Collective" and an "Excellent Class Collective".

  With the sound of music, the principal announced that the opening ceremony had come to an end. We lined up and returned to the classroom. Although the opening ceremony had ended, I couldn't forget the moment when I received the award. I believe that as long as I study hard, I will definitely be able to shine again next year.

3.开学典礼英语日记 篇三

  Everyone in the class was overjoyed, their eyebrows lit up, and they rushed to the playground with their benches on. Everyone excitedly sat in the designated position with a small notebook, waiting for the golden, dazzling, and honorary certificates. Although they were just a piece of paper, they were the rewards that the students had put in a lot of effort and effort, and they deserved it. So, we need to align with 'it'.

  Of course, I am the recipient of the award. Although I am a transfer student and my language proficiency is not a big deal, it is fortunate that I have good quality and moral character, so I am also on the campus five-star list. The most important point is that language proficiency is not a problem, and the most important thing is to study diligently and diligently. In the speeches of the principal leaders, our learning is still the focus, as it is a confident and down-to-earth main base. There are many, many people who come on stage to receive awards, including those I know and those I don't know, but the glory they belong to is the same.

  There are many awards for campus five-star, fast progressing students, excellent class cadres, excellent league members, and "three good students". Therefore, students have more opportunities to strive, choose their strengths and discard their weaknesses, work hard and steadfastly, and enhance their self-motivation. At each school opening ceremony, representatives from classmates would speak, which not only strengthened their courage, but also gave us some beneficial learning methods. Every time I thought of these, I couldn't help but feel happy.

  The opening ceremony has given us a new start. The past has become history, but the glory of our hard work is eternal. One beginning, one beginning, and one stage. Classmates, let's continue to fight! There's not much time left, how many more school opening ceremonies can we hold? Don't lose heart, don't give up, let's work together and leave our most charming smile at the final ceremony.

4.开学典礼英语日记 篇四

  This afternoon, all our teachers and students gathered in front of the teaching building to hold a different opening ceremony from before.

  The first item is explained to us by the firefighter's uncle. The three magic weapons in a fire are the towel. After wetting it with water, cover your mouth and nose; The second magic weapon is the quilt, which is soaked and draped over the body; The third magic weapon is to call the fire alarm number 119 and tell the firefighter uncle where you live, what building and units you have, and also tell the firefighter uncle how the situation is and whether you are trapped in the fire. At the same time, the firefighter uncle also told us to turn off the power of all electrical appliances that can cause a fire when going out, and to double check and confirm before going out, so that there is no chance of a fire happening.

  The second item is explained to us by Principal Min. She told us that this year is the 34th Teacher's Day and we need to give three "gifts" to our teachers. Firstly, after class, we should proactively wipe the blackboard clean; Secondly, be sure to listen attentively in class; Thirdly, abide by break discipline. Then he explained to us several characters from the first lesson of school, Jackie Chan and a person who is particularly skilled in abacus calculation. They are all excellent, and we must learn from them well.

  Finally, the sixth grade students sang the gardener's song to praise and thank our beloved teacher. I found that it was all composed of poems about the teacher, and in the end, the teachers stood together on the steps and took photos together.

  This is really a different opening ceremony from before. I will definitely work harder this semester. I will learn from the excellent characters in the first lesson, learn their various advantages, and strive to become better!

5.开学典礼英语日记 篇五

  September 1st is the day when we start school, but the sun happened to hide in the clouds. Early in the morning, the children happily walked into the school gate wearing school uniforms and red scarves.

  At 8 o'clock sharp, the opening ceremony has finally begun. Look. On the podium, the principal, director, and student representatives waved to us with a smile on their faces.

  In a moment, Director Liao confidently announced, "The opening ceremony of Experimental Primary School is now starting. The first item is to raise the national flag." Director Wang announced in a loud voice, "Everyone stands at attention and salutes." Countless right hands were raised high above their heads, countless pairs of eyes were fixed on the national flag, and our hearts were tightly connected to the national flag. The playground was extremely quiet, with only the national anthem echoing above the campus and a gentle breeze blowing the national flag, making a rustling sound. I looked at the national flag, as if seeing soldiers bravely fighting against the enemy on the battlefield, vying for territories occupied by the enemy... The national flag gradually rose. Rising up. How solemn and vibrant it appears against the backdrop of the teaching building. The national flag has risen in the sky of our motherland and also in our hearts.

  Then, President Hu energetically awarded the flag of Shao Headquarters to Xie Xiaochen, the captain of Shao Headquarters. Subsequently, student representative Yin Han Xia Lu gave speeches on vacation summary and new semester plans. That sweet tone really brought everyone's thoughts to a wonderful level. Finally, Director Wang enthusiastically arranged the work for the new semester

  The opening ceremony ended like this. Looking forward to the new semester, I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of my parents and teachers, and take my grades to the next level.
