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Lesson 55 astronomy   第55课 天文学   Recent developments in astronomy may have madeit possible to detects in our own Milky Way and inother galaxies.   天文学的最新发展使我们能够在银河系和其他星系发现行星。   The objective of astronomy is the exploration ofall phenomena outside the earth.   天文学探索地球以外的一切天体现象。   I took a course in astronomy at college.   我在大学里选了一门天文学的课程。   relative   相对的   This is a major achievement because,in relative terms,planets are very small and do not emitlight.   这是一个重要的成就,因为相对来说,行星体积小,而且不会发光。   What they have achieved is but relative success.   他们获得的不过是相对意义上的成功。   This atmosphere of relative tranquility irated rather eased us.   这种相对的宁静让我们感到紧张而不是放松。   infinitely   无限地,无穷地   Finding planets is proving hard enough,but finding life on them will prove infinitely moredifficult.   发同行星已经相当艰难了,要在行星上发现生命简直是难上加难。   I have finally managed to find someone who is lazier,infinitely lazier than myself.   我终于找到了一个比我还懒——不知懒多少倍的人。   solar   太阳的   In our own solar system,for example,Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life.   举例来说,在我们的太阳系里,金星的温度太高,火星的温度又太低,生命无法生存。   Solar radiation is the least in the northern hemisphere in January.   北半球一月份太阳辐射最小。   Venus   金星   Mars   火星   orbit   运行轨道   Alternatively,if the star were small,   反之,如果恒星很小,   the life-supporting planet would have to have a close orbit round it   维持生命的行星就要在离恒星很远的轨道上运行,   and also provide the perfect conditions for life forms to develop.   而且还要以生命形态提供极好的条件。   The earth moves in an approximately cirular orbit around the sun.   地球在一个近似正圆的轨道上绕着太阳运行。   The planets occupy regular orbits in the space.   行星运行的轨道空间位置是有一定规则的。   astronomical   天文学的,天文的   The development of such a telescopewill be one of the great astronomical projects of thetwenty-first century.   开发这样的望远镜将是21世纪天文学一个重要的研究课题。   Two standard astronmical techniques have been used in the search.   探索工作中使用了两种标准的天文学技术。   The annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures.   卫生部门的年度药费用快要达到了天文数字了。   generate   产生   Our own warm atmosphere and the heat generated by the telescope   地球周围温暖的大气层和望远镜散发出来的热量   would make it impossible to detect objects as small as planets.   使得我们根本不可能找到比行星更小的物体。   The people attending the congress also generate more business in the hotel'srestaurants,bars,and shops.   参加会议的人还能为旅馆的餐厅酒吧带来更多的生意。   The pubications of the book generated voluminous research in social psychology.   这本书的出版导致社会心理学方面的研究的大力开展。   particle   微粒,粒子   Even a telescope in orbit round the earth,like the very successful Hubble telescope,   即使是把望远镜放置在围绕地球的轨道上——如非常成功的哈勃望远镜——也不行。   would not be suitable because of the dust particles in our solar system.   因为太阳系中有尘埃微粒。   This photo records the amazing beauty of dust particles floating in the sunlight.   这张照片记录了在阳光中漂浮的尘埃微粒的惊人的美。   Virus particles differ in shape.   病毒微粒形状不同。   Jupiter   A telescope would have to be as far away as the planet Jupiter   望远镜要放置在像木星那样遥远的行星上才有可能在外太空搜索生命,   to look for life in outer space,because the dust becomes thinner   因为我们越是接近太阳系的边缘,   the further we travel towards the outer edges of our own solar system.   尘埃越稀薄。   blot   遮(暗)   Once we detected a planet,   一旦找到这样的一颗行星,   we would have to find a way of blotting out the light from its star,   我们就要设法将它的恒星射出的光线遮暗,   so that we would be able to'see' the planet properly and analyse its atmosphere.   这样才能彻底‘看见’这颗行星并对它的大气层进行分析。   The dawn of peace is being blotted out.   和平的曙光被遮住了。   The cloud blotted out the sun but not for long.   云彩遮住了太阳,不过时间不长。   analyse   分析   Everything has been analysed and investigated.   每件事情都作了分析和调查。   Who shall analyse those tears,and say whether they are sweet or bitter?   谁能断定这些眼泪到底是苦还是甜呢?   bacteria   细菌   The life forms most likely to develop on a planet would be bacteria.   在行星上最可能存在的生命形式是细菌。   Some bacteria are known to be beneficial to humans,while many others are harmful.   有些细菌对人类是有益的,但更多的是有害的。   On average,bacterias are about 1 micrometre long.   细菌的平均长度大约1微米。   oxygen   氧气   It is bacteria that have generated the oxygen we breathe on earth.   我们在地球上呼吸的氧气是细菌产生的。   Atom number eight is called oxygen.   原子序数为8的物质叫作氧。   Oxygen is a colorless,taseteless,odourless,gaseous chemical element.   氧气是一种无色,无味、无臭的气体状的化学元素。   realm   领域   But this hope is always in the realm of science fiction.   但是,这种希望总是局限在科幻小说的范畴里。   The hypothesis no longer belongs to the realm of myths.   这种设想已经不再是神话了。   Such a thing is not within the realm of possibility.   这种事属于不可能的范围。   endeavour   努力   No human endeavour or thought would be unchanged by it.   任何人类的努力和想法都会因此改变。   They could not do it,despite their best endeavours.   他们尽了的努力,但还是做不成功。   Sue has made every endeavour to help us.I hardly know how we can thank her enough.   苏总是尽力竭力地帮助我们,我真不知道该怎么谢她才好。

新概念英语第3册必背生词及短语:Lesson 55.doc
