A:Taxi! Taxi! 计程车!计程车!
B:Where to, sir? 先生,去哪里?
A: I’d like to go to the railway station please. 我想去火车站。
B:Please hop in. 请上车。
A: Is it a long run to the station? 去火车站久吗?
B:It’ll take about 20 minutes. 大概要20分钟。
A :The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day, are they? 每天的这个时候街上交通繁忙,是吗?
B:Yes. 是的。
When can I catch the bus for Tian mu?去天母的公共汽车我在哪里乘?
At the bus stop in front of that drugstore on the next street.在下条街那个药房前面的公共汽车站。
How do I know the bus bound for Tian mu?我怎么知道那辆公共汽车是往天母的呢?
You will notice the route number six on the front of the bus.And you should get off at the fifth stop.你要注意公共汽车前面写的是6路车,而且你要在第5站下车。
What is the fare?车费要多少?
Seven dollar only.只要7美元。
Thank you very much for your kindness.非常谢谢你的帮忙。
Here comes the bus!You had better hurry up.车子来了!你快一点儿。
Where can I get a bus to the zoo?到哪里搭共公汽车可以到动物园?
You can get the bus in front of the city hall.你可以到市政厅前搭公共汽车。
Which bus goes downtown?哪一路车开往市区呢?
Bus No.2 does.2路车开往市区。
How many stops are there from here to the museum?从这里到博物馆有几站呢?
]It's the third stop.3站。
How much is the fare to Ala Moana Shopping Center?到Ala Moana购物中心的车费多少?
A quarter,and it's a uniform fare.2角5分,是公定价格。
What's the number of the bus to the harbor?几路公共汽车开往港口呢?
It's No.1.1路车。
Please tell me when we arrive at seventh street.请告诉我什么时候会到第7街。
Please let me off at the next stop.下一站请让我下车。
How long does it take to get there?到那里需要多长时间呢?
It takes about fifteen minutes.大约要15分钟。
Do I have to change buses?我要换车吗?
No,you don't.The stop you want to get off is the terminal.不用,你下的站是终点站。
Pardon me,where do I catch the bus to town?对不起,到哪里去乘公共汽车进城?
The bus station is on the next corner,one block north of here.公共汽车站在此地北方,下一条街的转角处。
They run every half hour.The next one will be at 18:30.每半小时开一班,下一班是6时30分。
How often do the buses run?公共汽车怎么发车?
I don't know.Ask someone at the station.我不知道,你去问车站的人吧。
Where do I get on the bus?我在哪儿乘公共汽车?
You get on the bus at First Street.你在第一街上公共汽车。
Where do I get off the bus?我在哪儿下车?
You get off the bus at Tenth Street.你在第10街下车。
Where is the bus stop around here?这儿附近公交车站在哪儿?
Excuse me. Where is the bus stop around here?打扰了,请问这儿附近的公交车站在哪儿?
Turn right and walk two blocks and you will find a bus stop sign.向右拐经过两个街区,您就能看到站牌了。
Where can I catch a bus?我在哪里乘车?
Where can I catch a bus to go Chinatown?大中国城在哪里乘车?
You can catch Bus No.22 on Broadway.您可以到百老汇街乘20路公交车。
Is there a subway station near here?附近有地铁车站吗?
Where is the nearest bus stop from here?请问离这儿最近的公交车站在什么地方?
Would you mind telling me where to get a bus?请问公家车站在什么地方?