1.外出乘车的英语口语 篇一
A:Which train do I take to Columbus Circle,please?请问,到哥伦布转盘广场该乘哪班车?
B:Take the uptown A train and get off at the next station.坐往北去的A线车,下一站就下车。
A:And where do I get the train?那么我在哪里上车呢?
B:Just go down those steps.下那边台阶就是。
A:How do I get to Rockefeller Center?到洛克菲勒中心怎么走?
B:Take the RR to 34th Street,then change to the D train and go two stops.坐RR线车到第34条街,然后换乘D线车,再坐两站路程。
A:Which platform is it on?车在哪个站台?
B:Go down the stairs over there.从那边阶梯下去。
A:Which line do I take for Greenwich Village?到格林威治村该乘哪一线车?
B:You can take the D,the F or the A.Just make sure you're going downtown.你可以坐D线、F线和A线车。只要弄准是往南去的车就行。
A:How do I get down to the trains?我怎么下去乘车呢?
B:Take the escalator and then go to the right.乘自动扶梯下去,然后往右转。
2.外出乘车的英语口语 篇二
A:Can you tell me the best way to get to Wall Street?请问,到华尔街乘哪班车?
B:You want the 7th Avenue Express,the Number 2.乘第7街快车,也就是2号车。
A:Which way should I go?我该往哪边走呢?
B:Go straight down those stairs and follow the signs.往下向前顺那边阶梯走,然后按路标走。
A:How long does it take to get to Times Square by subway?搭地铁到时代广场需要多长时间?
B:About thirty minutes.大约30分钟。
A:Is this entrance only for up trains?这个入口只能搭乘上行列车吗?
B:That's right.Up trains and down trains have their own entrance in New York.是的,在纽约上行列车和下行车各有它们的入口。
A:Where can we get tickets?我们可以在哪里买到票?
B:We don't buy tickets.We get tokens instead.That's 35¢and it's a uniform fare.我们不用买票,但要买代币代替,价格是公定的35美元。
3.外出乘车的英语口语 篇三
A:How about the transfer?那关于转车呢?
B:Usually,you have to pay 25¢ more.通常你必须再付25美元。
A:We put tokens in this slot and push the turn_stile,right?我们将代币投入这个孔,然后推这个十字转门,对吗?
B:We'd better hurry.The train is coming.我们快点,地铁已经来了。
A:I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday,the lst.我要在1号、星期四飞往芝加哥。
B:Let me see what's available.我查一查看有什么班机。
A:I want to go coach,and I'd prefer a morning flight.我要普通舱,还有,我喜欢早班飞机。
B:United's Flight 102 leaves at 9:20.联合公司的102次班机9点20分起飞。
A:That's fine.What time do I have to be at the airport?好的。我应该几点到达机场?
B:Check_in time is 8:45.8点45分办理登机手续。
4.外出乘车的英语口语 篇四
A:I'd like to make a reservation to Los Angeles for next Monday.我想预订一张下星期一去洛杉矶的飞机票。
B:Just a second and I'll check the schedule.请等一等,我来查一下时刻表。
A:I'll need an economy ticket with an open return.我要一张经济舱,回程不定的往返票。
B:TWA has a flight leaving at 9:25.环球航空公司有一班飞机,9点25分起飞。
A:I guess that's OK.What time should I check in?我想它正合适。我应该在什么时候去办理登机手续呢?
B:You have to be there half an hour before departure time.你要在起飞前半小时到那里。
5.外出乘车的英语口语 篇五
A:What flights do you have from New York to London tomorrow?明天从纽约飞往伦敦有哪几班班机?
B:One monent,please,ane I'll find out what's available.请等一等,我来查一查有什么班机。
A:I'd like to travel first_class.
B:OK.We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25.好的。9点25分有一班直达班机,从肯尼迪国际机场起飞。
A:When should I get to the airport?我该在什么时候到达机场?
B:Please be there by 8:45 at the latest.最迟请在8点45分之前到那里。