101. 不正之风 bad / harmful practice
102. 霸权主义 hegemonism
103. 奔小康 strive for a better-off life
104. 论资排辈 assign priority according to seniority
105. 持续发展 sustainable development
106. 重复建设 redundant project
107. 大锅饭 egalitarian practice ( of everyone taking food from the same big pot)
108. 多极化 multi-polarization
109. 科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology are the primary productive force.
110. 机构臃肿 overstaffing in organization
111. 机构改革 institutional restructuring; streamlining
112. 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government
113. 窗口行业 service trade
114. 核心竞争力 core competitiveness
115. 减员增效 downsizing of staff and improving efficiency
116. 减轻农民负担 reduce farmer’s burdens; lighten the burden on them
117. 跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development
118. 跨世纪发展 trans-century project
119. 民主集中制 democratic centralism
120. 讲诚信﹑反欺诈 honor credibility and oppose cheating
121. 强权外交 power diplomacy
122. 人浮于事 overstaffing
123. 侵吞公款 embezzle public funds
124. 群带关系 networking through petticoat influence
125. 求同存异 seek common ground on major issues while shelving differences on minor ones
126. 滥用权力 abuse one’s power; misuse one’s authority
127. 廉政建设 build a clean and honest government
128. 三步走战略 the three-step development strategy
129. 三讲教育 three emphases education—emphasize theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct
130. 三峡工程 Three gorges project
131. 贪污腐化 corruption and degeneration
132. 思想僵硬 fossilized concept
133. 西部开发 the development of China’s west
134. 发展是硬道理 Development is an invariable truth
135. 坚持四项基本原则 uphold the four cardinal principles