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【#雅思# 导语】学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是学习的好方法。雅思备考需要一点点积累才能到达效果,®文档大全网为您提供2018年11月17日雅思听力大范围预测:Section Three,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  Section 3

  场景:回校再学习的咨询 A woman what go BACK TO STUDY, library information.



  21-26) Completion

  21. Compared with the past when they searched books by card catalogue(s) (that was printed card on books and titles)

  22. current Course catalogue是什么? computer

  23. It's about the journal, but it's about books above, and journals are different. Look for ××× in a private library. It has a printed list

  24. Where could they find it, it is not in the library? 如果图书馆没有,可以去什么地方找? British Library and other university

  (和 they could borrow from other universities’ library because the British Library is connected with them on line.)

  25. Librarian will provide photocopy of article 一份复印件

  26. If you are graduate student, discount and subsidize will be £10 free vouchersand also save time.

  27-30) Table Completion




  It's about the reference books on INSECTS. There are several reports about insects. Who wrote them? What pictures do they have? What are the advantages and disadvantages?




  21-25) Completion: write one word ONLY for each answer

  21. one student wants to major in Economics (Economics, drop the S, is a mistake, but the trap is that she said in this term she chose accounting, international business and another course)

  22. She thinks the statistics(统计学) is difficult, but it is compulsory.(必修)

  23. If withdraw(退订) statistics, this course would be recorded to academic record.

  24. Why does the girl think statistics is difficult, because she has difficulties to understand the basic ideas.

  25. The teacher suggests students regard the course Statics as a challenge.

  26-30) Table Completion There are many ways to improve the study

  26. go to ask the secretary (教学秘书)

  27. administration office

  28. to meet class representative

  29. a postgraduate student

  30. in the computer centre

  场景:男女教师间的讨论 A man and a woman (both are teachers) are talking.



  21-22) Completion

  What does the man satisfied with about the course this semester?

  (The woman asks the man)

  21. Course: topic is well organized and Next term: don't have the Writing’s Museum

  22. trip during the time

  Then they are talking about something they are not satisfied with the man give some advise on how to solve and improve them.

  23-26) Matching About the facilities in the school

  A. definitely have in next courses

  B. it possible will have

  C. it does not to be done at all/definitely not

  23. find large rooms (Classroom size) -- A do next time

  (About this the man says the classroom is too small and crowded. It's dangerous. The woman agrees with that and should report this).

  24. discussion group: B (It is suggested that students have to be there, the woman says she’s not sure and has to ask the Dean’s office so choose “Not sure when it can be changed.”)

  25. use of library system A (It’s certain they are going to do it next term.)

  26. individual talk with other countries students C

  The following is two students discussing about how to assess the score of the final test.

  27-30) Table completion




  21-22) Multiple Choices

  1. What inspired them to choose this topic?

  A. inspire by an article (女的说 from magazine)

  B. suggested by a lecture

  C. after an assignment being done

  2. The amount of different age group which uses the cosmetics. 选 C

  陷阱: She thought people between 21-30 should be more than that of over 30, but to her surprise, it was the opposite.


  23-26) Completions

  The woman tells the man what they really care about? 女的他们都关心哪些间题

  23. low price of the product

  24. size (of container)

  25. fashion

  26. smell

  27-30) Matching

  A. interview (原文说face to face)

  B. questionnaire 问卷

  C. Verbalization 口述

  27. impact of environment —C

  28. shopping pattern & habit—A

  29. advertising—B (written)

  30. brand loyalty —A (then, we wanted to do it by interview but finally we finish it by verbalization)

  场景:UK Bee Research英国蜜蜂研究



  21-26)Multiple Choices

  21. what is the bee hive look live on the picture?

  A. nursery

  B. factory

  C. home

  22. what do they think of the bee smell?

  A. It’s a method of social communication

  B. It’s better than taste

  C. It can detect danger

  23. What should be further discussed in the presentation?

  A. factors caused the decline of bee population

  24. How to present the research to the audience?

  A. video

  B. quiz (not interested in it)

  C. bee equipment

  25. Which part of the presentation should be improved?

  A. layout of the research report (structure)

  B. background knowledge

  C. communication with audience

  26. What should be additions the report?

  B. the influence of bee to city economy

  27-30) Matching

  27. Asian Bee—effective

  28. Vanguard Bee—can be safety used in all equipment

  29. Blue-ribbon Bee—available anywhere

  30. ×××× Bee—can be used in any condition

  场景:一位女孩(kethy) 介绍她们制作的火箭



2018年11月17日雅思听力大范围预测:Section Three.doc
