

时间:2023-07-31 18:20:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  First listen and then answer the following question.


  What do adolescents respect in parents?

  Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents. Such loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and make them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit. Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, but they seldom realize that they have brought this on themselves .

  Disillusionment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that it can hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they realized how much belief their children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.

  The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects a parent who admits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust. What the child cannot forgive is the parent's refusal to admit these charges if the child knows them to be true.

  Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude; in fact they did nothing of the kind, but children were then too cowed to let them know how they really felt. Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent. It is always wiser and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment.

  DOTID OFLUM Journey Through Adolescence

  【New words and expressions 生词和短语】

  adverse adj. 不利的

  adolescence n. 青春期

  slur n. 抵毁

  adolescent n. 青少年(12-18岁)

  disloyalty n. 不忠实

  spiteful adj. 恶意的,怀恨的

  dignity n.端庄,高贵,尊严

  disillusionment n. 幻灭感

  evaluation n. 评价

  infallibility n. 一贯正确

  resent v. 怨恨

  sincerity n. 诚挚

  victorian adj. 维多利亚式的

  retreat v. 后退

  unreasoning adj. 不凭理智的

  authoritarian adj.专制的

  cow v. 吓唬


  1.slur n. 诽谤, 耻辱, 污点, 污迹

  例句:He took the remarks as a slur on his reputation.


  She had dared to cast a slur on his character.


  2.spiteful adj. 恶意的, 怀恨的

  例句:Walter's spiteful remarks were quite uncalled for.


  He had been a spiteful sort of man.


  3.descent n.

  ①下降, 下坡

  例句:There was a descent of temperature after rain.


  ②家世, 血统

  例句:He traces his descent back to an old norman family.


  4.on the part of 在......一边

  例句:Contentment, on his part, took no vulgar form.


  5.resolve v.


  例句:He resolved that nothing should hold him back.



  例句:Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute.



  例句:We can resolve the problem into more elementary items.



  decide, determine, resolve, settle 这些动词都含“决定”之意。

  decide: 侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。

  determine: 指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行。

  resolve: 语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。

  settle: 指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论。

  resolution, decision, determination, resolve 这些名词均含“决定、决心”之意。

  resolution: 指自觉地正式表示的决心,含极强的主观能动意味,比如new year's resolution。

  decision: 既可指重大的或一般的决定或决心,又可指在多种情况下作出果断的抉择,毫不犹豫地采取行动。

  determination: 侧重坚定不移的顽强意志力。

  resolve: 语气较强,强调克服感情上的软弱,下决心干具体的一件事。

  solve, resolve 这两个动词均含“解决”之意。

  solve: 普通用词,含义广,指为有一定难度的问题找到满意的解法或答复。

  resolve: 主要指对问题或情况进行细微的分析或思索,以得出结论或解决途径。

  6.they have brought this on themselves 他们是咎由自取

  7.stand up to 经得起

  例句:That is why they cannot stand up to any serious test.


  Will this car stand up to winter conditions here?


  8.retreat v. 撤退,后退

  例句:After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat.


  9.cow vt. 恐吓,吓唬

  例句:The generals tried to cow opposition to their military rule by imprisoning their   leaders.


  10.face up to 正视

  例句:He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young.







