
时间:2023-09-07 17:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)每小题听两遍
(   )1.A.jeans                B. socks             C. shorts
(   )2.A.pen                 B. pencil             C. ball pen
(   )3.A.kite                 B. bike              C. like
(   )4.A.hungry              B. hundred            C. hamburger
(   )5.A.skirt                B. school             C. storybook
(   )6.A.puzzle              B. puppet             C. purse
(   )7.A. do                 B. doll               C. dog
(   )8.A. thirty               B. thirsty             C.thirteen
(   )9.A. on the desk          B. in the fridge         C. in the box
(   )10.A. 10:15              B. 10:35              C.10:55
三、 听录音,选择正确答语。(10分)每小题听两遍
(   )1.A.It’s Yang Ling’s.      B. It’s Gao Shan’s.      C. They’re my father’s.
(   )2.A.It’s eleven forty.      B. At eleven.           C. Eleven yuan.
(   )3.A.That’s all right.       B. All right.            C. Come in, please.
(   )4.A.Thank you.          B. Not at all.           C. It’s too short.
(   )5.A. I’m cold.           B. I’m fine.            C. I’m ten.
四、 听录音,填入所缺单词,完成句子。(4分) 每小题听两遍
A: What’s this_________ English?         B: It’s a bookmark . 
A: __________ bookmark is this?          B: Perhaps _________Su Yang’s.
A: Su Yang, is this _________bookmark?    B: No, it  _________. It’s Su Hai’s.
A: Su Hai, _______ at this bookmark.       B: Oh, it’s _________ bookmark.
A: _________ you are.                   B: Thank you.
一、 辨音题。(6分)
(   )1. big    doll        (   )2. girl  orange   (   )3. cat  kite
(   )4. new   cinema     (   )5. five   photo   (   )6. sofa  please
1. 看一看________________________6.try this pair on____________________
2. 五只猫 _______________________7.have breakfast____________________
3. 她的鞋子______________________8.read the new words________________
4.一辆新的小汽车_________________9. whose gloves                _
5. 在八点十分__________________  10. Don’t worry.             
(   ) 1.__________ my pen? It’s on the bed.
A. What’s               B. Where’s             C. Where
(   ) 2. Look at Gao Shan.__________ gloves are so big.
A. He                  B. His                 C. Her
(   ) 3. What’s the matter_______ you? I’m thirsty.
A. for                  B. with                C. on
(   ) 4. What time do you get up?_____________.
A. It’s thirteen.           B. It’s five thirty.        C. At six thirty.
(   ) 5.Here’s a ____________ you.
A. to                   B. for                 C. with
(   ) 6. May I come in? ____________.
A. I’m sorry.             B. Not at all.            C. Come in, please.
(   ) 7. Do you like ___________?
A. kite                  B. cars                 C. a bus
(   ) 8. The shorts__________ too long.
A. are                  B. is                   C. am
(   ) 9. What’s _________ over there?
A. that                  B. this                 C. it
(   ) 10. Is it a crayon? No, ____________.
A. it isn’t.                B. it is                 C. they aren’t.
             I                                II
(   )1. Where’s Nancy?                   A. It’s fifteen.
(   )2. Whose skirt is this?                 B. It’s five ten.
(   )3. What’s five and ten?                C. She’s in the classroom.
(   )4. What time do you have breakfast?     D. It’s Nancy’s.
(   )5. What’s the time?                   E. At six fifty.
(   )1.你想知道这双袜子是谁的,可以问:
A. Whose socks is it?                 B. Whose socks are they?
(   )2.你想问几点了,可以说:
A. Excuse me, what’s the time, please?   B. What time do you get up?
(   )3.上课迟到了,学生可以对老师说:
A. Thank you.                       B. Sorry, I’m late.
(   )4.感叹冰激凌真凉啊,可以说:
A. It’s an ice-cream.                  B. What a cold ice-cream!
(   )5.你想告诉对方“它是我哥哥的”,你可以说:
A. It’s my brothers.                   B. It’s my brother’s.
1. be, don’t, late, again(.)
__________________________________________________   _____________
2. this, notebook, for, is, you(.)
3. the, my, mother’s, gloves, are(.)
4. to, go, time, it’s, to, bed(.)
5. me, excuse, this, your, purse, is(,?)
1. 这牛仔裤太长了。
 ¬——The ___________ are _______ long.
——__________  ____________that book, please.
3. 请坐。喝些橙汁吧。
——Please _________ down.  __________ some orange juice.
——What’s that __________  __________?
——It’s ______ brother’s__________. 
5. 过来,你喜欢这个气球吗?
——Come        ,         you like                   ?
Hello, my name is Betty. I’m ten years old. My father is a doctor(医生). My mother is a teacher(教师). My brother and I are students. I like rabbits, but my brother likes monkeys. I get up at six. I read the book in the morning, then I go to school at seven. I love my family very much.
(   )1. Betty is eleven years old.
(   )2. There are three people(人) in Betty’s family.
(   )3. Betty’s brother likes monkeys.
(   )4. Betty’s father is a teacher.
(   )5. Betty goes to school at seven thirty.

