
时间:2023-04-01 23:46:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

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一、 补全下列单词,将序号写在题前括号内:(5分) ( ) 1. libr y A. ur B. ar C. er ( ) 2. tr ck A. a B. i C. u ( ) 3. b cycle A. i B. u C. a ( ) 4. c A. ur B. ir C. ar ( ) 5. rest rant A. ou B. au C. iu 二、找出与其他单词不同类的一项。(10分)新 ( ) 1. A. one B. two C. too D. four ( ) 2. A. red B. yellow C. window D. white ( ) 3. A. coat B. cat C. dress D. skirt ( ) 4. A. car B. jeep C. bus D. sheep ( ) 5. A.park B. restaurant C.go D. cinema 三、选择正确的单词补全句子,在正确的单词下面打“√” :(10分) 1. Where’s the ( jym, gym)? 2. The school is ( near, far ) from here. 3. Let’s go ( shopping, shop ) . 4. Let’s go to the (supermarket , restaurant) to buy some vegetables. X k B 1 . c o m 5. Let’s go to the (book shop, silk shop) to buy some silk. 四、我会算。 (10分) 1. Tow plus three equals ______ _. 2. ___ ___ plus sixteen equals thirty-six. 3. Forty plus __ ____ equals fifty-nine. 4. __ ____ plus fifty equals eighty. 5. Thirty-six plus __ ___ equals fifty. 五、答语选择。将B栏中符合A栏句子的答语写在题前括号内:(10分) A B ( ) 1.What do you want to do ? A. It′s hot. ( ) 2.How′s the weather ? B. To the office. ( ) 3.How are you ? C. I want to go to the store . ( ) 4.Where are you going ? D. Fine, thank you . ( ) 5 .Can you help me? E. Yes? 六、选择。(15分) ( )1. Excuse me. ______ is the park? A: What B: Where C: How ( )2. Turn right ______the traffic lights. A: at B: in C: on ( )3. Red is ______. A: stop B: go C: wait ( )4. I live in an ______. A: office building B: park C: apartment building ( )5. Where are you _____? A: go B: to go C: going ( )6. He is listening the radio. A.to B. at C. in ( )7. I my teeth in the morning. A: do B: brush C: comb ( )8. !Where is the hospital. A: Excuse me B: Hi C: Hello ( )9. The TV is across the bed. A: with B: for C: from ( )10. We play catch Li Ming’s ball. A: with B: for C: from ( )11. This is a pair of . A: shorts B: skirt C: dress ( )12. –Is that your sweater? -No,it’s not . w A: my B: mine C: me ( )13.It is time _____ bed. A: of C.for C. to ( )14. Is that from here? A: far B: near C.for ( )15. I’m going the library. A: at B: to C: on 七、情景选择。选择答案,将序号写在题前括号内:(10分) ( )1.当你想去医院,问路时,应说: A. What do you want to do ? 、 B. Where’s the hospital? C. What’s the shop? ( )2. 当你想问别人:“你要去哪里?”时,你会说: A. where’s you to? B. What do you go ? C. Where are you going? ( ) 3. 当你想帮助别人,你会说: A. Can you help me ? B. May I help you ? C .Thank you. ( ) 4. 当你要打扰别人,你会说: A. Excuse me! B. Hello! C. Do you have a map? ( ) 5. 当你要问天气怎么样时,你会说: A. How′s the weather? B. What′s the weather? C. Follow me. 八、找出错误并改正。(10分) ( )1. Let’s going to school. A B C ( )2. I do me homework in the evening. A B C ( )3. Who sweater is this? A B C ( )4. After supper, we see TV. A B C ( )5. Let I help you. A B C 九、连词成句,注意大小写。 (10分) 1. do have map a you (?) _____________________________ 2. eight two plus ten equals (.) _______________________________ 3. me let help you (.) _______________________________ 4. show I can you (.) ________________________________新 5. I am to going office the (.) ________________________________

十、 选词补全短文。(10分) school park lights apartmentbuilding street I live in an ________, I go to _______ from Monday to Friday. I walk down the _______,and turn right at the traffic _______. Then I see a _______. My school is across from the park.

