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【篇一】永远的天使 Forever Angel
Whenever I see the information about beauty contest, a named is always mentioned, that is Audrey Hepburn. Though she died in the 1990s, she is still remembered by people all the time. Everytime when I see her pictures, I am astonished by her natural beauty. Many young girls chase to make the plastic surgery nowadays, as a result, they look beautiful but lack of their own features. Hepburn has the classic beauty, because she acted in the elegant way and she was like a princess. All her life, she committed herself in the charity career. People called her the angel on earth, for her beautiful appearance and kind heart. She is classic and will never fade away. 每当我看到关于选美比赛的信息时,有一个名字总是会被提到,那就是奥黛丽赫本。虽然她在上个世纪90年代就过世了,但是她仍被人们记着。每次当我看到她的照片,我总是被她的自然美震惊到。如今许多年轻女孩追求整形手术后看起来很漂亮,但是却缺乏自己的特色。赫本拥有古典美,因为她优雅的行为方式宛如一个公主。在她一生当中,她投身慈善事业。人们称她为落入人间的天使,因为她美丽的外表和善良的心。她是永不会褪色的经典。
【篇二】如何保持好身材 How to Keep Good Body Shape
Today, a lot of children are in favor of fast food, such as KFC. These fried food smells so good and makes them watering. As they eat rubbish food for a long time, it is easy to lose nutrition and get the problem of overweight. It is in need of improving our diet, for the purpose of keeping the good body shape and looking healthy and beautiful. The balanced diet is the first factor. We need to eat meat, vegetable and fruit. At the same time, taking exercise is also indispensable. Look at the beautiful models, they do gym to get the perfect body shape. In order to be fit, we need make efforts. 现在,很多孩子都喜欢吃快餐,比如肯德基。这些油炸食品味道很好,让孩子们流口水。当他们吃了很长一段时间的垃圾食品后,很容易营养失衡,出现超重的问题。为了保持好身材,让自己看起来健康和美丽,改善我们的饮食迫在眉睫。均衡饮食是第一因素,我们需要吃肉,蔬菜和水果。与此同时,锻炼也是必不可少的。看看美丽的模特,他们为了保持完美的体型经常去锻炼。为了健康,我们需要努力。
【篇三】不一样的美丽 The Different Beauty
In America, there is a girl who once was called the most ugly person in the world, because she was very thin and her bones could be seen clearly. What’s more, her face was disfigured. Actually, the girl got a very rare and strange sickness, which makes her to eat all the time and she never gets fat. When she walks on the street, everybody is watching her. The girl gave a speech recently, she went to college and got used to her life. she accepted her misfortune, and treated things in a different way, like she could eat as more as she want and her blind left eyes helped her to block what she refused to see. This strong girl has the different beauty. 在美国,有一个女孩曾经被称为世界上最丑的人,因为她非常瘦,骨头可以清楚的看到,而且,她的脸看起来像被毁容。实际上,这个女孩有着非常罕见的和奇怪的疾病,这让她不停地吃,她永远不会胖。当她走在街上时,每个人都看着她。女孩最近发表了讲话,她上了大学,习惯了她的生活,她接受了她的不幸,她把不幸用一种方式看待,她可以随意地吃,她盲目的左眼睛帮助她屏蔽她拒绝看到的东西。这个强大的女孩有不一样的美。
初中英语作文:永远的天使 Forever Angel.doc