
时间:2022-03-30 02:47:36 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,欢迎阅读©文档大全网为大家精心整理的“七年级英语作文范文三篇”!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  Today so many students are learning English, parents pay special attention to their kids’ English, while Chinese has been neglected by some students. They think Chinese is their first language, so they can learn it well naturally. I don’t think so, Chinese has a long history and the culture is various, the language is broad and profound, it needs work hard and spend more time to learn. Just as English, Chinese grammar, structure and idiom are full of difficulties, so we must learn Chinese by our hearts. We should learn Chinese well when we study English.



  As we know that the education of love is very important for the development of teenagers. As far as I am concerned, love plays an important role in our daily life. Life is just like a beautiful boat and love is the wind. Without the help of the wind, the boat cannot go to the place where it wants to go.


  In my family, both of my parents love me deeply. it is love that makes me happy and warm. In school, all students and teachers are friendly to me. They accompany me to the correct direction, which has a great influence on me. In all, I think where there is love, there is touch and happy.


  Love is something that we can’t describe well in any language, but it gives us a lot. So please value it.



  My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautiful city. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many old houses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years. Now there are many new squares, new roads and a lot of tall buildings.

  家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡高淳是一个古老而美丽的城市。以前它是一个很安静的地方。有绿色的山,新鲜的空气和许多老房子。然而,这几年这里发生了很大的变化。如今有很多新广场,新道路和高楼大厦。

   In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many buses pass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light rail to Gaochun, and it is faster and easier to get there. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, the tree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautiful city.


