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【#SAT# 导语】AT和ACT一直被称为美国高考,随着赴美留学越来越热,这两个考试也逐渐进入家长和同学的眼中,但是®文档大全网发现,许多小伙伴在准备考试的时候非常盲目,并没有弄清楚二者之间的区别,很多小伙伴不太清楚自己应该选择哪个,今天®文档大全网联合三立在线教育的老师为大家分析下两者的区别。








  The college application process is getting more and more competitive every year; now more than ever, your standardized test score is an important pillar in your entire profile. Before you begin studying for the actual test, however, you first have to decide: which standardized test is better, the SAT or the ACT? The answer is a lot more complicated than you think.

The first thing to remember is that there are distinct similarities between the two. Both are almost entirely multiple-choice exams designed to test your college readiness. Both allow you to choose which scores you would like to send to your hopeful universities. Neither deduct points for incorrect answers. Most importantly, all universities accept both SAT and ACT, and they do not hold preference or merit to either one.

The SAT is a test based on context, which means that an expanded knowledge of outside topics will prove useful. The Math section is a good example of this: if students do not know the traditional formula to find a solution, they can use logic and alternative methods to work around their lack of knowledge. The Verbal section requires a lifetime of exposure to the English language as questions tend to be more roundabout, focus on unfamiliar pieces of literature, and often include nuances in the English language (have you ever tried to explain the difference between “peppered” and “littered?”). The Essay section asks students to examine a passage and explain how the author uses rhetorical devices to construct an effective article—knowledge of concepts such as ethos, logos, and pathos are crucial. Students with a lifetime of exposure to English literature and a strong background in critical thinking will feel more comfortable on the SAT.

The ACT is a test based on formula, which means that outside knowledge will not provide much help. The Math section is less forgiving for students who are unfamiliar with a specific formula or concept, and they will not be able to easily find an alternative route to the solution. Even on the English section, knowledge of strict grammar structures is necessary. The Reading section tests on your ability to recall details; it simply asks students about what happened in the passage rather than analyze it. The ACT Essay asks students to evaluate different perspectives on an issue, then build them into strong arguments with reasons and examples. Students who are able to remember and regurgitate the facts will excel on the ACT. Much like using your left hand or your right hand, different people will feel comfortable taking different tests. What's the professional advice from Prestige Only consultants? Please looking forward to our WeChat article tomorrow! We will bring you the answers.













  At Prestige Only, we strongly recommend that our students avoid the SAT. The SAT is too unpredictable for students due to its ongoing revisions, notorious cheating scandals, and difficult testing style. In 2016, the SAT rolled out massive changes to its testing structure that many students and test preparation experts are still struggling to comprehend and prepare for. The test is still technically under revision, and students are seeing unfamiliar question types on every new exam.

Furthermore, the SATs cheating scandals and mass cancellations are a common concern—who wants to put in all that time, energy, and money to take a cancelled test? International test takers are running out of options as well: in early 2017, College Board announced that the International June SAT was cancelled in order to discourage cheating (SAT II Subject Tests were still available).

Lastly, the SAT is an exam that requires a strong, lifelong background in English language and literature. Many are tempted to argue that the SAT gives students more time than the ACT, and it is undeniable that the SAT Reading gives you 13 minutes per passage while the ACT Reading only gives you 9. However, students taking the SAT spend every second of those extra minutes struggling to analyze an unfamiliar piece of literature.

The ACT is far more comfortable for students whom English is not their first language. The questions and passages are more direct, and the test is way more formulaic—which means that students can study and implement more efficient test-taking strategies. Many families are also keen to switch now because the ACT is way less prone to cancellation: the first ACT cancellation in Asia happened only last summer. While the shorter exam time will always be a concern, students will find that they are able to prepare more effectively and –most importantly—more confidently!

Much like using your left hand or your right hand, different people will feel comfortable taking different tests. Take, for example, Lucy (name changed to protect her privacy). Lucy was an IB 41/42, multiple-year honors student, and an all-around academic superstar, but struggled to break 1400 out of 1600 on the SAT. After several years of struggling, she finally conceded and tried an ACT diagnostic exam. She scored a perfect 36 on her first try, and is back on track towards applying to her dream school.

The SAT vs ACT might seem like a daunting question, but there are plenty of factors that can be broken down to help you make the most productive decision! If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to your PO Senior Consultant. They’ll work with you to find the test that you will be the most comfortable and confident with. Happy Studying!


