

时间:2023-02-17 20:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Finding the Approachable People at the Business/Social Function
  (Office ambience)
  C: 谢谢你陪我来,Amy, 每次公司有这种应酬,我都特别不自在。
  A: Why not? They are usually upscale events held in attractive places with good food.
  C: 吃的倒是不错,可我不习惯跟陌生人接触。
  A: That's one of the reasons we go, to meet other business people and build productive relationships.
  C: 那除了多认识人,还有其他原因吗?
  A: Yes, reconnecting with people to maintain professional contacts.
  C: 遇到熟人还好,不过我最怕的就是跟陌生人打交道,老觉得特尴尬。
  A: We talked a while back about being prepared, finding out about the people who will be at the event and planning what you will talk about.
  C: 我每次都准备得挺好,可一到现场,就不知所措了。怎样做才能不让人觉得鲁莽呢?
  A: To be courteous, you need to know which people are approachable and which ones are not.
  C: 我怎么知道什么人愿意理睬我呢?
  A: Let's find a quiet spot where I can give you a few tips.
  C: Any,你快告诉我,什么样的人我可以主动走过去搭讪呢?
  A: The most approachable ones are standing alone. They are probably looking for someone to talk to.
  C: 如果他们不想说话呢?
  A: There are signals you can use to see if the person standing alone is friendly or not.
  C: 你是说肢体语言吗?
  A: That's right. Look the other person in the eye as you approach. If he looks away or ignores you, that's a clear message that he is not interested in meeting you.
  C: 如果他避开我的目光,就是没兴趣。那你刚才说的微笑呢?
  A: After you have made eye contact, smile at the person. If he returns your smile, you have a non-verbal invitation to approach.
  C: 如果从对方的肢体语言能看出,他不愿跟别人交谈呢?
  A: Move on and look for someone else.
  C: 那如果大家都在交谈,我就只好能别人来找我了?
  A: That would be a waste of time. Look for a group of three or more people and try the same tactic.
  C: 那我是不是要立刻进行自我介绍?
  A: Walk up to the group, stand slightly back, make eye contact with each one and smile. A soon as they acknowledge you, introduce yourself.
  C: 如果他们对我不理不睬呢?
  A: Same as before. Keep moving until you find welcoming people.
  C: 那 是不是只有有两个人在交谈,应该更容易加入吧?
  A: Absolutely not. Those are the people you want to avoid.



