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【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的六一儿童节终于来到了,这是所有小朋友都喜欢的一个节日,祝大家儿童节快乐。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  I sang a song and came to the school. As soon as I got to the gate, I saw nine big characters: happy International Children's Day to all the children in the school! The teaching building also put on new clothes and was full of purple and white balloons. They were crowded and touched by me. There were beautiful ribbons at the door of the classroom, which turned the class into a fairyland in fairy tales. It was colorful and colorful. I couldn't help shouting "Hello, June day! Welcome!"

  Time flies like a pony. In the twinkling of an eye, we start our first activity - exchanging gifts. I'm a little worried. Who will get my gifts? Will he like it Many small question marks jumped around in front of me. While I was thinking, I suddenly heard a voice: "No. 25, No. 25, Wang Qiuqiu." I looked back. It was Lu RongZi. He drew my student number. I ran up quickly, handed the gift to him and took a picture. Finally, I smoked. I closed my eyes and looked up. Zheng Zhishu, No. 35, hurried to bring the gift to me.

  The second activity - textbook play, we were the first to play, but I didn't panic. I played my role very familiar, and the other members of the group performed very well! Finally, our group won the props award.

  Finally, it is also our favorite - eating snacks. Everyone is very happy.

  A June day activity ended with laughter.


  Today is International Children's Day. I am very happy. In the morning, put on the holiday costumes, and International Children's Day begins.

  Along the way, the trees waved to us, and the flowers smiled at us, as if to say, "happy International Children's Day, happy International Children's Day." Father-in-law sun knew we were going to celebrate the festival. He hid in the clouds. The wind girl was blowing in the breeze. It was so cool. At school, bursts of clear and powerful reading sound floated from afar and passed into my ears. The students came to the school with a good smile from the door.

  The program began soon. The programs performed by my brother and sister were really colorful, including dancing, chorus and sketch. Soon it's our class's turn to perform. Looking at the big stage, I'm really nervous for them. I hope our class will win the prize. We applaud and encourage our classmates to play. Today is our festival. We all smile, listen to happy music and enjoy beautiful dance. Happiness brings everyone. After the dance performance, there is a burst of warm applause under the stage.

  I had a good time on this June day. When I think of the happy festival, my heart is as sweet as honey.


  "61" children's Day is a favorite festival for some children. It also brings us laughter. I like children's Day best. Because every children's day, I can play with my classmates in the classroom and enjoy the happiness of children. So I like children's day. In my mind, "61" children's day can be the "boss" compared with other festivals. Take national day for example. Although the National Day holiday is a week, the teacher has a lot of homework these days. There is no time to play at all.

  Although there is no holiday on children's day, there are still two classes for us to have activities, eat, or have some competitions in the afternoon, and there is no homework, which is good! I think the future children's day will be more interesting: let the headmaster find a darker place in the wild, and plant a lot of trees. Then rent a few cars and we'll go there for an event. Some timid students barbecue while some brave students come to have a game. There are several roads in this field, but there is only one starting point and one ending point. And only one way is right. Each student should bring a mobile phone with him so that he can get lost and contact the teacher.

  These brave students are divided into two parts. One part puts on a mask and hides in the trees on the way to scare people. If a classmate chooses the right way, he can reach the end. The headmaster puts two bricks at the end, and the student who reaches the end first takes one of the bricks back. The student who returns to the starting point first with the brick wins. I really want to have such a children's day.


  International Children's Day is coming. Our school holds a cultural performance to celebrate the children's day. My performances include "descendants of the dragon" and "happy rat".

  Our class is going to perform the children of the dragon. Mr. Yang took us to the left of the stage, lined up and waited for our program. At this time, I was nervous and couldn't wait. It's our turn. We lined up, stepped onto the stage and began the performance. With wonderful music, we recited: we are the descendants of the dragon, born in the country of the dragon, who said in the world... After we recited, Wang Yitong played allegro. The audience and we all listened with interest. Warm applause broke out under the stage. After Wang Yitong played Allegro, Tian yunnong came to lead the singing: I grew up under the feet of the dragon. When I grow up, I will be the descendant of the dragon. There is a dragon in the ancient East, Its name... Soon we finished the performance, and warm applause broke out under the stage.

  I also performed the dance "happy rat". We put on Kangaroo costumes. Look, there's a little kangaroo in the pouch. The kangaroo's nose is very round and cute. Kangaroos came onto the stage happily. As soon as the music sounded, we jumped up immediately. While sitting and jumping, while standing and jumping, really like a lively little kangaroo.

  After all our programs were performed, we took our things and ran back to the classroom. This International Children's Day makes me so happy!


  "61" children's Day is a happy day for children, and it is also their own festival. Today we are all very happy. The school held a garden tour. In our four-year period, we have table tennis competition, crossword puzzles, table tennis running, hula hoop shaking, youyou ball competition, shuttlecock kicking competition, bead clamping

  In the morning, I got up early. It's very sunny today and I'm in a very good mood. I was humming a little song and was about to go out. The telephone rang "Dingling". It was Miss Wu. She borrowed hula hoops from me because there was a competition to shake hula hoops in her class. If there were not enough hula hoops, she asked me to borrow them. I was holding a heavy big hula hoop, and my originally extremely excited mood became general. When I got to school, my mood was even worse. I waited for a long time, and no female classmate came, and the teacher didn't come.

  The park tour began. The Deputy monitor and I were in charge of guessing crossword puzzles. How we want to play! So I discussed with the Deputy monitor who would play first and let another person play when I came back. The Deputy monitor quit. I told the teacher that we wanted to play, and the teacher said what I thought just now. I'm so happy! I was so excited that I ran to play. Hula hoop is my best. I played three or four times and won three times. The fourth time, a classmate came up and hit me, and the hula hoop fell off. I was so angry that I picked up my things and left.

  After the garden tour, the teacher talked about things in the class. I was not in the class. I went to the hall on the first floor to read and buy books, and then went to the canteen for dinner. Noon seems like a year. It's been a long time. composition

  In the afternoon, everyone watched a movie in the classroom. Guo Xuechun and I were so poor that we had to go to the choir. The chorus teacher was so angry that he was so fierce that he was ruined this afternoon.

  "61" children's day passed in this way. It is said to be a happy International Children's Day. In fact, it is not very happy. It is fair to say that there are both sadness and joy.


  In my little heart, I have experienced many things, happy, regretful and memorable... In my memory, I can't forget the happy thing of "June 1" children's day.

  That year's "61" children's day, the teacher organized us to play a game in the classroom - beating drums and passing flowers. The whole class said with one voice, "OK"!

  At this time, the teacher began to knock on the table, which was slower than the snail. I saw the flowers reach the monitor. In the blink of an eye, the teacher stopped and the monitor was going to perform on the stage!

  A burst of warm applause burst out, and the monitor sang a song: "Red Dragonfly in the sunset, where are you..." unknowingly, the song has been sung, and more than half of the class are still intoxicated with the monitor's beautiful song. I hope he can sing another song.

  At this time, the sound of a leopard hitting the head of Chen Tinghua has reached the hand of the teacher. It was her turn to perform. She thought hard. At this time, she thought of a mystery and said, "I don't know a mystery today, black haired poodle." The class was so quiet that even the sound of the wind blowing on the grass outside could be heard. At this time, a classmate raised his hand and said, "it's silence!" Chen Shangting was surprised that a mystery that even adults can't solve was solved by a primary school student.

  In the blink of an eye, the flower has reached my hand. I was a little flustered, but then I calmed down, strode onto the stage and said loudly, "what is higher than the Paris tower?" As soon as the voice fell, a female classmate in the class raised her hand and said, "anyone is possible!" I was secretly surprised.

  At this time, I only heard the teacher say, "let's play here today!" The whole class is still immersed in happiness. When I recall this incident now, it seems that it happened yesterday!


  Today I am very happy, because today is International Children's Day! In the morning, my mother and I went to Qujiang ruins park to visit. As soon as I entered the gate, an aunt gave me a red balloon. It was very beautiful. Holding the balloon, I happily continued to walk along the Qujiang pool. I walked and walked, carefully crossing the lake along the big stones in the lake and reaching the other side of the lake. We went to a place where we could take a boat. I put on my life jacket and got on the boat and began to play with the bumper boat. I saw a boat coming. I suddenly drove and hit it. I hit many boats, and everyone avoided me. I went to see the swan. It has a red mouth and a long neck. It's very beautiful. Then I got on the big hydrogen balloon. The balloon rose higher and higher, and the people on the ground became small. I was not afraid at all. Looking into the distance, I could see the whole Qujiang River. The scenery was very beautiful.

  In the afternoon, we came to zhongbeiyuan children's activity center to watch the children's drama crystal shoes. This children's play tells the story of Cinderella. Cinderella is very beautiful, hardworking and kind. With the help of the magic fairy, she attended the prince's ball and left a deep impression on the prince. The prince finally found her with the crystal shoes she left and married her. I also learned the magic spell "ula, ula, change, change" with the magic fairy when watching the children's play. Our children watching the play used magic spells and wands to help Cinderella change into beautiful skirts and crystal shoes and help her fulfill her wish to attend the ball. We also took photos with the protagonist after the children's play. I'm very happy.

  This year's International Children's Day, I had a very happy time, thank you mom!


  Today is "61" children's day. It's our children's day. Six children from our happy team went to the underground Youth Palace of the second classroom activity base to make cakes.

  We happily came to the activity base and walked into the cake shop. The enthusiastic aunt greeted us and put on inverted back clothes for each of our children. After washing our hands, we walked into the cake room. The cake room is very clean. There are eggs, butter, flour and some fruit on the table. With the help of an aunt, we beat the eggs in the basin and add sugar. Then Chen Yanlin, sun Xinye and pan Wenbin took turns to beat the eggs in the basin with an egg beater. While beating the eggs, we added flour to the basin. After beating the eggs and flour very thick, we put them on one side. On the edge, Shen Shangyi and Ding rouyin kneaded butter in the basin. After putting the kneaded butter into our basin, we kneaded the flour, eggs and butter into a ball. Aunt helped us make a round cake from the kneaded things and put it in the oven. After baking for a while, the fresh cake came out! Aunt taught us to add cream and fruit to the cake, and then squeeze cream lace. A delicious cake was made. Aunt cut the cake into pieces and we ate it with relish!

  Making cakes on children's Day is our most interesting team activity. Several of our children made cakes together, which also let us know that we need to work together to do a good job.


  Today is International Children's Day. We are very happy. In order to celebrate our happy holiday, the teacher asked us to have a get-together in the afternoon and allowed the students to bring snacks. Suddenly, the whole class was boiling.

  In the afternoon, the students brought colorful flowers and balloons. Look! The colored flowers are red, yellow and green. The students are pasting them on the blackboard, windows and TV with balloons. The students are not willing to fall behind. They blow up the balloons respectively. As soon as they let go, the balloons "fly" up, and the classroom instantly becomes a children's paradise. The Chinese teacher invited the art teacher. The art teacher wrote a line of words on the blackboard with blue chalk, which was "the red scarf meets the future", and drew a circle with red chalk, which immediately added a color to the blackboard.

  The bell rang and the party began. After the host reported his lines, the program began. He ruiruirui was the first to play. She sang a song called "a loving family". After singing, she said thank you loudly! Then, Chen Jia sang another song "Cherry Blossom Grass", which sounded good! Chen Yu's violin is also very good and moving. Xia Yuqi also played a song "Golden Snake Dance" with erhu, sang an English alphabet song in Liu Xin's language, and mobilized the students to sing together. Qian Shanqian played the electronic organ track "little star". Although he stammered, it can be seen that he worked hard and worked hard. When he finished playing, there was a burst of warm applause accompanying him to step down. It's the guitar cooperation between Tong Duanxin and Wang Liyu. Tong Duanxin sings while playing. Wang Liyu dubs. After playing, the teacher took a picture of them!

  "61" children's day has passed imperceptibly. I really hope the next 61 will come soon!


  Today, we welcome the annual 61 Day celebration. But this year is different from previous years. A few years ago, everyone was laughing and laughing, but this year... We cried.

  After the school celebration, we began the "buffet" in our class. One program after another passed, and it was the turn of all the girls in our class to sing "twig". This sounds like an ordinary song, but in fact, it is not. It contains the deep affection and thick friendship of our class 5 (1) family for Lou Mingyue, who is about to transfer to the art school!

  "The merry go round has no wings, but it can take you everywhere..." singing, I looked at Lou Mingyue. Is she really leaving? For five years, Lou Mingyue, the "art student" who fought and laughed with us, who was always said to be "stupid" by teacher Shao, is really going to leave? How I wish it was a dream! Lou Mingyue, if you leave, the love composed of 13 girls in our class will lack a corner, and the "Baigujing group" in the mouth of the boys will lack a boss. In the future, we will not be used to it without the "little princess" who looks so good all day

  After singing, Lou Mingyue turned her head and looked at me. I found that her eyes were also red. Was she going to cry? Deep down, my tears flowed out so recklessly that they couldn't stop. She came over and hugged me and wiped the corners of her eyes: "it's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." please stop talking, Lou Mingyue. Don't you know you'll make me more uncomfortable?

  My eyes were full of tears and I could hardly see who was in front of me. All the girls in class 5 (1) put their hands together and finally shouted, "come on!"

  "Twig", it is no longer an ordinary song. It is the song of love and friendship of all the girls in class 5 (1). Whether we are at the ends of the earth or at the Cape of the sea, this song can connect our hearts forever

  "No matter how long I can accompany you, at least I can make you laugh and fly with me..."

