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【#英语资源# 导语】儿童节愿你找回童真,抛开忧愁;儿童节愿你绽出微笑,驱除烦恼。像孩子一样放肆玩闹,像孩子一样快乐无忧。找回那逝去已久的童趣,充实你现实的生活。六一儿童节,愿你多一点童真,多一点快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Yesterday, June 1st was our most anticipated children's day, but it was also our last children's day. The school arranged two classes for us to spend the last "June day".

  First of all, a class is held to withdraw from the team and join the league. All the students are standing on the playground, and 42 League members are seriously standing in the middle. On the occasion of this ceremony, these 42 League members will join the league and become members of the Communist Youth League. The host stood on the stage and said seriously: all stand at attention and send out the flag. The national anthem sounded, the flag bearer gradually entered, and all stood in silence. The young pioneers all respected the team ceremony, with a serious face and full of longing. After the flag raising ceremony, the team song was sung, and the team song sounded. The students in our class sang very hard. At the moment, I thought to myself: usually, everyone didn't sing so loudly. This time, everyone was so serious! Because it means a lot to us.

  Then, the teacher and students went to the podium to speak. The students under the podium sat on the grass and listened very carefully. Finally, the team withdrawal and League joining ceremony. All the young pioneers took off their red scarves, which made many students happy. Some people say: great, finally don't wear a red scarf. I looked at the students and thought: don't wear a red scarf, which means that when I grow up, I have to understand and take responsibility. This feeling weighed heavily on me. Under the leadership of the old League members, 42 new league members read out the oath seriously. Looking at several students in our class, everyone has a feeling of growing up. The oath sentence by sentence is like one by one.

  After the team withdrawal ceremony, it was our long-awaited garden tour. When the teacher announced the start, all cheered and the song "left hand, right hand" gradually sounded in our ears! The class members of class 7 are in a hurry to prepare for the beginning of the game - playing balloons and tying ropes. The students on one side are crowding to register the tour list. I was there to help tick. Watching the games of each class begin, my friends and I can't wait to go to each class for a turn. But in the end, I only played the bead clamping game once in class 10. In the process of playing the game, some people broke aside: "Oh, I'm sure I'll lose. Hurry up!" Listening to what they said, I smiled, shook my hands and said, "are you hurting me or refueling?" but under their interference, I clamped faster and faster, and the other two friends cheered on. Finally, I won. As I walked, I thought, "I don't know whether I want to thank those two people who interfered with me or blame them." I smiled helplessly.

  Back in the camp of the class, I saw that many people played the game of stepping on balloons in our class, and they were in a mess. The class committee members worked hard to organize discipline. "Class members are so hard," I thought. With the end of the music, the happy garden time is over.

  Although the "June day" did not play anything, it was the most meaningful and the happiest last "June day". With the end of the last "June day", we also grew up, became sensible and regretted the passing days. Miss childhood.


  Looking at the colorful flags and balloons flying in the campus, I realized the coming of International Children's Day. Inadvertently open those old photos and quietly open the long blocked door of memory. Suddenly, happiness filled my heart.

  It was the International Children's Day three years ago. Brother sun and sister Baiyun came to celebrate the festival for us. Our mood was as sunny as the weather. After hearing the teacher's wordy words, we rushed out of the classroom and went straight to the playground. The playground has long been a sea of people. Happy music, flying flags and large and small balloons constitute a sea of joy. There are so many game items, such as "rowing a dragon boat", "kangaroo jumping", "blowing balloons", "clamping marbles"

  Senior students have long been in the front row of each game area. I finally saw a small team without any hesitation. I pulled the female students next to me to stand in. However, this "less" is only relative. We still stood until our legs cramped, and then we saw that "rowing the Dragon Boat" used to play like this: we saw two people face to face, hand in hand, and two people sitting on each other's feet to form a small dragon boat. If two people want to move forward together, which group will get the most points the fastest to reach the end. I can't help but play a small drum in my heart, but I still can't bear to give up the team that has been lined up for so long, so I have to bite the bullet. With the referee's order, the five "dragon boats" hurried to "start". But at the beginning, we were in a mess: the two people didn't move in the same direction. They fell on their back and made the onlookers laugh. Seeing that others have drawn several steps, I am even more anxious. In a hurry, I hurriedly reorganized the team. I shouted to my companions, "one" you lift your hips and move, "two" I lift my hips and move. In this way, in the sound of "one, two, one", I rolled and fell, and finally reached the finish line. Yeah, wisdom and sweat. I didn't expect to win the second place.

  We came to the second game area again. Seeing their satisfied faces, we knew that this was a very simple game. When I walked in, I found out that it was sack jumping. My jumping ability is not boasted. It can be compared with kangaroo. Indeed, I was the first to skip the finish line, but I didn't expect to read English words when I jumped to the finish line. These English words are written on table tennis and put in a bucket for you to smoke. I took a swipe at it and immediately looked silly. I haven't even seen the word. Looking at this word, I was so anxious that I was sweating: "why am I so unlucky? I just picked up a word I haven't learned. These teachers are really forcing people to give such a difficult word to a second grade student." As a last resort, I tried to spell it with "Pinyin method". Unexpectedly, I guessed it correctly and got a high score. I'm so happy.

  In the following games, we fought with wisdom and courage, and had a good time. Finally, I exchanged the points from the game for many gifts: food, toys, School Supplies

  Hard work, rich harvest, that "61" is the most meaningful children's day I have ever had. It will always be treasured in my heart, and it will draw a beautiful stroke for my childhood.


  Tomorrow is International Children's Day, which we have been looking forward to for a long time. Unlike in previous years, teachers let us prepare our own programs and decorate our classrooms. Hearing the news, the classroom suddenly boiled up.

  The task of our group is to decorate the south wall. In order to decorate the walls beautifully, we bought many ribbons and balloons. I've been folding lucky stars all noon. When we got to school in the afternoon, we began to be busy with interest. The team leader assigned tasks to each of us. With the order, we began to be busy. Two other girls and I were responsible for connecting the lucky stars into a heart shape and hanging them on the wall. We carefully string up the small lucky stars with thin lines, carefully, for fear of damaging them and wasting all our previous efforts. With the concerted efforts of the three of us, we finally put the lucky stars together. The team leader asked someone to hang it on the wall. In order to highlight this shape, we also decorated it with colorful ribbons and balloons. Come down and have a look. It's really beautiful. The teacher was full of praise for our masterpiece: "it's really creative." Don't mention how happy you are that your achievements have been recognized by teachers. Look at the other three walls. They are no worse than ours.

  Being in it is like entering a fairy tale world, a happy kingdom. Our little hands have really worked miracles. The red characters "celebrate June 1" on the blackboard make us excited.

  Finally, I propose to do the final rehearsal of our textbook play "Ximen Bao governing Ye" to make full preparations for tomorrow's performance. I spent a lot of time on this program, such as how the tone of the characters is appropriate, what clothes the characters should wear, where to go on and off in the classroom, and so on. During the rehearsal, we suggested that it would be more appropriate to throw the students playing witches outside the classroom. I think it's a good idea that the outside of the classroom is spacious and not easy to get hurt. That's it. Now we must seize all the time to do the final rehearsal. We can't screw up tomorrow.

  Make all preparations for tomorrow's wonderful display


  Children's favorite "61" has arrived! Time flies like electricity. In a twinkling of an eye, I am in grade five. This children's Day is the penultimate I can spend in primary school. Next year, I will go to junior high school. I am full of reluctance. At this time, I really don't want to grow up. Therefore, I cherish children's day more and more!

  On Sunday morning, when my parents asked me what gift I wanted, clothes, watches, snacks or dinner? I smiled and shook my head. I told my mother that I could see the words sent by the head teacher, Mr. Zhang, in the QQ group: "my children's Day gift is company!" The gift I want is that my parents can put down their work and spend a good day with me tomorrow. Mom thought about it and said yes. She asked her father who often goes out early and returns late. He hesitated because there are too many things in his company. Besides, Monday is the busiest and there are many meetings to be held. So I asked him with eager eyes. He smiled at me and said that he would arrange tomorrow's work in the evening and agreed! Oh, great!

  Therefore, my parents decided to accompany me from Sunday afternoon to take me to English class. In the evening, they also took me to Minnan Grand Theater to listen to a piano trio as their first gift. Although it was raining heavily that night, we still went to the theater on time and listened to the wonderful music played by the three foreign musicians with piano, Violin and cello. I was deeply intoxicated. Listening to the wonderful music, my father who temporarily put down his mobile phone on the left hand and my focused mother on the right hand, my heart was full of happiness.

  On children's day, I came to the school early to participate in garden activities, and my mother also came to the class with gifts to give them to everyone, which made the students cheer excitedly! After the school activities, she took me to join my aunt and my cousin to meet my father. We went to Wanda for dinner together, and then accompanied us to watch the cartoon Doraemon. In fact, during lunch, my father answered five or six phone calls. He pushed off many people's appointments and said he would accompany his son on June 1. At this time, my heart was warm. When we got to the cinema, most of the people who came to see the film were children. Doraemon set off bursts of laughter and laughter in the whole cinema. How the children envy Da Xiong for having a robot cat that is so magical and can accompany him! Even my parents laughed at it!

  After watching the film, my parents did abide by the agreement and took us home to see my brother and sister have fun! This children's Day is the most meaningful one in my memory: the students revel together in the morning, play with their brothers and sisters in the afternoon, and my parents accompany me all day! Of course, I also received practical gifts: a bag of delicious food from the school, a watch bought by my mother, new clothes bought by my aunt, etc. What I love most is the company of my parents all day. It is the most precious gift I have received on June 1!


  I always think that June day is an insignificant holiday. It will not have a holiday like may day, and no one will give you any gifts. Therefore, I have no objection to the fact that I can't pass June 1 after entering junior high school. I don't care about it at all. Besides, I have been desperately trying to grow up. I can't wait to leave it far away.

  But it seems that others don't think so. When I got to school on Friday, several people told me, "tomorrow is International Children's Day!" When she got back to her seat, she found that her deskmate and her good friend were planning a "June 1 Tour". Of course, the maximum number of participants is three. Later, when watching TV in the evening, I found that "Happy Dictionary" is a special edition of June 1. An entertainment variety show on central 3 is also specially designed for June 1. A very poetic story of Anhui station is also about children. Browse the Internet. There are many kinds of greeting cards and flash on June 1. I was surprised that June 1 is such a festival that the society pays attention to.

  On Saturday, the sun is as bright as ever and the sky is as blue as ever. This year's June day is such an ordinary Saturday without various activities held by the school. Yesterday's surprise is still there, which makes me start to recall my June day, my last June day. I want to find something, but I can't remember it vaguely. All I know is that the school has held various activities, that's all. Is it? Is that really it? Represents the June day of my childhood. Is that the only way? What about my childhood? I regret that I didn't remember my last 61 Childhood passed in such a flash. The June day doesn't belong to me, and the doll doesn't belong to me. Although the prize obtained through the game is only a few wooden pencils, it doesn't belong to me. What did I leave behind. I didn't put my last 61 into the bottle of memory. Growing up is just a moment. Who can know which morning or evening it is? It can really mean that I have grown up. I have left my childhood and June day. Everything slipped through my fingers so inadvertently. It's silly not to know how to cherish.

  I've always wanted to grow up. Now I'm a little scared. Time flies so fast, I'm afraid that when I'm 18 years old, like now, I don't keep anything, just a nameless loss. Now I hope time will go slowly. Let me cherish it and pick up all kinds of waves in life and put them into the bottle of memory.

  I have always wanted to grow up, and now I regret it. Now I hope to go back to my childhood and let me make up for my last 61. I regret that I didn't participate in the "June 1 day tour" at the same table. No one celebrates June day for us. We can live by ourselves.

  At lunch, I was thinking that they at the same table must be eating dumplings with relish in HUIFENGYUAN now. Forget it, just miss it. The important thing is not to remember the last June day, but every day, which is an ordinary day. Only seize every minute of every day and every drop of every day, and don't let it slip through your fingers again. I don't want to regret and hope to return to the present again when I am 18 years old. At that time, what I wanted was a colored bottle full of good memories.


  Today is May 30. Another day, June 1, is the international children's day. In order to welcome this day, our school held an award ceremony.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, all the teachers and students of our school came to the playground with solemn music and waited for the beginning of the ceremony.

  After a while, the award ceremony began. All the students were in high spirits and looked straight at the award platform with expectant eyes. First of all, the group total score award of the art festival. Unfortunately, there is no class 4 (1). It may be that we are not good in any aspect and need to learn from other classes. Then the excellent class award and class 4 (1) were awarded. It seems that we still have strength. Then the excellent young pioneers award, excellent parents award and those who were named have to go on stage to receive the award. Suddenly, I saw a kind face on the stage. It was my mother. She was holding the honor certificate of excellent parents. Although she looked a little nervous, I could feel that her mother was very happy at that moment from her eyes, I'm proud of my mother.

  I thought that the awarding activity was coming to an end, but I didn't expect another wish activity. Because there were many migrant children in our school and the conditions at home were not good, the school did its best to fulfill their material wishes for some students. Some students wanted a little rabbit and some wanted a pair of shoes... All of them were realized one by one this time, which surprised and surprised the students. At that moment, I felt that my school was a big family full of love. Our Diaozhuang primary school was no worse than other schools. In the future, I will study harder to make our school better and stronger. I love Diaozhuang primary school!

  Although there was no singing and dancing and no lively atmosphere in the past, this June 1st Festival is unforgettable to us!


  June 1 is our festival. In order to celebrate the festival, the school held a song and dance party to celebrate "June 1".

  The song and dance party was held in the newly completed music square of our school. Colorful flags fluttered on the square, and colorful lights added a festive atmosphere. The teachers and students of the whole school gathered together to celebrate "June 1". The sunset clouds at the horizon gently opened the curtain for the party. A song "heart to heart of children all over the world" brought us into a strong festive atmosphere. Then, one wonderful program after another showed to you. Among them, "aerobics" this program let me feast my eyes. A quick little girl held a ball in her hand and played the ball with various skills while doing beautiful gymnastics. You clearly saw the ball in her left hand. Just when you blinked, the ball rolled to her right hand again. The ball moves from left to right, up and down, which makes people dazzling.

  The programs are not only "moving" but also "static". That is the "fishing boat singing in the evening" played by Xu Mengdi and other students in my class with flute and violin. The beautiful music came into my ears. The music was euphemistic for a while, as if I saw the sunset; For a while, it seemed that I felt the excitement of the fishermen when they wanted to go home. The flowing music echoed in the square

  It was getting dark, and the students turned on the fluorescent lights and fluorescent sticks. From a distance, those colorful fluorescent rods are like sea anemones glowing in the deep sea, while those fluorescent lights are like stars in the sky. Even the stars are not as beautiful as it. No wonder there are no stars tonight. Maybe the stars are embarrassed to come out!

  The party is coming to an end, but the students are still reluctant to part with it. At the end of each program, there will be prolonged applause. Finally, the accompaniment of a piece of "Edelweiss" brought the party to a successful end.


  International Children's Day is coming. The school is decorated and the atmosphere is very active. I know we will have all kinds of activities today.

  When I came to school, I saw that the classrooms of all classes were beautifully decorated. The tables and chairs were moved on both sides, leaving a large space in the middle, which must be the venue for the performance later. All the students were too happy to shut their mouths.

  The activity began. The first program was the reading contest. The head teacher asked several students to come forward and read aloud. When they read the article, they all raised their heads, held their chest high, spoke clearly, fluently and vividly. The students under the stage applauded warmly from time to time. A classmate walked down easily after reading aloud. The audience burst into applause.

  The second program is guessing riddles. Each group asks three students, one to guess, one to act, and one to take words. The student who took the words went up and took a piece of paper. The student who did the action looked and thought for a while and made an action smartly. The student who guessed thought of a word according to the action and said it quickly. The student judges right and wrong immediately. In this way, they guessed one by one. Finally, a group that guessed the most was selected as the winning group.

  The activity was not only carried out in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. On the big playground, students participating in bands, singing teams and dance teams are also performing enthusiastically. Many teachers and students watched there. The students of the band lined up in four lines, holding the horn and suona, playing beautiful music rhythmically. The students of the singing team held a microphone and sang with their throats open as the band played. The students of the dance team danced lightly. Their movements are so light, so beautiful, so wonderful. At the end of a program, the audience immediately applauded and congratulated.

  Ah, children's day, it's very kind of you. You make us feel the joy of the festival.


  I have had many festivals, but what makes me happiest and most interesting is children's day.

  I remember that every year on children's day, our school will play some interesting games. This year, a new program called "garden activities" was launched. Every class will have some activities, and the activities of each class are different. If you are interested in the activities of that class, you can participate in the activities of that class, that is, the activities of traveling all over the campus.

  I heard that class 3 (2) plays the game of "sticking to the nose". It's very interesting to hear the name. So I first came to class 3 (2). As soon as I entered the door, I saw a sea of people there, which was very lively. I saw that the three lines were like three swaying dragons, vivid and full of air. I can't wait to go in, you see!

  Most of the students in front didn't stick it accurately: some pasted it on their eyes; Some are pasted on the blackboard; Others were stuck to their ears. It made the students laugh. Of course, there were several experts who pasted it.

  Finally it was my turn. I covered my eyes and took my nose. I moved my steps carefully and came to the blackboard. Suddenly, I felt the hard pull paper and pasted it. I took off my red scarf with great joy. I was stunned. Where did my nose go? Looking back, "ah! My nose fell on the ground!" As soon as my voice fell, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom. "Hahaha..." the hearty laughter spread all over the campus, and my face turned red. I didn't know what to do, so I had to follow them and giggle shyly.

  Ah! What an interesting garden tour! What an interesting children's Day!


  This day is the annual International Children's day. Everyone's faces are filled with the joy of the festival. In the morning, after the entrance ceremony of the new young pioneers from grade 1 to grade 3, Director Tan announced that the garden tour began. Everyone jumped three feet high. There are six park workers. One is to blow candles, the other is to light the nose, the third is to cross the single wooden bridge, the fourth is to throw table tennis, nothing is to shoot, and the sixth is to touch basketball blindfolded. These activities are distributed around the campus, and there is a long line in each garden. I came to my favorite activity - blowing candles. They lined up. I saw the first child in no hurry. As soon as he blew, the candle didn't go out. It might hang askew. The person on the side sneered and said, "Oh, it's so stupid that it can't be blown out so easily." The second child was like a flustered deer. He was very nervous. When he blew, the candle went out. The audience half laughed and half sarcastically said, "really, that's OK." At this time, the third student came up slowly, inhaled deeply and blew, but the potential gas was small and did not go out, and the people on one side began to laugh again

  After waiting for a long time, I finally swung me. I walked up slowly, thinking that if I couldn't blow out, I would be laughed at by everyone. If I did, there would be a prize. So I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and blew calmly, "great", "too capable" and "too powerful". Everyone said that I opened my eyes and saw the candle go out. I jumped three feet high with joy. At this time, I seemed to have won the gold medal in the Olympic venue. At this time, the teacher rewarded me with two sweets, which were like a medal. I not only got everyone's praise, but also the joy of success. My heart is sweeter than honey. After that, I went to line up

  At the end of the game, I got a lot of sugar. What a happy International Children's Day this is!

